King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 94 Injured

Chapter 94 Injured
Sato didn't act as fast as Qin Fan imagined, because Qin Fan caught Nagai Kei, although Sato got a phone number from Nagai Kei's sister, he didn't follow the trend to find Nagai Kei. Nagai Kei, who was caught as soon as he went, took the opportunity to release the news, but Qin Fan knew that it would be a matter of time. Sato had a problem in his heart. After finding out that he was immortal, he almost regarded everything as a game. Who plays the game and makes the characters idle in a daze?As for when the other party will start to act, Qin Fan is unknown, but he can take this opportunity to go back to Pirate World again.

Buying the time travel scroll of One Piece, Qin Fan tore open the scroll without much preparation, but the moment he appeared in the world of One Piece, an inexplicable feeling made Qin Fan's original relaxed mood disappear in an instant. Looking at it with an ominous feeling, through countless buildings, Qin Fan immediately saw a group of people wearing the navy justice cloak standing on the square where he killed the Tianlongren three days ago, the two navy generals Aokiji and Red Dog and Marshal Buddha's Warring States are all there, but it is worth noting that these three people are all standing, but in front of the three people, there is a bald old man who looks a little thin and casually sitting on the ground. Qin Fan guessed that it should be the devil fruit he wanted, but what Qin Fan cared about was the old man sitting in front of the three navy commanders. Among the pirates, is there an officer bigger than the admiral?World government?

"Forget it! It's useless to think so much, anyway, there should be no existence in this world that can hurt me!" Qin Fan shook his head, and instantly entered a state of rapidity and disappeared into the alley.

At the same time, the old man who was sitting behind the three wooden boxes suddenly opened his eyes: "Here we come!"

Almost at the same time as his words fell, Qin Fan's figure had appeared in front of the navy: "Yo! You came so early? Have you eaten yet?"

"Bastard!" Sengoku couldn't help it first, but before he finished speaking, the old man suddenly raised a samurai sword in his arms and tapped Sengoku behind him with the handle, and was caught by the sword. The Warring States of Buddha, who pointed to the handle, visibly trembled.

"Okay! Don't be naughty, the devil fruit you want is here, where is the Tianlongren you kidnapped?" The old man said lightly.

"There is also General Huang Yuan!" Zhan Guo couldn't help but added.

"Uh... something went wrong, your general Huang Yuan..." Qin Fan scratched his head in embarrassment. After all, he couldn't escape the death of Huang Yuan. If he carefully inspected it before putting it into the dormant cabin It is impossible to check the other party's injury, or help Huang Yuan to treat him immediately after leaving, so it is impossible for Qin Fan to feel a little bit wrong when he hears the other party talk about Huang Yuan.

"What did you do to General Huang Yuan?" Everyone present was shocked when they heard Qin Fan say this.

"No, no, no! Don't get me wrong, I didn't kill General Huang Yuan!" Qin Fan waved his hands in a panic, but before the navy breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Fan continued: "He died of natural causes!"

The navy....
"You fart! General Huang Yuan was fine before he was caught by you, how could he have died of natural causes, bastard..." Zhan Guo shouted angrily.

"Isn't that embarrassing enough!" The scabbard hit the ground heavily and made a crisp sound, and the old man sitting on the ground shouted coldly, but the admiral once again choked back what he was about to say.

"As an admiral of the navy, Polusalino is destined to die in battle, so what can he say if his skills are inferior to others!" The old man looked at Qin Fan with clear and terrifying eyes: "The other two Tianlong people are all right! "

"Oh! You can rest assured that they are fine. They can trade at any time. There is nothing wrong with the three devil fruits!" Qin Fan said looking at the three treasure chests.

"You..." Zhan Guo wanted to say something after hearing Qin Fan's brazen words, but in the end he stopped talking.

"Open!" The old man ordered directly, and immediately a navy stepped forward to open all three wooden boxes.

