King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 71 World Rule

Chapter 71 World Rule
Qin Fan also came up with the idea of ​​bringing people from other worlds to the Tianlong world. When I read novels, especially the infinite novels, the protagonists always try their best to hide their ability to travel. That’s because of these protagonists. He doesn't have the ability to protect himself at all. Once someone discovers his biggest secret, he is worried about his crime, but Qin Fan doesn't have this kind of thought. These days, Qin Fan feels the strength of his body more and more. There are people who can threaten him, at least in the two worlds of Tianlong and Yiren, he doesn't think there are, and taking a step back, even if there is him, it will be a big deal to travel to other worlds, at most it will be the loss of two worlds, yes Will it matter to him?

Qin Fan didn't make Qin Fan wait too long, and Deng Baichuan was carried in by several servants. It is true that this guy was really carried in, not only his leg was hit by a splint at this time, but also his body seemed to be injured.

"Master Deng, you are..." Qin Fan was really surprised. When he left, the three masters under Murong Fu all had beards and tails. Why did Deng Baichuan turn out in just a few days? It's like being wheeled.

"Oh! I made Your Excellency laugh. I'm ashamed to say that I fell on a doll this time..." Deng Baichuan didn't hide his injury. It turned out that this matter had something to do with Qin Fan.

That day Qin Fan and Murong Fu came back together, by the way, Tianshan Child Elder also brought back, originally this guy had a pretty good idea, in the name of protecting Tianshan Child Elder, he could get four plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums from the Vulture Palace The maid cheated her. Although he didn't know what the four girls looked like or how they were in shape, they had appeared in the original novel anyway. For a hungry pervert, what he could pick up in the basket was food, great. The opportunity is not in vain, but the problem is that this guy forgot about it after getting Wang Yuyan, and didn't even explain to Murong Fu when he left. At the beginning Tianshan Child Elder thought that the ugly ghost had something to do and forgot her for a while, but after being imprisoned for two days, Child Elder was sure that she really forgot her!

Who is Tianshan Child Elder, the owner of Vulture Palace, under his command are 72 islands and 36 caves of monsters and snakes, and he is even more ruthless and decisive in doing things. He knows that waiting like this is not an option, so he secretly uses some of the leftovers left over to attract mice. Practicing with rat blood managed to restore some of his skills after a few days, and then managed to escape from the firewood room where she was locked up. Speaking of it, I don't know if it was his bad luck or that of Deng Baichuan, but he was accidentally killed by Deng Baichuan shortly after he escaped. Bai Chuan bumped into each other, so the two of them started fighting without any surprise. Speaking of it, Child Elder had barely recovered her skills for a few years. If it was based on skills alone, then Child Elder was far behind Deng Baichuan, but the two of them It's not just internal strength that can be compared in battle. Although Deng Baichuan's martial arts are profound, and his martial arts are even higher, his martial arts are still far behind Tianshan Child Elder's. The height of the realm is not above the same level. The most important thing is that Deng Baichuan didn't take it to heart when he saw that Tianshan Child Elder was just a little girl. It was too late when it was wrong, if Tianshan Child Elder was not worried that the noise of the two fighting would attract others to want to run away, Deng Baichuan probably would not have broken a leg.

After listening to the other party's narration, Qin Fan was also a little embarrassed. He really forgot all about Tianshan Child Elder. ...but it's too late to regret it.

"That girl is ruthless and old-fashioned. She doesn't look like an ordinary Zi Tong. This time, the matter of the third child has nothing to do with her. If she meets her in the future, she must not let her go!" Deng Baichuan said to Tianshan Tong. Grandma's face couldn't help revealing a ruthless look, and Qin Fan curled his lips a little, thinking that unless you don't meet, it's really hard to say who will let you go next time you meet.

"Don't mention those unhappy things. By the way, I heard that Murong Fu is not on the island. Did he go to attack Gusu City?" Qin Fan deliberately changed the subject.

"Uh..." Deng Baichuan was taken aback when Qin Fan suddenly said this, but then he said with a strange expression: "Don't worry, your Excellency, since the young master promised you to control Gusu City within one month, it can be done. "

Qin Fan obviously didn't notice that the "control" in the other party's words was obviously different from the "attack" he just said!

