King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 23 Lanruo Temple

Chapter 23 Lanruo Temple

"Stop! Don't be afraid, I'm not human, no! I'm not a bad person!!!" History is always so strangely similar. In the gloomy forest, a handsome scholar ran wildly behind, followed by a man with a flat nose, wide mouth and toad eyes. The short legs are also walking fast, of course it is His Excellency Qin Fan!

"Of course you are not a bad person, you are a monster!" The young man with the bookcase in front shouted while running wildly!

"Hey! Do all the ancient scholars deserve to be beaten like this?" Qin Fan's face turned dark, and he wanted to use Lingbo Weibu to stop the other party first, but Qin Fan followed the Yijing hexagram. As soon as he took a step, there was a sudden pause and the whole person stopped abruptly.

Right in front of Qin Fan, a stone tablet was erected among the weeds and withered vines, and on the stone tablet, three large characters were inscribed!

"Lanruo Temple!" Qin Fan silently read the words on the stone tablet, but after Qin Fan read these three words, something seemed to be touched in the dark, Qin Fan almost instinctively replaced the exchange light screen, but Seeing that there were a lot more products in the dazzling array of products on the light screen, the eyes of Qin Fan, who was looking at the basic sword skills, lit up.

Before he was reborn, Qin Fan was very envious of the sword fairy in the fairy tale novels. He could break through all spells with one sword, and kill the enemy thousands of miles away with one move. However, when Qin Fan looked at the exchange price, it was Some depressed!

Basic fencing skills, the luck value required for exchange is 10!
Even though he was mentally prepared, Qin Fan was really taken aback by this number, one hundred thousand luck, this is fifty Jiumozhi!But in this world, is it possible to obtain luck points by hunting other people?If you can….
"Where is the monster?" An angry shout came from Lanruo Temple, and then a bearded man with a relatively backward hairline came out of the temple with a sword in hand, and saw Qin Fan who was standing at the door, and was stunned: "... ..What an ugly monster!"

"You monster, grandma! How can you tell that I belong to a monster? I think you are a monster. Your whole family and the whole neighborhood are monsters!" Qin Fan couldn't help but cursed.

Yan Chixia was obviously taken aback by Qin Fan's sudden outburst, she took a small step back hesitantly and said, "Hey! A man full of love, is he really a monster?"

"This... I thought it looked a bit like it just now, but now it looks like it's just ugly... right?" Ning Caichen said very uncertainly at this time.

That's right, standing in front of the gate of Lanruo Temple at this time, discussing whether Qin Fan is a monster or not is the official two main characters in A Chinese Ghost Story, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia.

After seeing Lanruo Temple, Qin Fan had already reacted, so when he saw the two of them, he took his seat and recognized their identities.

"Weird and weird! This is Lanruo Temple, if there is nothing to do, leave as soon as possible!" Yan Chixia also saw that Qin Fan was not a monster at this time, uh... In fact, he didn't see it, the reason why he decided that Qin Fan was not a monster was because Because Ning Caichen is not a martial arts practitioner at first glance, if he is targeted outside Lanruo Temple, there is no reason to run away, and there is a thousand-year-old monster behind Lanruo Temple. He has seen that monster before. It is a thousand-year-old pagoda tree spirit. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Since there is a monster here, it is natural that the little monster from outside should not appear here. The reason why he came out was that the scholar had met the tree spirit. Thinking that it was just an ugly ghost with a strange appearance, he immediately lost interest.

Seeing Yan Chixia turning around and approaching Lanruo Temple, Ning Caichen hurriedly followed, but did not want Yan Chixia to suddenly stop and look back in dissatisfaction: "Why are you following me?"

"Uh... I'm here to stay!" Ning Caichen said hastily.

"Inconvenient!" Yan Chixia said with a cold expression.

"Why is it inconvenient?" Ning Caichen was already penniless, and it was the wilderness outside. He really had nowhere to go, so when he heard what Yan Chixia said, he could only stalk and ask. .

Seeing Ning Caichen following her, Yan Chixia turned her head again and pointed at Qin Fan outside and said in a cold voice: "The one outside is a fake monster, but there are real monsters inside! I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, hum Hmph! Your love will not save you!"

After Yan Chixia finished speaking, she jumped straight up to the second floor, but Ning Caichen was really taken aback by her ghostly appearance.

"Haha! How can there be monsters in this world? Haha!" Ning Caichen laughed a few times, turned around and saw that the ugly ghost seemed to follow in, and shuddered involuntarily, but he quickly searched for it. A Zen room walked in.

In the original book, Yan Chixia resolutely did not allow Ning Caichen to live in Lanruo Temple, but then again, with Yan Chixia's martial arts, even if she doesn't like killing people at will, it is not difficult to beat Ning Caichen and throw him out. Since Caichen can stay at Lanruo Temple, it means that Yan Chixia has acquiesced. After all, it is dark. If Yan Chixia insists on driving Ning Caichen out at this time, this down-and-out scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken is considered a good one. To be eaten by a monster would probably also be buried in the belly of a wolf, so although Yan Chixia was mean, she actually agreed with Ning Caichen to stay for the next night, but he didn't like to socialize with people, and if he frightened the other party, he just hoped that the other party would live tomorrow. Leave early in the morning to save trouble.

Qin Fan stepped closer to Lanruo Temple, but in his mind he was recalling the plot of A Chinese Ghost Story. Qin Fan had seen this movie, but the time was a little far away, and most of the plots in it could not be remembered clearly. I remember that there was a tree spirit here who used female ghosts to seduce pedestrians. Nie Xiaoqian was the female ghost under this tree spirit. Later, she met Ning Caichen and seemed to like Ning Caichen, and then Yan Chixia fought against the tree spirit. There is an old black mountain demon, but Qin Fan can't remember whether the old black mountain demon is the first or the second... Wait, is the second one the one with the monk?

It's been too long, but Qin Fan's memory is a little messy, but the general plot is not bad. It's just that the old demon of Montenegro is not the second part, but the same plot in the first part. The old demon, Yan Chixia wounded the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit and took Ning Caichen and Xiaoqian away, but she didn't want to be robbed by the old demon of Montenegro halfway After that, Xiaoqian was rescued. As for the old monk fighting the centipede, that is the third plot. In fact, Qin Fan is not very interested in these plots. Now he seems to know whether he can beat the tree spirit grandma !
That's right, Qin Fan really wanted to destroy the tree spirit, not because he wanted to eliminate demons and defend the way. You must know that if you trace back to the source, Qin Fan's body is also a monster, and Qin Fan is not the kind of righteous man Existence, the reason why I want to kill the dryad grandma is completely because I want to spawn monsters and explode my luck!Yes, with Jiumozhi's lessons learned, Qin Fan can already confirm that the luck value is obtained after killing important plot characters. With the luck value, Qin Fan can directly exchange for the skill of controlling the sword!Who says nerds don't work hard, it's because they don't have goals, once they have goals nerds work harder than anyone else, you know that staying up for a few days and nights for a game equipment is not something ordinary people can persist in!

However, Qin Fan was a little hesitant when it came to Tree Extermination Spirit, because Qin Fan was worried that he would not be able to beat him!

(End of this chapter)

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