"There are three devil fruits here, namely the angel fruit of the phantom beast, the devil fruit of the phantom beast, and the oily fruit of the natural type! These are precious devil fruits collected by the world government, and they should meet your requirements!" The old man calmed down. Said.

"Oh!" Qin Fan looked at the three devil fruits in surprise. These three devil fruits didn't seem to appear in the original book, but the tone of the other party didn't seem to be lying, but even if it was, it didn't matter, anyway. These devil fruits are for demihumans to eat, even if they are poisonous, he doesn't care, after all, the biggest characteristic of demihumans is that they will not die.

"You are so happy, I can't be compared with you!" Qin Fan said and released all three dormant cabins. Although the two Tianlong people were unconscious, they were still alive. As for the third dormant cabin The yellow ape in the middle has no sound at this time.

"Buy two get one free! You don't have to thank me!" Qin Fan said bitterly. All the navy present showed angry expressions. Only the old man waved his hands calmly. Immediately, the three navy picked up three blooming flowers. The devil fruit box slowly came to Qin Fan, put it down, immediately picked up the corpses of the two Celestial Dragons and the yellow ape, and quickly left. Taking this opportunity, Qin Fan also put the devil fruit and the dormant cabin together. Put it away, leaving only the three wooden boxes Qin Fan did not move!
"Okay! Now that the transaction has been completed, let's go back to each house and find each mother!" After speaking, Qin Fan waved his hands to several people and immediately turned on the rapid state and prepared to leave.

However, just as Qin Fan turned around and was about to leave, an inexplicable strange force suddenly enveloped him, and the Speed ​​Force, which Qin Fan was not very familiar with, disappeared immediately, and then he heard the slightly low-pitched voice. A voice came from behind Qin Fan: "Are you in such a hurry to leave? Let's stay!"

Almost subconsciously, he turned his head and looked back, but before Qin Fan turned his head completely, he saw only a smear of blood flashing across his left eye, followed by piercing pain coming from his own eye. Still subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, the tendon on the wrist seemed to be pulled hard by something, a thin bloodstain streaked across Qin Fan's wrist, and then his right leg knee socket seemed to be pricked by something, The huge force made Qin Fan kneel down involuntarily, and it was not until this incident that Qin Fan's mountain-like violent coercion burst out around him.

"Click!" The sound of returning the long knife to its sheath sounded from not far away from Qin Fan. At some point, the old man who was sitting on the ground was already standing in front of the navy who was protecting the dragonman leaving that day, and Qin Fan The coercion radiated by the old man disappeared directly in front of the old man. It turned out that it was not Qin Fan's coercion that forced him to retreat, but that the other party was worried that the coercion would affect the other navy to leave before retreating!
"Tick!" Bright red blood dripped down Qin Fan's cheeks onto the ground. Qin Fan's wrists and knees were injured by the opponent, but Qin Fan's physique was special. The damage on the body and the impact on the legs were a little bit but it didn't affect the action. The key is that Qin Fan's left eye was forcibly cut by the opponent's sword. Fan estimated that his left eye seemed to be stabbed blind by the other party!
"I originally wanted to destroy your hands and feet, but I didn't expect your skin to be so hard!" The old man standing over there holding the handle of the knife with one hand said indifferently.

"Want to delay the time?" Qin Fan raised his palm coldly, and suddenly said: "Flying dragon strikes thief and shakes the sky!"

Without any chanting, a No. 88 shot hit the old man directly, behind him was the navy that was retreating quickly, if the old man avoided the navy behind him, he would definitely be hit, so the old man must meet this blow.

Pulling out the blade in his hand, he slashed randomly, and the crescent-shaped saber aura that was several meters long directly cut the energy column formed by breaking the road into two halves, while the crescent-shaped saber aura continued to pass through Qin Fan's body without losing momentum. The location where Qin Fan was originally located, but there is no one there.

"Disappeared?" The old man was obviously taken aback by Qin Fan's sudden disappearance.

(End of this chapter)

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