King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 34 Protecting Rukia

Chapter 34 Protecting Rukia

"Although I can't bear it, I'm afraid I can't let you leave!" With Kurosaki Ichigo in one hand, Kurosaki, who had already turned into a god of death, looked indifferently at Rukia on the opposite side and Qin Fan behind Rukia. The man spoke.

"Damn!!!" Qin Fan originally said that he wanted to see what would happen if the protagonist of this world really died, but he didn't expect that things were completely beyond his expectations.

"You, you are Shinigami!" Rukia said in surprise, looking at the Zanpakutō on Kurosaki Isshin's waist in front of him.

"Hey!" Sighing slightly, Kurosaki Isshin didn't answer Rukia's words at all, his helpless eyes suddenly became cold, almost at the same time an invisible coercion enveloped Rukia and Qin Fan instantly.

The huge spiritual pressure crushed all of Rukia's will almost instantly, and her whole body immediately went limp!
"Hey!" Qin Fan didn't respond to this level of spiritual pressure, but this intensity of spiritual pressure would do great harm to Lukia in front of him, and it wasn't just a matter of will. God knows if it will harm her soul or body as usual. Qin Fan doesn't care much about Lukia. The main reason is that his task requirement is to ensure that Lukia will not be harmed within 15 minutes. Qin Fan originally thought this task was very simple. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and the opponent used this kind of AOE spiritual pressure to attack Qin Fan, there was no way to help Lukia cover it!

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan's eyes gradually became indifferent: "If you dare to hurt her, I will kill you, and then I will kill all three of your children!"

Qin Fan's threat also seemed to make Kurosaki Isshin angry. In fact, at the beginning, Kurosaki Isshin didn't want to kill the two of them, but just wanted to use Reiatsu to make them faint, and then he was trying to find a way to put the two people's memories about himself. Erase, but the sudden threat of this ugly monster in front of him touched Kurosaki's heart. Since his wife died, his son and daughter are everything to him. His wife's child, someone dared to threaten him with his own child, Kurosaki said with all his heart... he couldn't bear it!
"What did you... say?" A cold voice sounded from behind Qin Fan!However, the direction Qin Fan was staring at was empty.

(So ​​fast? Is this Shunpo?) Qin Fan immediately reacted. If it was the old Qin Fan, he might feel a little guilty at this time, because the opponent's speed is so fast that he can't even keep up with his own line of sight. Not to mention the body, if he fights with the opponent, he may only be regarded as a target, but at this moment, for some unknown reason, Qin Fan suddenly feels an inexplicable restlessness in his body.

"I said...kill your whole family!" With the cold voice, the heart of the thousand-year-old locust tree in his hand was swept back suddenly. The wall of the small building purchased at ten times the price collapsed directly, and the violent force shocked Kurosaki Yixin who once again used Shunpo to avoid Qin Fan's attack.

The other party is obviously not a god of death, but how can there be such a strong power?Quincy?Impossible, Kurosaki Isshin, whose wife is Quincy, is very familiar with Quincy's static and dynamic blood armor ability. Although it can also provide powerful attack power, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect. Who is the other party?

Qin Fan looked up at Kurosaki Isshin who was standing in the mid-air at this time, and he was also a little depressed. The god of death is good at this, because it is related to the soul body, they can fly at will regardless of gravity, and although his Lingbo Weibo is amazing, but But there is no way to let myself fly.

"Wow! It's so lively, are you two discussing each other?" Accompanied by the crisp clogging sound, Kisuke Urahara, wearing a white and green fisherman hat and holding a cane, walked out of the street with an unchanging smile on his face. Walking from the other end: "Such a big commotion will disturb the neighbors, why don't you show me face, how about we sit down and talk?"

(Damn! You thought you were a redhead, so I'll give you some face!) Qin Fan was a little depressed, but this time he didn't say anything more. There's no way he can't hit the opponent because he can fly, and The moment just now seems to have vented a lot of the restlessness in Qin Fan's body, but now he feels that his mission is to protect Rukia from getting hurt anyway, so it would be nice if it can be resolved peacefully. When thinking about whether he should also buy a flying skill, he remembered that Reaper seems to have a similar ability, Quincy and Fullemergence seem to be both, Qin Fan thinks he should study it when he has time.

On the other side, Kurosaki Isshin is of course not unreasonable. Kisuke Urahara just said "but it will disturb the neighbors" to him. Of course, the so-called neighbors are talking about Soul World, if it is not because of worry The Soul Realm discovered his existence, and he would not use Reiatsu on Lukia and Qin Fan at first, after all, Lukia also saved his daughter at the beginning, and although Qin Fan tried to stop Lukia, but Kurosaki Isshin, as the captain-level god of death in the past, could also see that Rukia was obviously too impulsive at that time. Even if she could stand between Ichigo and that Xu, her sword would not have time to cut it. In the end, it is very likely that he was bitten by the false one, so in Kurosaki Yixin's view, it is not incomprehensible that Qin Fan's shot was just to stop Rukia's impulsive behavior. The child threatened him because he was performing spiritual pressure on the two of them. All in all, the two had no enmity, he just didn't want the two to reveal his information to the soul world.

"I have nothing to do with Soul World and I'm not from Aizen!" To be honest, just one Kurosaki Isshin Qin Fan feels very difficult, and if you add Urahara Kisuke, if you really fight, even if the opponent can't hurt Myself, but the question is what kind of sealing technique does the other party use to seal me?So Qin Fan thought it was better to explain clearly.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Kurosaki Isshin and Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but glanced at each other, and it was Urahara Kisuke who spoke first: "Your Excellency said that he is not from the Soul World, and that he has nothing to do with Aizen...Your Excellency seems to know a lot Where are things?" Urahara Kisuke slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Fan.

"Uh..." Qin Fan didn't expect that he would let the other party catch a loophole by saying it casually, so he hates chatting with such a smart person the most!

"I don't know much, I just know that you were cheated by Aizen, and the whole soul world thought you were studying the subject of the ghost of death, and I also knew that you made a thing called Beng Yu, which can break the gap between the god of death and the ghost. I also know that he was originally called Shiba Isshin, from the Shiba family of the five major families in the soul world, married Quincy Kurosaki Masaki, and his son Kurosaki Ichigo also has a hollow in his body!" Qin Fan simply told all the plot about the two people that he knew, and Kurosaki Isshin and Urahara Kisuke were completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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