My wife was reborn before me

Chapter 259 Everyone Has That Girl in His Heart

Chapter 259 Everyone Has That Girl in His Heart (Updated on the 14th)
The bell rang for the end of get out of class in the afternoon, and students from both the main department and the branch school rushed out of the classroom in a swarm.

It also includes bamboo music.

As soon as he got out of the classroom, he found Xu Feng was still in the classroom through the window, so he had to turn back.

"Lao Xu, what are you still dawdling about? Lao Yang and his team are probably going to finish their matches."

Zhu Le pushed open the back door of the classroom, rushed in and wanted to pull Xu Feng away.

But his strength was not as strong as Xu Feng's, and he was held back by Xu Feng instead.

"You go, you go first. I'll stay with Jiajia." Xu Feng broke away from Zhule's hand, knelt down and continued to care for Lin Jiajia.

"If your stomach hurts badly, I'll accompany you to the infirmary."

"No, I'll just take it easy for a while, you guys go to the game."

Lin Jiajia sat on the seat with her stomach covered, her head buried in the arm of the other hand, unwilling to move

Zhu Le raised his foot a few times but failed to step out. Gritting his teeth, he turned around and said:

"Old Xu, don't twitch there, I'll help you carry her... huh? Why does it smell like blood?"

Xu Feng was stunned by Zhu Le's words, and his head couldn't help but lowered.

"Don't look." Lin Jiajia blushed, holding back for a long time, but Zhu Le pointed it out.

Lin Jiajia secretly raised her head from her arm, saw Xu Feng standing beside her without knowing it, and buried her head down again.

Her actions made Xu Feng wonder whether to continue standing by her side or to walk away.

Mingming had confirmed the relationship early on, but now he was embarrassed and at a loss.

"Come here with your head." Lin Jiajia covered her face in her arms and made a small voice.

Zhu Le knew very well that he was in the way here, so he wisely walked outside the classroom, but did not leave.

A few minutes later, Xu Feng helped Lin Jiajia out of the classroom. He was still holding a book of English Five Three in his hand, blocking Lin Jiajia's buttocks.

This scene reminded Zhu Le of a girl in junior high school. In physical education class, her first menarche made the back half of her pants red, but she didn't notice it.

When she found out, she also blushed, asked for leave and left school, and heard that she would transfer to another school the next day.

Thinking of the past, Zhu Le looked up at the sky outside the corridor, feeling a little emotional.

I don't know how the girl is doing now.

"Zhu Le, you haven't left yet...Come here and help me." Xu Feng, who was about to go downstairs, saw Zhu Le who was in a daze, and woke him up from his memories with one sentence.

"Hey?" Zhu Le came back to his senses, and ran to Xu Feng and the others, "What's the matter?"

"Help me go to the supermarket to buy sanitary napkins, and the money you get back will count as your hard work." Xu Feng took out a ten-yuan note and stuffed it into Zhu Le's hand.

"I didn't buy it during my military training, you let me buy it now?" Zhu Le's face was full of resistance.

Lin Jiajia secretly took out a [-] from her pocket, turned her back to Zhu Le and tapped Xu Feng's stomach.

When Xu Feng hesitated to take it, Zhu Le couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm going to buy it. It's okay to buy it. We're all brothers. It's like I care about your money."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Le stuffed the ten yuan into his pocket, and ran downstairs first.

"Wait, send you to the girls' dormitory building?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you at the door after I've delivered Jia Jia."

After taking a long-distance call with Xu Feng under the stairs, Zhu Le ran to the school supermarket alone.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the supermarket at this time, so Zhu Le walked to the women's sanitary products section looking left and right.

On this side, there are more than a dozen yuan with no price increase. Zhu Le doesn't plan to help his brother buy it with extra money. He wants to go to the corner to see if there is a cheaper one with less quantity.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into a person.

At that time, Zhu Le felt moldy all over his body.

