King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 37 4 Maple Yard Night 1

Chapter 37 Sifengyuan Night One
Xuye Palace, of course Qin Fan knows what this place is. As the headquarters of Pomian, anyone who has seen Death God should know it, but Qin Fan can't figure out why the other party came to him?You must know that although you have come to the plane of the god of death, you have not made any major moves except because of the random mission once. Is it because you wantonly killed ordinary people and made Xuye Palace dissatisfied?Qin Fan doesn't think so. Although Qin Fan consciously killed a lot of Xu these days, he can still count them. You must know that in the original book, Ishida Uryu used the bait to attract Xu because he wanted to compete with Kurosaki Ichigo And compared with Kurosaki Ichigo, Xu Yegong didn't respond to it at all. If it is said that Qin Fan hunted and killed Xu too much, you must know that as the NO. 1 Ke Yatai Stark, even ordinary people will die if they get close to him. I am afraid that there are ten times more people who died in his hands than Qin Fan. Isn't it still no one to ask?In any case, Qin Fan didn't think those bad faces would come to trouble him just because he had killed many ordinary Xu.

But if not for this, then for what?Simply looking at yourself is not happy?Qin Fan has never dealt with any Xu who is above the level of Killian, so why would he be upset if he hasn't even seen it?His gaze involuntarily landed on the three characters Xuyegong on the wall again. The scratches were thicker than swords and more like they were scratched out by tall people with their fingers, etc...
Qin Fan's eyes fell on the starting position of one of the notches, but the three slightly small depressions made Qin Fan's expression a little strange.

"Huh!" With a soft snort, Qin Fan suddenly thought of the hard and soft Yin-Yang sword wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet, but suddenly rushed out like a living thing, and lightly swiped on the wall to erase the words written on it. The wall bricks with the words Xuyegong were cut off. Qin Fan finally got his wish and exchanged for the elementary sword control technique because he had accumulated a lot of luck these days. There are also requirements for the sword. Ordinary ordinary iron can't be used at all. Fortunately, the hard and soft Yin-Yang sword that Qin Fan brought out from the gourd baby world has always been with him. Although I don't know why this sword can't be turned into a normal size, but only The size of a palm can be used as a censor, and it is more difficult to be discovered because of its lightness and small size. Qin Fan feels that it is much easier to use than getting bigger.

The little sword was wrapped around Qin Fan's wrist again, and when he flipped over the wall with one hand, it disappeared and replaced it with a wooden stick that looked half-new, but it was Qin Fan's thousand-year-old pagoda tree heart.

Not long ago, Qin Fan discovered that his storage space could be upgraded, and he also had a surplus of luck, so he expanded the storage space of only one cubic meter, and now the entire storage space has reached the length, width and height. The huge space of ten meters each, not to mention the heart of a thousand-year-old pagoda tree, even if it is filled with his two-story small building, there is room for it.

"Xiaoqian, go back to the tree and rest for a while, and leave the rest to me!" Qin Fan said to Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian's eyes dimmed obviously when she heard Qin Fan's words, but she nodded silently without saying anything, her whole body turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the heart of the tree.

Qin Fan has tested it, and his storage space seems to be different from the novels he read before. Although there is no air in it, it does not restrict the entry and exit of living things, and ghosts like Xiaoqian are not affected by anything, so there is no hesitation. Qin Fan directly put the thousand-year-old pagoda wood heart into the space again. As for Xiaoqian's last lonely and magical Qin Fan, of course he saw it, but the next thing may be very dangerous. If he brings her by his side, it will inevitably cause him a drag Now, saving Xiaoqing is the most important thing, and Qin Fan doesn't care about anything else.

"Urahara Kisuke!" Qin Fan said the name coldly.

The Urahara Grocery Store is still as deserted as it used to be. The former big ghost priest held Ling Teizai, and now the employees of the small store are dedicatedly wiping the floor with a mop. Dozing off, a fluffy tail is still shaking unconsciously, which shows that it seems to be in a good mood at the moment, but the cat's mood is always so fickle, one second is comfortable and lazy, and the next second, suddenly the fur explodes and stands up. Both the puffy ears and the wide open cat's eyes seem to indicate that it is in some kind of intense emotion at this time.

"Be careful!" The cat who spoke human words suddenly turned into a human form, and immediately said: "Instantly open!!!"

Almost at the same time that the thunder light exploded on the wheat-colored skin, a waist-thin telegraph pole directly crashed into it with violent wind force.

The powerful impact force was like destroying the dead, but the black cat turned into a figure went directly to meet it, and hit the concrete pillar directly with a fist with a hint of electric light.

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion, and the concrete pillar broke in response, but the broken concrete pillar split into two and hit the back. The big ghost priest was obviously not as fast as the black cat, even with the help of the other party to intercept it. , The broken concrete pillar still hit his body, but a mouthful of blood spewed out, but he was directly stunned by the powerful force.

Being able to be elected as the head of the Great Ghost Dao, the strength of holding Lingtiezhai is certainly not weak, but the ghosts are different from ordinary Shinigami, their fighting style is biased towards professions such as mages, with strong destructive power and high output. But Qin Fan's blow was so huge, if he had prepared in advance, he could have blocked it softly through the ghost way, but once this kind of attack came to him, even Yu Bo would be enough to hurt him badly.

The Urahara shop, which looked dilapidated at first, was mostly smashed down at this time. Among the messy ruins, the naked woman looked cold, and her bleeding right hand showed that she did not take the blow calmly just now. , but the delicate body that has not wavered in the slightest gives people a solid feeling of iron and steel walls. It seems that as long as she stands there, no one can ignore her existence!
"Yeyi, Sifengyuan!" A playful voice came from not far away, and with a flick of his hand, the wall covering the size of a human head was thrown over, and it landed in front of the woman, revealing the three awkward words on it: "So ugly It's really hard to imagine how you, the leader of the Xing army, gave orders!"

"What do you want?" Qin Fan didn't show any surprise because of his name, but his eyes were very calm.

"Miss Yeichi, he is bombing you! If Your Excellency Qin Fan was sure that his friend was taken away by you, he would not have kept his hand just now!" Urahara Kisuke who appeared behind Yeyi at some time Ye Yi put on the coat on his body, then looked at Qin Fan who was not far away very decently and said, "Your Excellency Qin Fan, we meet again! Am I right?"

(End of this chapter)

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