"That's good, this time I brought President Feng here to help you!" Qin Fan pointed to Feng Zhenghao beside him.

"Oh!" Deng Baichuan had noticed this strangely dressed man a long time ago, but the other party didn't take the initiative to introduce him, so it was difficult to ask directly. Now that the ugly ghost has opened his mouth, Deng Baichuan immediately cupped his hands and said, "Not yet consult!"

To be honest, a person of Feng Zhenghao's status would not believe that he was already in a different world just because of someone's words or some scenes in front of him, but the same It is his level of existence that will not be too surprised even if it encounters any absurd and bizarre things, so after Qin Fan released Feng Zhenghao from his private space, the old fox has always adhered to the principle of talking less and watching more.

"Feng Zhenghao is inferior! He is a friend of His Excellency Qin Fan!" Feng Zhenghao said politely after imitating the other party and cupping his hands.

"He is the president of Tianxiahui! Your Murong family wants to revive Dayan, I think he can help!" Qin Fan said directly.

"Tianxiahui?" Deng Baichuan frowned slightly. Although he was not very famous in the Jianghu, it was not that he didn't care about the affairs of the Jianghu. In fact, it was the opposite. Deng Baichuan was very familiar with all the gangs and factions in the Jianghu. , but this world meeting has never been heard of.

(Could it be a hermit sect? But since it is a hermit sect, why would they name it so ostentatiously? Tianxiahui? Is this trying to hold the world in their hands?) Deng Baichuan frowned slightly, but it was only for a moment. Although he doesn't know what will happen in this world, but this ugly ghost with such strength personally recommends him, and I believe that the other party will definitely not be an ordinary person.

"Oh! How about this, the two of you will stay in the village first, and I will send someone to contact my young master, and we will discuss important matters together after the young master returns!" Deng Baichuan said.

"No need!" Qin Fan waved his hand directly and said, "I'm just taking him to identify the door this time, and I'll leave when I'm done! As for the matter of your cooperation, you can talk about it after Murong Fu takes down Gusu City!"

"This..." Deng Baichuan was obviously dissatisfied with Qin Fan's proposal, let his young master take down Gusu City and then talk?Does this mean that the current Murong family is not qualified to talk to him?What the hell is going on in this world to make such a big deal?

Of course, Qin Fan doesn't know what Deng Baichuan is thinking at this time, and he doesn't need to know, let alone the fact that Tianxia Group itself has a market value of 3000 billion in another world. The technological gap between the two worlds alone is an insurmountable gap. It is said that Murong Fu conquered a mere Gusu City, even if Murong Fu revived Dayan and succeeded in becoming the emperor, Qin Fan didn't think that the two sides were equal in strength, but then again, it doesn't matter if the two sides are equal in strength. ?To Qin Fan, both Tianxiahui and Murong's family are just two pawns that can be used at the same time.

Leaving from Shenhezhuang, Qin Fan took Feng Zhenghao directly to the boat that once delivered gold to Murong Fu.

"How is it? Is President Feng interested in cooperating with you?" Sitting in the cabin, he asked Feng Zhenghao.

"I don't know what cooperation your Excellency Qin Fan refers to..." Feng Zhenghao said with a serious expression.

"Of course it is to occupy this world. You have also seen that people in this world are still in the era of cold weapons. If you can get some hot weapons, I believe it should not be difficult to establish a country. At that time, we will use this country as the basis for It is not difficult for the surrounding countries to invade, and it is not difficult to control the whole world, right?" Qin Fan said as a matter of course.

"What about the aliens in this world? If it's true what your Excellency said, they shouldn't just sit idly by?" Feng Zhenghao said with a frown.

"An alien? There should be no problem!" Qin Fan said noncommittally!

"Uh..." It seemed that he didn't expect Qin Fan to say that, Feng Zhenghao didn't know what to say for a while, thinking that you should dismiss such a big matter with "should be fine"?Is this a kid's play house?
(End of this chapter)

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