Chapter 84

At the port of the metropolis, the King of the Sea, wearing scale armor and holding a harpoon, helped the ugly-faced Diana slowly out of the sea. It turned out that Qin Fan thought that Diana was escaping from the land, but he didn't expect Diana to escape from the sea at that time. Under the cover of the attack of the guardian silver bracelet, he quietly jumped into the sea, and then met the Aquaman who had just arrived near Gotham Port underwater and escaped from Qin Fan's sight with the help of Aquaman Rising.

"Are you okay!" Haiwang asked with some concern.

"Thank you! I have to find Bruce!" Diana said.

"The guy who likes to dress up as a bat?" Neptune said a little funny: "He didn't say that there is someone as beautiful as you in his team, otherwise I would definitely agree to join!"

Smiling slightly, Diana had seen Neptune's photo before, so of course she knew the existence of the other party, and after taking a deep look at the other party, she said, "Come with me!"

Aquaman came out this time because Steppenwolves just attacked the forbidden area of ​​Atlantis and stole the mother box they guarded not long ago, so Aquaman would certainly not refuse Diana's invitation.

At the same time, when returning to the personal base that Eggy helped to prepare, Qin Fan remained silent.

The wound on the neck has completely healed. At this time, it is not even visible that there was any damage, but the tingling pain from the neck is still fresh in Qin Fan's memory. He was broken, which means that he is not invincible !This means that as long as the opponent's attack is enough, he can still kill himself. The sense of security that has surrounded him for a long time has been completely broken by that magnificent sword.

After all, Qin Fan is just an otaku, and the cowardice in his bones can't disappear all of a sudden just because of a time travel. The reason why he has no scruples is because this body is too powerful, no matter what attack he has, it will hurt him Not even a little bit of damage is why he is so confident, but the false courage gained entirely because of "opening up" is easy to come and go, just like Qin Fan is thinking about whether this world will be for him at this time It would be a little dangerous, since Wonder Woman can hurt herself with a sword, what about everyone else?After all, Diana is just a demigod, so if the real god comes, can she kill herself instantly?

In fact, Qin Fan is a bit unfounded, let alone whether the gods in this world are still there, even if they are still there, they may not be able to threaten him as Qin Fan thought, Diana's sword was given at the price of the destruction of the artifact The damage caused by Qin Fan, and the kind of damage in Chengdu, although it is said to have broken the defense, is actually close to nothing. Even if Qin Fan hits this level of damage ten thousand times, it will definitely not be fatal. No matter how mentally disabled, it is impossible to stand and let the opponent attack infinitely without reacting. As for whether there is a real threat to Qin Fan in this world, it is really hard to say. The main reason is that Qin Fan's strength is very unstable, as if a child is manipulating A mech is like a mech, powerful in both attack and defense, but IQ arrears always kill him, just like this time, if he didn't stand still and let Diana attack his most vulnerable vitals, he wouldn't As for being broken by the opponent, even if he gave a little variable at that time, Diana's sword couldn't cut through his skin. Rather than saying that Diana hurt him, it would be more appropriate to say that he hurt himself. .

But even so, Qin Fan didn't dare to show off as much as he did at the beginning. In short, he should get the mother box first. That thing can be regarded as a very awesome treasure in the entire DC world, although it can't directly increase Qin Fan. The strength of the main body, but there is nothing wrong with getting more of this kind of thing.

"Eggy! Is it possible to copy Superman's corpse?" Qin Fan said suddenly.

The stereoscopic projection was instantly projected from a projection source not far from Qin Fan, and Eggy's voice seemed a little flat: "Superman's body cells are very special, and the body contains very powerful energy. do it."

"It doesn't need to be completely copied, as long as the appearance is decent and not recognizable from the appearance!" Qin Fan said.

"If it's just the appearance, I can let the T-1000 simulate it directly!" Eggy said directly.

"This is fine! It's just that the side of the steel frame is also on the technology side, so he won't be able to see it directly?" Qin Fan frowned slightly, but then he said directly: "It doesn't matter, whether there is a date or not Pole, let’s decide first! You let T-1000 hide in Superman’s cemetery disguised as Superman. I guess Batman will use the mother box to resurrect Superman. If they don’t find that there is a problem with T-1000 Take advantage of the opportunity to invade and seize the mother box, if they find out early, attack them directly, grab that steel bone for me, and interrogate the location of his mother box!"

After Diana's sword, Qin Fan didn't want to play with the opponent anymore. Qin Fan decided to make a quick decision in his heart. His gaze fell on the contract scroll in his private space involuntarily, and his face couldn't help showing A slightly hesitant expression.

At the same time, in Batman's base, Aquaman, Cyborg, Batman, and Wonder Woman gathered here.

"So that ugly ghost is not only very powerful, but also has the ability to confuse people's minds?" Bruce looked at Diana in surprise and said.

"That's right!" Slightly nodded, Diana didn't lose her memory of being hypnotized after unraveling the hypnosis. Thinking of what the ugly ghost did to her, she almost went crazy, but the long water moon made her feel far away. The endurance of an extraordinary person, even though his chest was already full of anger, but on the surface it didn't show much, but his appearance became extraordinarily cold.

"His ability is very strong. I just talked with him face to face and I was controlled by him unconsciously, and it felt as if he could control my thoughts, which made me instinctively Treat him as someone very close to me, so even if he asked me to kill you at that time, I would not refuse! And I will do it wholeheartedly." Diana said with an ugly face.

"Then how do we know that you are not controlled by him now?" The steel bone standing on the side suddenly said, but the faint words made the atmosphere in the room suddenly weird.

Diana looked up at the steel frame and said solemnly: "I have no way to prove it, I only know that my hatred for him is very real, if he appears in front of us again, I will definitely fight against him without hesitation !"

"I'm very strange!" Sea King said suddenly at this time: "According to you, that person is very powerful, even Steppenwolf is not his opponent, so what is his purpose? Is it also a mother box?"

"No matter what his purpose is, he is too dangerous for everyone. I think we must find a way to get rid of him completely! But we still know too little about him, Diana, there is only You have been in contact with him the longest, tell us about his situation, what ability does he have besides manipulating others?" Bruce asked Diana again.

(End of this chapter)

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