Chapter 55
From birth, Murong Fu was taught that he could only do one thing in his life, that is to revive Dayan to ascend to the throne of God. For this goal, he spent all his family wealth to buy officials. , Murong Fu found out that he was wrong, all his hard work in the past 20 years was totally wrong, to bribe those corrupt officials who only knew yellow and white things?Make friends with those bandit road tyrants who don't even know a single word?Wrong, all wrong!
"Brother Murong? Did I hit too hard!" Looking at the huge plowed ditch in front of him and the hundreds of servants who evaporated out of thin air, Qin Fan turned to look at Murong Fu who was completely stunned and asked. road.

As if he had taken a brain-dead pill, Murong Fu opened his mouth and looked at Qin Fan in a daze, then turned his head and looked at the deep ditch in front of him, then looked at Qin Fan again: "No! No..."

"Protect Young Master!" Someone shouted angrily and suddenly jumped in front of Murong Fu, looking like a loyal head of the household, but Murong Fu, who was also awakened by the roar, blocked him like crazy The guards in front of him pushed away!

"Get out! Get out of here, get out!" Pushing away all the people guarding him as if he was insane, and then looked at Qin Fan solemnly: "If you want to kill me, sir , Murong Fu will never resist, but if you don’t kill me... from now on, the Murong family will look up to you!" After saying this, Murong Fu simply knelt down on one knee in front of Qin Fan.

"My lord!" The retainers of the Murong family showed expressions of disbelief when they saw Murong Fu kneel down to this ugly ghost. To them, the Murong family's status as the Dayan royal family was extremely noble, so how could they just kneel down to others casually? They didn't know what Murong Fu was thinking about this matter.

Restoring the country and restoring the country, Murong Fu has lived in the word "recovering the country" since he was a child, but restoring the country is not easy, it has been 600 years, and it has been 600 years since Dayan destroyed the country, not to mention whether there is anyone who supports it He, the Dayan royal family, probably doesn't have many people who know the Dayan country now. Want to restore the country?It's not as easy as rebuilding the country!

However, the road is difficult and difficult, and it does not stop me from going on. In these years, he has never stopped his plan to restore the country, buying those corrupt officials from the Song Dynasty, and running among the green forests and grasses, what will be the result?Those corrupt officials took money and did nothing, and those green forests and grass are just a few pawns, but their own great cause of restoring the country has never made any achievements, is it difficult?It is more than difficult!Sometimes he even had some doubts himself, and would even sneak up to the ancestors' spirit tablets and ask why those ancestors didn't bless their Murong family, why didn't they manifest their spirits...the spirits did appear! ! !
yes!In Murong Fu's eyes, this ugly ghost at this time is simply the product of the appearance of the ancestors of their Murong family. Just that blow, if it was in front of the two armies, it would be unimaginable. , What Song, Daliao, Tubo, Xixia, they are all meat on the chopping board, let them feed the Murong family!
Qin Fan's shot like that just now did have the intention of establishing his prestige, but he didn't expect that the effect of this prestige was unexpectedly good, or he really didn't expect that Murong Fu would be so cowardly.

"So my two little maids can get the money?" Qin Fan said, looking down at Murong Fu who was kneeling in front of him.

"Uh...hehe! Yes! Azhu and Abi are at Murong's house, so I'll have someone call them here!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Murong Fu felt relieved at the moment. He didn't have any intention of explaining the matter of dealing with this ugly ghost, because Murong Fu knew very well that his so-called ambush was simply child's play with the opponent's strength. That would be better than direct compensation, giving him all of the Murong family, as long as the other party can calm down the anger, as long as the other party can be used by the Murong family, then everything is worth it, not to mention the two dispensable maids, even if they let him I don't hesitate to pour tea and wine for it!

Regardless of how Murong Fu entertained his "living ancestor" Tianshan Child Elder at this time, she was also extremely shocked when she saw the huge trench in front of her.

As the elder sister of Xiaoyaomen, Tianshan Child Elder can be regarded as well-versed in martial arts all over the world, but such a shocking blow is unheard of.Even if Patriarch Bodhidharma is resurrected, it is impossible to do this, right?Where the hell is that ugly ghost?