Otherwise, how could I meet this evil star.

"Huh?" Miaoshui and Zhu Le looked at each other for ten seconds, then hummed softly.

"Hmm, what, I have sweaty feet." Zhu Le said bravely, grabbed a pack of sanitary napkins on the shelf, turned her head and left.

Miaoshui watched Zhu Le go to the cash register to settle the bill, and she also took a pack of the same style from the shelf.

"Li Yaoyao? Probably not."

Miaoshui read softly, didn't care so much, turned around and went to buy other things

Xu Feng escorted Lin Jiajia all the way, and when he arrived downstairs in the girls' dormitory, he found that Zhu Le was already waiting for him.

"Here, I'm going to watch Lao Yang and his team play." Zhu Le handed out the white opaque plastic bag in his hand, and left immediately with a sullen face.

Xu Feng didn't even have the chance to say thank you.

"Is he angry?"

Lin Jiajia felt a little sorry, she didn't want to cause trouble to others, today's incident was purely accidental.

"It's okay, you go up first, I'll ask later, Zhu Le shouldn't be such a stingy person." Xu Feng handed the books and plastic bags to Lin Jiajia, comforting her.

"Oh." Lin Jiajia responded, took a sneak peek into the corridor, and turned to Xu Feng with a shy smile, "Then I'll go up."

"Well, let's go." Xu Feng nodded, watching Lin Jiajia cover her buttocks with a book, and trot into the dormitory building.

Not a few steps away from the girls' dormitory building, Xu Feng realized.

I couldn't help feeling in my heart, the girl's stomach ache healed so quickly, she could run away now.


A few minutes later, Xu Feng came to the indoor stadium again.

The venue was already overcrowded, and I don't know which members of the sophomore student union moved out the three-story stage used for the chorus.

Xu Feng thought that Zhu Le's character should be able to rub against others to set up a stage, so he looked up a few more times, but found that Zhu Le was nestled behind a bunch of girls.

It is worthy of Zhule's style.

"Zhu Le, you don't watch the ball, what are you doing hiding here?" Xu Feng walked over and patted Zhu Le's shoulder, which made Zhu Le tremble.

"What are you doing, come here without saying hello and make people jump." Zhu Le took a cautious look at Miaoshui and the others, making sure that they didn't turn around before she was relieved.

"Aren't I going to say hello to you?" Xu Feng glanced at the girls group from the corner of his eye. Miaoshui, Li Yaoyao and several girls from Xu Yan's class were all there.

"Who are you looking at?"

"Li Yaoyao."

"No, if it's Li Yaoyao, you just walk over." Xu Feng still remembered that Zhu Le's expression didn't look like Li Yaoyao just now.

That expression was not the slightly wretched expression that Zhu Le was concentrating on seeing a beautiful woman, but more like being caught in a certain memory.

"I want you to take care of so much. When I bought sanitary napkins, I posted a dollar and fifty cents. Remember to give it to me."

"Didn't you say you don't care about my money?"

"If you don't care about it, you don't care about it. Brothers will settle accounts clearly. You can't let your brothers contribute and pay for taking care of your wife."

"Your mouth is getting worse and worse." Xu Feng thumped Zhu Le's shoulder, "Go back and turn it ten times for you, now you can say who you were looking at just now."

"No need, Lao Yang should laugh at me when he hears it." Zhu Le twitched at the corner of his mouth, and pulled Xu Feng to the resting area of ​​other school members.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Okay, here it is... I was looking at Miaoshui just now."

"Damn it, I really don't know whether it's better to say you change your mind quickly or have a bad taste. What do you like about her?"

Xu Feng seemed to have reacquainted with Zhu Le, and he had the courage to have thoughts about a nine-athlete superwoman.

In the last teleportation meeting, Miaoshui not only ran the women's 3000 meters, but also signed up for three other events, and helped three other girls to compete in five games.

Almost slam all the sports events.

