King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 213 Is it Important?

Chapter 213 Is it Important? (End!)
Leaving Pierce's residence, Qin Fan walked alone on the road and did not use the teleport to return to S.H.I.E.L.D., because he suddenly felt really bored, somehow involved in the conspiracy of these mortals, as if he was walking carelessly Stepping on the trap set by the bear boy, there is no way to bring him any harm, but it is indeed disgusting!Even if he could slap those brats to death afterwards, the depressed feeling of being calculated by the brats still couldn't be eliminated.

"Maybe I'm not suitable for playing this kind of intellectual game. If I choose the violent push mode at the beginning, I shouldn't be so depressed?" Qin Fan said to himself.

Every time Qin Fan feels that this world is boring, he habitually wants to change to another world to see, but this time is different, because Qin Fan has always been very concerned about the illusion that the Mind Stone let him enter last time, so in a short time Qin Fan is not going to leave this world, at least not until he gets the power gem.

Thinking of the Soul Gem, Qin Fan subconsciously took out the yellow gemstone again. Under the moonlight, this gemstone looked very eye-catching. Qin Fan put it on his eyes, and through the moonlight, he could see the inside like There are countless light spots circulating in the universe. I remember that in the movie, this thing seemed to be inlaid on the forehead by illusion. Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan stretched this gem towards his forehead, but at this moment, it became stronger. The force of the impact suddenly hit the soul gem, and the powerful kinetic energy even knocked Qin Fan's body backwards, and then he fell directly backwards. You must know that with Qin Fan's current physical fitness, he can shake his body. One can imagine his strength.

On a building three kilometers away from Qin Fan, through the scope of the anti-tank sniper rifle, the Winter Soldier saw that the target had arrived and quickly began to disassemble and put away the sniper rifle!
However, on the other side, Qin Fan, who seemed to have been shot in the head, had a forehead injury inlaid with the gold-colored soul gem. At this time, Qin Fan didn't even understand what was going on. It was because the surrounding scenery suddenly felt distorted, as if suddenly loaded into another world, but Qin Fan sat on the ground under the impact of the impact just now, but felt that the ground was not a hard asphalt road but a soft sandy soil!

Stretching out his hand to pinch the sand on the ground, his hands were very wet, as if water seeped out, and as Qin Fan stood up from the ground, the ground seemed to have become a little muddy, almost subconsciously, Qin Fan's body was lifted into the air, and the water had covered the sand, almost instantly The original desert has become a vast ocean with rippling blue waves.

Qin Fan frowned, and just when Qin Fan was hesitating how to leave this boundless ocean, something seemed to slowly drill out of the sea under his feet, the metal spikes seemed to be a Immediately after the iron rod, the sea surface seemed to be receding. The original sand had disappeared, and the bottom of the metal spike was exposed. It looked like the top floor of a building. The desert turned into a steel jungle.

Qin Fan subconsciously flew in one direction, but he felt more and more familiar with the building under his feet. Finally, Qin Fan landed in front of a cylindrical building!

"This is a big chimney?" Qin Fan subconsciously said to himself. This so-called big chimney is not a real chimney, but the name of a building. Qin Fan was very impressed.

However, at the moment when Qin Fan was stunned, the surroundings became noisy, and the originally empty streets became lively at some point.

Frowning, Qin Fan rose from the ground again, but flew in another direction. If this is really the earth, and it is the earth before he crossed, then his home is not.
In front of the dilapidated seventh-floor building, Qin Fan's body stood empty in front of a window on the sixth floor, looking inside. A scruffy man with disheveled hair was sitting at a computer desk concentrating on the screen, while manipulating the mouse and keyboard as if typing. Game, but isn't that extremely familiar face just the self before time travel?

Can't go wrong!It's wrong that I was playing games before time travel!I am not playing games, I should be watching cartoons.
"Now this virus can't come with something new, and if I want to understand the meaning of life, I'll just think about what you can do! Damn." A scream came out through the screen window, and Qin Fan subconsciously asked Looking in the room, I saw the man who looked exactly the same as before he crossed over suddenly let out a scream, but the man's arm holding the mouse disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if a group of invisible insects were It seemed to be eating away at his arm, and the terrified cry was accompanied by the sound of the chair falling and the water glass breaking, but the man's body was swallowed at a speed visible to the naked eye, until the whole body disappeared completely.
"It's a familiar feeling, but I remember it." Qin Fan frowned and seemed to be talking to himself, and the memory that was taken for granted in his mind seemed to have a vague phantom.

"I remembered!" An abrupt voice sounded from Qin Fan's ear, as if someone was suddenly lying on his shoulder and speaking into his ear.

Because of the confusion of memory, Qin Fan seemed to be extremely sensitive at this time, without even thinking about it, he threw his hands and hit the back completely instinctively.However, Qin Fan's arm was thrown into the air, and there was nothing behind him, only an endless piece of yellow sand, but the old buildings had disappeared, and Qin Fan's body was not floating in midair at this time. Instead, he just stood in the sand.

"Moo" a strange cry sounded from under Qin Fan's feet, but the little toad with a raw meat crown appeared on Qin Fan's sand again at some point and made that deep cry at Qin Fan!

Slowly reaching out to pick up the little toad, the originally confused expression became a little helpless: "Is everything fake?"

Qin Fan finally remembered that he didn't enter this magical world because he missed the Vajra Gourd Baby. In fact, he was playing games in front of the computer the day before time travel, and then a pop-up window popped up inexplicably, saying "Do you want to understand?" Is the meaning of life?
That's right!Qin Fan once entered the infinite world, and then went through hundreds of missions, and finally became the top ten masters in the world. In the end, ten of them decided to join forces to kill God in order to get rid of the control of the main god.
"Are we all dead?" Qin Fan asked, looking sideways at the woman.

"Hehe! Remember?" the girl said with a slight smile.

"Almost! In the last battle, we and the Lord God died together, so we should all be dead, right?" Qin Fan said with a chuckle.

"Yes! But it doesn't include you!" The girl seemed to be lost in memory, and said with a sense of loss: "In the last battle, we joined forces to kill the gods. Although we killed him, the final result was just to die together , only your luck is good, when the main god blew himself up, he merged with its origin and formed a new infinite world!"

"Wait! Are you saying that what I experienced after I became a toad commander was not a dream?" Qin Fan looked at the other party in surprise and said, since the main god has disappeared in the last battle, then the so-called infinite world should also disappear, and What I have experienced these days should be just my fantasy, but if it is true that I have integrated the origin of the main god as the other party said, then what I have experienced, the inexplicably appearing exchange list, and the props with magical effects, It seems that it has become less obtrusive!
"Is it important?" the girl said with a slight smile.

Hearing what the girl said, Qin Fan, who had a surprised expression on his face, seemed to understand something. He shook his head lightly and said to himself, "Yes! Is it important!"

ps: Finished (lan) ended (wei) (le)!In fact, the writing of this book is quite bumpy. I caught a bad cold during the Chinese New Year, and my mind was dizzy every day. The plot became more and more chaotic. Many settings exceeded the original outline, and I expected it to hit the street. Among them, of course, this is not an excuse. Even if I don’t have a cold, I know that my writing is average, and the control of the plot is not very good. There are many places that need to be honed. This book has been written for four months. Although the grades have not been good, if I haven't taken a day off every day, it should be regarded as hard work?If a friend reads these, it means that you can at least accept Fan Tian’s novels, try Fan Tian’s new book, [Seven Ji Mozun] It’s not a pity to abandon it if you find it boring!

(End of this chapter)

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