Outside the living room of Murong's family banquet, a servant was thrown to the ground by Murong Fu's kick, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding, but he didn't dare to cry out in pain.

"Useless things, even two stinky girls can't see them, what use is my Murong family wanting you!" Murong Fu stared at the servant in front of him with a tear in his eyes.

Just now, when he comforted the ugly man, he suddenly heard that the two daughters, Azhu and Abi, had escaped long before he came back?That's not bad, Murong Fu knows very well that Azhu, Abi and Abi's martial arts are average, and there is only one answer that can steal the Yi Jin Jing from the ugly ghost. Now whether the ugly ghost still likes the two girls as much as it did at the beginning, or has it turned from love to hatred? Obviously, whether the Murong family wants to appease the other party's anger or want to further make friends with the two girls is very important, but at this time the two girls actually ran away. up!Doesn't this put Murong's family in ruins?

what to do?This is Murong Fu's most urgent question right now, to find other maids to replace the two girls?Not to mention that the two daughters, Azhu and Abi, are handmaidens carefully selected by his mother. They have been carefully cultivated since they were young, and they are no worse than ordinary ladies in terms of color and bearing. Where in the entire Murong Mansion can one find a maid who can compare to Azhuabi?Even if it can be found, will the ugly ghost feel that he intends to protect the two women?You must know that the two women stole the Yi Jin Jing from each other, if the two women are not handed over to each other, then the Murong family will probably be responsible for the debt, when the time comes...
"Young Master!" Just when Murong Fu felt a little bit in a dilemma, a servant outside suddenly ran over quickly: "Young Master, Miss Wang is here and said she wants to see you!"

Murong Fu's face showed displeasure when he saw that servant suddenly running in, but when he heard the other party say that his cousin wanted to see him, Murong Fu's expression couldn't help but frown even deeper in the next second!

The ugly ghost knew at a glance that he was a lustful person. Back then, he did not hesitate to go to Shaolin to steal the Yi Jin Jing for the two daughters of Azhu Abi. It can be seen that Azhu Abi has already escaped. Even if he sends someone to arrest him for a while, he may not be able to catch him. , my cousin can be described as beautiful, if I can...
Of course, Murong Fu knew that his cousin admired him very much. In fact, Murong Fu also liked this handsome and intelligent cousin very much, but the problem was that as his lifelong mission to revive Dayan, Murong Fu knew that at this moment The most inappropriate thing is the affair between children and beauties. If you can become the emperor in the future, if you can't get any beauties from the three thousand beauties in the harem, why should you care about this one!
After only hesitating for a few seconds, Murong Fu immediately made a decision, but this matter was not easy to handle, as far as the ugly ghost let the two women steal the Yi Jin Jing, he probably liked it. With Lianxiang Xiyu's personality, it might be counterproductive if I give my cousin Milo to the other party, so if I want to satisfy him, I'm afraid I need some means.

"Go and bring your cousin to my room, I'll be right there!" Murong Fu gave instructions to the servant, then turned around and walked into the banquet hall again!
In the hall, a man with a snub nose and wide mouth and toad eyes sat at the head, accompanied by three members of the Murong family. Although they were secretly wary of whoever was doing this ugly ghost, these retainers of the Murong family were also veterans. It's like a god-man descending to earth, no matter how proud they are, they know that they are not comparable to them. Although Murong Fu's actions just now have lost the prestige of the Murong family, but as the saying goes, big things don't care about small things, and they can understand Murong Fu's actions. It is indeed the most correct choice at this time.

"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Murong Fu said just now that he called Azhu Abi to come over for him, but now that he returned to Qin Fan alone, no matter how stupid he was, he would have guessed that there might be a mistake.

"There are some problems, but don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you!" Murong Fu said to Qin Fan respectfully.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Qin Fan seemed a little dissatisfied and said: "I have always had a good temper, but no matter how good my temper is, I will still get angry if I am teased again and again!"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I will definitely satisfy you this time!" Murong Fu said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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