King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 155 Izanagi

Chapter 155 Izanagi
In fact, Danzo really didn't have to kill and seize treasures when he came this time, mainly because he couldn't figure out the origin of the other party and the specific effects of the ninja equipment possessed by the other party, so this time he just wanted to temporarily bring this outsider to him. Go back to the root, do a brief investigation, and then deal with it as appropriate. However, at this moment, Danzo's thinking has changed. The other party has obviously conducted a secret investigation on Konoha, otherwise it would be impossible to understand the root, or even himself. You must know that as Konoha's guardian hidden deep in the ground, Danzo's identity is actually rarely known, except for those few jounin, Danzo is like an invisible person in Konoha, but this outsider knows him and can recognize yourself...
(It seems that someone from the mountain clan needs to examine him carefully!) Looking deeply at the ugly ghost in front of him, Danzo thought to himself.

"Is that eye of yours... already water-stopping?" Qin Fan frowned suddenly, looking at Xiangdanzo's right eye, which was tightly wrapped in gauze, and asked tentatively.

"Wha..." As one of the basic conditions, as the leader of Anbe Gen, the old man of the assassin, Danzo's energy-raising skills are definitely considered in the whole Konoha It is second to none, but facing the understatement of the person in front of him, Danzo was so shocked that he almost couldn't control his expression.

Although he personally executed the massacre of the Uchiha clan, he actually got the acquiescence from the above. Capturing Uchiha's eyes privately is also a reward for that action, but Shisui's eyes are different, and the effect of other gods is too special , although I prevaricate with the excuse that Shisui committed suicide and his eyes were destroyed, but the senior management of Hokage, including Hizhan, don't really believe this explanation, but they don't have any evidence, so there is nothing they can do about themselves, but the one in front of them Why is this guy...
"Oh..." Seeing the other party's hesitation, Qin Fan nodded, and then scratched his head with a silly smile: "I didn't want to do it at first, but this god... I'm still a little worried!"

Almost at the same time as Qin Fan's voice fell, the short and fat body had already appeared behind Danzo, and Qin Fan had already lifted Danzo's head in his hands.

"Hey! This cruel thing of gouging eyes should be left to the special person. I can't do it..." Qin Fan, who was holding his head and looking casual, was suddenly taken aback, but the next second he suddenly felt the scene in front of him. Twisting, followed by a muffled sound in the chest, completely unexpected, Qin Fan was also hit back several steps by this force, and at the moment when Qin Fan's body lost his balance, there was another series of attacks, only However, the surprise of the first strike was gone. When the opponent poked his throat for the third time, Qin Fan had already reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist and twisted it forcefully.

"Crack!" With the sound of bone shattering, the other party's wrist was completely broken, but the next second, my arm in my hand, including the figure in front of me, distorted and disappeared, replaced by Qin Fan not far away A figure slowly emerged.

"Izanaki..." Seeing the solid figure of the other party, Qin Fan showed a helpless expression on his face.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know so much about our Konoha?" Danzo stared at Qin Fan coldly and asked.

"Hey! I'm unlucky!" Qin Fan shook his head without any intention of answering the other party's words, but his figure faded in the same strange way, and finally disappeared directly.

Faced with the disappearance of Qin Fan's figure, Danzo's exposed one-eyed frown slightly, but he did not make any move to stop him. The strength of the opponent was too strange. He was obviously hit by himself many times, but the opponent was unscathed. That power and speed are all far beyond Kage-level. Although he still has a few times to use Izanaki, but even if he uses up all the times, he still doesn't have the confidence to take it down. It may be a good idea to let the opponent leave. s Choice.

"Damn it! If that eye is also there..." Reaching out his hand to lightly place it on his left eye, Danzo's face revealed a look of pity.

Of course, Qin Fan didn't leave at this time, he was just hiding aside, he was bound to get Shisui's eyes, how could he give up so easily, it's just that the other party has special skills like Izanaki, even if he Keep killing, the final result is likely to be that Shisui's eyes are also used by the opponent for Izanagi, and the gain will not be worth the loss at that time, so Qin Fan is waiting for the moment when the opponent removes Izanagi. It consumes a lot, and Qin Fan doesn't believe that the other party can use it all the time.

At this time, Danzo really has been using Izanaki and has not released it....
There is no way, the other party suddenly disappeared like this, no matter how careless Danzo is, he would not dare to disarm this life-saving skill easily, although Izanagi’s use is a bit heavy even for him who has implanted a generation of cells , but now he is on the periphery of Konoha, not very far from where Anbe is, he can still do it if he persists, so he simply drove Izanagi back like this, but even so What can be done, his chakra is limited after all, but Qin Fan can follow him like this without any scruples.

After returning to Anbu, I don’t know if he felt that he was already safe, and finally Danzo, who was a little overwhelmed, still formed the handprint of understanding Izanaki, but at the moment when he finished the handprint, the flowing timeline was blocked. People rudely pulled!

"It should be lifted, right? It's been so long!" Looking at Danzo who was fixed there, Qin Fan circled around him, looked at the bandage that was a bit troublesome to untie, and finally decided to put it on It would be better to take the whole headband back and let Diana help with it.

Throwing his head into his private space, Qin Fan resumed his invisible state again, and then canceled the time pause. He was going to see if Danzo would be resurrected. If so, he would simply turn around and leave. He didn't believe that the other party could I use Izanaki 360/[-] for [-] days, at worst I come over when I am free that day, anyway, I have time to pause Qin Fan believes that he can kill the opponent at any time if he wants.

The crow's mouth of the great god Murphy appeared again, and things will always develop in the worst direction. The headless corpse slowly disappeared. But Su's stomach was strong and he stood there, precarious as if he could faint at any time.

"I can hand over Shisui's eyes to you!" To Qin Fan's surprise, Danzo, who escaped with Izanaki again, suddenly said such a sentence, saying that Rang was about to turn around Qin Fan, who was leaving, couldn't help but stop, turned his head and looked suspiciously at Danzo, who looked obviously exhausted, thinking that this guy had reached his limit?
(End of this chapter)

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