King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 171 Susanoo

Chapter 171 Susanoo
"It's impossible for me to do something that would endanger Konoha!" Uchiha Itachi's words made the eyes of the people present change when they looked at him.

As a traitor, it is a bit ridiculous to say that it is impossible to do things that endanger the Ninja Village he betrayed!However, Itachi's expression at this time became more and more determined: "Even if I got the illusion, I believe that what I did was not wrong. The Uchiha clan is impossible to succeed, and the final result is to be exterminated. I do this At least I can hold Sasuke's life, I am not wrong."

"Is this really the case? Do you really think that if the Uchiha clan riots, Konoha will fight with the Uchiha clan forever?" Qin Fan said again: "It should have been a few years after the end of the Third World War. The situation is not completely stable, and there are nine tails running away and four generations falling. I am afraid that Konoha's situation is not very good. This is also the reason why the Uchiha clan wants to rebel. In this case, Konoha is the most The smart solution is to compromise and meet the requirements of the Uchiha clan!" Qin Fan said.

"But what the Uchiha clan wants is the control of Konoha!" Uchiha Itachi was once again influenced by Qin Fan's words, and he may also want to persuade the other party and himself at the same time in his heart, although Uchiha Itachi has even Some are sure that he is indeed affected by illusion, but he still hopes that this is just his conjecture.

"I believe your father should not be so naive as to think that the Uchiha clan can completely control Konoha, but even if he really wants to control Konoha, so what? The Uchiha clan is not a foreign race, and you and the Senju clan share Founded Konoha, even if someone from the Uchiha clan is the Hokage, why not? Don’t forget that Konoha is in the country of fire, and what the Uchiha clan is good at is fire escape. Don’t you think that as a person who is good at Is the Uchiha Clan of Fire Dungeon more suitable for the position of Hokage than the Senshou Clan who is biased toward Water Dungeon?"

"No! The Uchiha clan is not suitable to be Hokage. The Uchiha clan is more advocating personal force. They have no way to lead Konoha to go further. If the Uchiha clan is really allowed to lead Konoha, it will only lead Konoha to perdition. That's right. , It is precisely because of this that it is the most correct choice to let the Uchiha clan perish." Itachi seemed to have finally figured it out, and his face showed an expression of excitement that he had never seen before.

However, after hearing this, not only Qin Fan, but everyone present felt that something was wrong with Itachi Uchiha!

"Yeah! The most correct choice, then I'm asking you the last question, if I let you choose, help me destroy Konoha, I will let your brother go, otherwise I will bury your brother in Konoha Among the ruins, how do you choose?" The cold voice made Uchiha Itachi's somewhat sickly excited expression suddenly freeze.

Sasuke and Konoha!Itachi's brain quickly flipped over these two words, and he was stunned for four or five seconds, but itachi's face that had a strange expression on it suddenly returned to calm...
"I choose the third one..." Without any hesitation, black windmills formed in the blood-red eyes, scarlet blood tears flowed, and Qin Fan's whole body was instantly wrapped in black flames: "You die!"

"What?" The sudden change made no one in the room expect it. The hot black flames caused the temperature in the room to rise instantly. Everyone, including Nagato, jumped around quickly. Huo was very afraid, only Qin Fan, who was wrapped in black flames, could not move.

"Sorry! There are only two options for this question, and your third choice is not valid!" The huge toad mouth suddenly sucked in the flames around him, but the extremely hot black fire was sucked by Qin Fan like a long whale sucking water. Inhaled directly into the mouth, the so-called inextinguishable black flame was swallowed by someone like noodles and disappeared.

"This..." Everyone in the Xiao organization showed shocked expressions when they saw such a scene.

They knew exactly how strong Itachi's Amaterasu fire was. Even they dared not touch such a flame with their bodies, but the person in front of them was... eaten?
"If you continue to attack, I will regard you as choosing the second option. Are you sure you want your brother to die too?" Qin Fan shrugged and said.

A simple sentence caused the kaleidoscope blood moon in Itachi's eyes, which represented his strongest strength, to scatter instantly, and the confused eyes rarely appeared on this resolute cheek that would not change his face when he was hurt by a killer of his own family. However, after a few seconds, the confused eyes were replaced by firmness again, the kaleidoscope blood wheel eyes and the purple Susano appeared instantly, and the huge purple sword fiercely slashed at Qin Fan who was close at hand.

The sand house that was originally unique to Sand Ninja Village collapsed in an instant, and several figures wearing blood cloud cloaks flashed out, and amidst the smoke and dust, the tall Susano and his other figure under the lightsaber stood out particularly conspicuously.

Looking at the eyes with blood and tears, Qin Fan, who was just guessing at first, has already confirmed that the other party must have been hit by Bie Tianshen, who is known as the strongest illusion, otherwise, with the character of the other party's younger brother, it is impossible to really let it go. His younger brother's life was threatened. Of course, it is also possible that he thought he could kill Qin Fan, but with the strength Qin Fan showed... that would be a bit of self-deception!
Blocking the huge blade that was disproportionate to himself with one hand, Qin Fan sighed helplessly: "It seems that it is impossible to reason with someone who has been enchanted by the illusion, since this is the case...then It depends on whose illusion is better!"

With Qin Fan's words out, light blue light and shadows flickered from Qin Fan's eyes, not as grand as a kaleidoscope, but as another world's strongest skill, its effect will definitely not compare to this world's Just don't make a difference... Maybe!
The purpose of using the magic mirror was to make Itachi fall into a hypnotized state, but Itachi hiding in the Susanoo seemed not to be affected at all, and he still stood there and stared at Qin Fan coldly.

"Uh... this is a bit embarrassing!" Qin Fan is a little unsure whether the other party's indifference to Jinghua Shuiyue is due to Susano or the effect of the other party's blood wheel eyes. No matter which one is, in Qin Fan's opinion, as long as it is beaten It should be enough for him to be half-dead to make him unable to use these two skills, in this case...
There was a flash of light all over Qin Fan's body, and his figure appeared in front of the huge Susano in an instant, and then he said in a stinking manner: "The Weasel God Susano, I don't know if he can withstand my punch? "As he said that, he punched the huge blue unexpectedly in the chest.

Originally, Qin Fan was in a state of rapidity, even though the kaleidoscope's blood wheel eyes were amazingly dynamic, he couldn't capture them, but Qin Fan had to be frightened in this job, and itachi, who was waiting for work, saw this slight pause but didn't have any hesitation.

"Eight-footed mirror..." A huge shield appeared on Susanoo's chest...
(End of this chapter)

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