King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 204 Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 204 Nuclear Bomb
"Boom!" Among the ruins of the building, the ashen-faced Sol slowly climbed up, the blood stains on his face still made him look extraordinarily embarrassed. There was no damage to the horns at all, showing the gap in strength between the two.

"Do you Asgardians always think that you are superior? Your brother should get a fair trial if he kills others, and you should be beaten to death if someone kills your brother! Human beings are like you people in God's Domain Just like a dog like that, if a puppy is abused and dies, you only need to be severely reprimanded, at worst, you will be fined some money, and if the dog kills a person, you will be executed! There is no difference between you and your brother." Qin Fan said plainly. Said.

"Hehe! I like your analogy!" Saul grinned a little gasping and said, apparently mocking Qin Fan for comparing humans to dogs.

Qin Fan seemed to notice his slip of the tongue, but he shrugged indifferently. In fact, he didn't think he was human a long time ago!

"Haha! I thought you Asgardians only like to talk with your fists, but I didn't expect that some of you also like to play tricks! This hammer is not you, you should be a mirror! The kind used by women!" Qin Fan smiled. looked at each other and said.

The original smile froze a little bit, because the smug smile that caught the loopholes in the other party's words was replaced by shame and anger, and the war hammer of the representative Prince Asgard was raised again and directly smashed at Qin Fan.

"Bang!" Qin Fan didn't continue to dodge this time, but reached out and grabbed the hammer.

A strange sound of "hum" resounded from the midair, and then the Zeta Swiss soldiers that had been pouring out of the sky began to fall in large numbers, just like a remote-control plane that suddenly lost power.

And almost at the same time as Qin Fan raised his head to look in mid-air, Iron Man's gorgeous battle armor also flew over Qin Fan and slowly fell down. Looking at the state of the two, Iron Man's visor opened directly: "Two Can you let go of personal grievances first, I have blocked the communication of those aliens now, but I can't guarantee how long it will last, we must close the wormhole as soon as possible!"

Glancing at Sol, who was a little tottering over there, Qin Fan let go of the opponent's hammer and jumped into the air with a disdainful smile.

"Stop! Our business is not over yet!" Saul had obviously lost his strength, but Sol still yelled at Qin Fan unwillingly.

For a long time, as the heir of Odin, the prince of Asgard, Thor is not only confident and conceited, his powerful strength allows him to dare to challenge everything, but it also prevents him from being able to correct his own weaknesses. Odin used to be for this reason After taking back his divine power, he hoped to make him understand that not everything can be solved through power. Sol, who suffered a loss, did learn a lot, but obviously Loki's death made him completely forget the lesson!

"Of course it's not over! You Asgardians took the initiative to provoke and launched an attack on the earth. I will settle this account with you personally!" Looking down at Sol, Qin Fan's figure disappeared instantly. At the same time But it has already appeared on the top floor of Stark Tower.

Similar to the original book, the doctor of physics controlled by Loki on the top floor of the building and Natasha are both there. After seeing Qin Fan suddenly appearing, Natasha is the first to speak: "Is Loki's scepter in your hand?" On, Dr. Eric said it was needed to close the wormhole!"

Although I feel that I have not achieved the effect with him, but it is hard for people to ask Qin Fan face to face that he did not see the scepter. Anyway, there are still many opportunities. Qin Fan simply took out the scepter and closed the wormhole directly according to the other party's method. .

"Wait a minute!" Natasha suddenly shouted almost the moment the wormhole closed.

Qin Fan, who was reaching out to put the Rubik's Cube and Loki's Scepter into his private space, froze and looked at Natasha with a frown. He just poured dirty water on Sol with all his might. The important reason is that Qin Fan wants to keep the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in a legitimate way. As for the S.H.I.E.L.D., it is even more impossible for Qin Fan to hand over these two Infinity Gems to the other party, so seeing Natasha at this time, she didn't want to stop Qin Fan at all. I have to pay attention to it, but I didn't expect that Natasha didn't care at all when she saw the Rubik's Cube and the scepter disappeared, but she still said in horror: "It's not good, a nuclear bomb is coming from our side!"

At this time, Qin Fan also remembered that there was indeed such a scene in the original plot, but in the movie, Iron Man sent it into the wormhole to destroy the alien spaceship. However, the wormhole has been closed at this time, and the nuclear bomb
"The nuclear bomb will be detonated in only 3 minutes. We must send it to a sparsely populated place. Doctor, can the wormhole be opened again?" Stark asked as the red armor flew over the heads of the crowd.

"Impossible, the machine was destroyed when it was just shut down, and even if it wasn't damaged, the preparation work couldn't be completed within 3 minutes!" Dr. Eric said directly.

Hearing Eric's words, Stark didn't continue to ask, but immediately turned around and flew away. There is only one way now, which is to carry the nuclear bomb as far as possible away from the crowd, and the sea is next to him. If the nuclear bomb can be delivered to a certain If the seabed is deep, the threat may be much smaller, right?
As a genius, Stark rarely feels that his mind is not enough, but at this moment he really can't think of other ways, the only thing he knows now is that he only has 3 minutes, if he can't If the nuclear bomb is sent beyond the safety line, the lives of more than 800 million people in New York may disappear completely in an instant, so he no matter what
"Leave the rest to me!" A familiar and confident voice sounded from Stark's side, and then a short and fat figure instantly surpassed Stark who was flying at full strength at this time, facing the distance tightly Only a nuclear bomb with a black spot can be seen, and the black spot disappears together with the figure in the next second.

"This" Stark stopped in mid-air involuntarily, and the radar attached to the armor began to scan everything around, but there was still that unique figure there: "Where did he send the nuclear bomb? "

"Space!" The abrupt voice sounded from Stark's side again, but Stark, who was in a daze, almost didn't fall from midair.

"You..." Stark stared blankly at Qin Fan, who seemed to be undamaged from the beginning to the end, and still looked leisurely on vacation. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say for a while. up.

(End of this chapter)

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