King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 62 Feng Baobao and Xu 3

Chapter 62 Feng Baobao and Xu San
No matter which world it is, the setting sun always gives people a different kind of serene feeling. Sitting on a big tree, Qin Fan looked at the red sun gradually hiding behind the mountains and was a little lost in thought.

"Wow!" A soft groan sounded from beside Qin Fan, just after Qin Fan's complete hypnosis of Hua Shuiyue, Feng Baobao woke up from a coma, but the next second his body suddenly tensed up like an arrow from the string. He jumped out and landed four or five meters away from Qin Fan.

Qin Fan was taken aback by Feng Baobao's move, and immediately called out the attendant list and looked under a name that had just been added to the list.

squire five

Name: Feng Baobao (amnesia)
Energy: 1024
Force: 251
Life: 1731
Combat Strength: 913
Loyalty: 99
Seeing the display of Feng Baobao's loyalty and looking at Feng Baobao, who was obviously on guard at this time, Qin Fan couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"You want to attack me?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

"No!" The girl said without any hesitation, and as she said this, her tense body slowly relaxed, and she walked up to Qin Fan and said, "Who are you? Did I know you before?" ?”

What changed in Jinghua Shuiyue was her perception of Qin Fan, just like turning a hungry wolf into a rabbit so that the other party could not have the slightest negative emotion towards Qin Fan, so Feng Baobao didn't have any extra thoughts about Qin Fan in his head. Memory, just suddenly felt that this person seemed very close.

"I told you I was your ex-husband!" Qin Fan replied brazenly, but unlike just now, Feng Bao Bao heard Qin Fan say this and instead appeared contemplative.

"Is that true? Then you are my family?" The girl looked at Qin Fan suspiciously and said.

"That's right! From now on, I will be your family member. From now on, you can just listen to me obediently!" Qin Fan said carelessly.

"You... are lying to me?" Feng Baobao looked at Qin Fan indifferently, and suddenly said.

"What?" Qin Fan checked the opponent's attributes again, but saw that the loyalty had not decreased. Qin Fan was a little puzzled and said, "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know, but I'm here to tell're lying!" the girl pointed to the position of her heart and said.

"Uh..." Now Qin Fan was a little confused and forced. Qin Fan tried it on Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing. After his loyalty reached 99, even if Qin Fan said something that was impossible, the other party would completely ignore it. I believe that even if what Qin Fan said is extremely absurd, the other party will not have the slightest doubt, it is a kind of extreme trust, but Feng Baobao's loyalty has clearly reached [-], but he can still easily tell that Qin Fan is lying to him, This gave Qin Fan a strange feeling.

"Then what are you going to do?" Qin Fan asked tentatively.

"What should I do?" Feng Baobao asked suspiciously.

"I lied to you, what are you going to do?" Qin Fan continued to probe.

Hearing Qin Fan's questioning, Feng Baobao shook his head slightly: "I don't know! But you are not my family, right?"

"It wasn't before! But from now on we are a family!" Qin Fan said.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Feng Baobao stared blankly at Qin Fan. He just stared at Qin Fan for a long time without saying a word, and then suddenly laughed after staring at Qin Fan for a while!
Qin Fan has never seen such a clean smile, yes, it is different from Wang Yuyan and Nie Xiaoqian's refinement, it is also different from Mu Wanqing's elegance, and it is even more different from Xiaoqing's seductiveness. Even though the other party looked a little sloppy, Qin Fan couldn't help feeling a little crazy for a while.

The clear and crisp ringtone of the mobile phone came to the ears of the two of them abruptly. Feng Baobao reached out and took the mobile phone out of his pocket, looked at it and said, "It's Xu San!" Qin Fan was not given a chance to stop him.

"Hi! I'm with my husband! I just met, I'm... Where is this?" Obviously the latter sentence was asking Qin Fan.

Qin Fan also has an impression of Xu San and Xu Si. That Xu San seems to be a different person who can use mind power. His strength feels strong in the comics, but it is limited. Since Feng Baobao is accepted, unless Qin Fan leaves this world immediately, he must To deal with the Xu family brothers.

Ask Feng Baobao to tell Xu San where the two are, and when they see each other, let's hang up the phone. Qin Fan asked, "That's right! Are you going to see Zhang Chulan?"

"By the way! Zhang Chulan!" Hearing what Qin Fan said, Feng Baobao suddenly seemed to remember something and was about to leave immediately, but after running a few steps, he suddenly stopped: "Do you want to come together?"

"You go first! I will look for you in a few days!" Qin Fan said directly.

"Oh!" Without any hesitation, Feng Baobao nodded and turned to leave. Qin Fan continued to sit on the hillside and waited for about half an hour. An Audi car came from a distance. The dirt road slowly drove over, the dazzling headlights enveloped Qin Fan, the door opened and a figure stepped out of the car.

"Where's the baby?" A slightly hostile voice sounded. Although Qin Fan was in a position against the light and couldn't see the appearance of the person clearly, it was not difficult to judge that the other party was very angry just by hearing the voice.

Based on Xu San's understanding of Feng Baobao, he doesn't think that Feng Baobao will marry someone in a flash, let alone call him a husband. Therefore, if the person on the phone is really Feng Baobao, there are only two possibilities. One is that Feng Baobao has some kind of illusion. That's the only way to say that kind of thing, and the second kind is to be coerced to say that, and no matter which one it means that Feng Baobao's situation is not good at this time!
I have to say that Xu San is still very smart, at least he guessed more than half of it right, but Feng Baobao's technique is not illusion but hypnosis.

"He should be in contact with Zhang Chulan now!" Qin Fan replied indifferently.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Xu San frowned slightly. Of course he knew who Zhang Chulan was. This time he and Feng Baobao came here to investigate the theft of Zhang Chulan’s grandfather’s body. Before coming here, Feng Baobao also wanted to contact Zhang Chulan. Lan, so if the other party doesn't say it's to delay time, Xu San doesn't think it's necessary for the ugly monster in front of him to tell such a lie, but if it's really to delay time...
"Really? Then please come with me!" Xu San said suddenly.

No matter what the origin of this ugly monster in front of him is, since he deliberately approached their "knowledgeable" person, it can't be ignored, at least it needs to be investigated clearly.

Almost the moment the words fell, a stone suddenly rushed towards Qin Fan's place.

This Xu San's mental power is very strong, but it is a bit tasteless to Qin Fan, not to mention how powerful a fist-sized stone can be, with Qin Fan's physical strength, even if the opponent can move tons of boulders to smash it Qin Fan wouldn't have the slightest effect, even a fist-sized stone Qin Fan didn't even need to dodge, letting the opponent hit him would not have the slightest effect.

(End of this chapter)

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