"Bah, who said that I like her." Zhu Le was in a hurry, and looked at Miaoshui and the others without reassurance after hiding so far.

"I'm observing, do you understand the observation?"

"Observe first, and then look for opportunities to attack?"

Xu Feng doesn't understand, he doesn't like people, if you observe what they do, you still want to be a thief.

Zhu Le was a little confused, "Whoever said that observation means liking her, I ran into her in the supermarket today to buy sanitary napkins, and wanted to see how the dominatrix today is different from usual."

"You even want to take care of her physiology. It seems that you... have fallen in love with her hopelessly." Xu Feng said half-jokingly, and walked to the other side.

"Hey, believe it or not, I will sue you for slander." Zhu Le hurriedly followed, if Xu Feng spread such words indiscriminately, it would be hard to say whether he could finish the semester safely.

It is estimated that it will be humanely destroyed by the female devil.

No, I have to guard him.

As soon as the two left, a girl from No. [-] Middle School looked at their back curiously.

Zhou Qingqing stood beside her, "What are you looking at? Have you met someone you know?"

"No, I just heard a voice. I probably heard it wrong. I don't have any classmates in the cloud." The girl shook her head and denied.

Zhou Qingqing still wanted to ask, but Li Xiaodong interrupted out of time and said, "Qingqing, look quickly, are Yang Yang and her wife going to use that trick again."

"Really?" Zhou Qingqing's attention was instantly attracted, and she followed the direction of Li Xiaodong's finger.

On the volleyball court, Yang Yang's back was already wet with sweat, and Xu Yan felt distressed just looking at it.

"Yang Yang, you don't have to keep blocking the spike for me, I can do it."

"That's not for you to block. As a setter, I can block the spike. There is no reason to let it pass the net." Yang Yang turned his head and responded naturally with beads of sweat on his face.

"I just hate you for being like this." Xu Yan muttered dissatisfiedly.

But why doesn't she like Yang Yang like this, and give her the best things within her ability.

"Old Yang has a chance to hit the ball." Jiang Yu looked at a mistake on the opposite side and the ball was thrown high, but it passed the net.

"Let Ben Cao come!" Cao Aiai moved her calf and rushed over from a corner of the field.

Jiang Yu was astonished, and under the gaze of his girlfriend, he turned around honestly and gave her his back, and put his fingers behind his back, leaving Cao Aiai a chance to step on his hand and jump into the air.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yan came out halfway.

"Ai Ai, I won't give up this ball to you."

With Xu Yan's look, Yang Yang immediately understood, walked out of the setter line, and opened his hands, as if to welcome his wife back home.

Xu Yan turned around, stepped out of the boundary line of the court, and when she passed again, her eyes were fixed on Yang Yang and ran over.

Beads of sweat from the game in the afternoon fell off from the tips of her temples and floated in the air. The refracted light reflected her joyful face.

Two pairs of outstretched hands, fingers bent and clasped together.

The kinetic energy of Xu Yan's run-up was transformed into potential energy under the pull of Yang Yang's arm. Like the blades of a windmill, Xu Yan hit the volleyball accurately with her heels close together.

The gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy of the person are transformed into the volleyball, a stream of shadows, and the volleyball team members of No. [-] Middle School watched the ball hit the boundary line of their back row.

"Yeah, it's not out of bounds." Xu Yan, who was still about to fall in mid-air, turned her head and realized that she had scored, and couldn't help shouting.

When Xu Yan fell halfway, Yang Yang let go of his hand, turned around and supported his wife's waist.

"With such a difficult movement, you still have to watch the ball carefully, and be careful not to twist your foot."

After Yang Yang supported Xu Yan's reproach, the latter didn't take it seriously, stuck out her pink tongue, "I just want to know if I will go out of bounds like last time."

The volleyball teacher from the No. [-] Middle School took a deep breath and hiccupped uncontrollably.

"Hi, this is really your secret weapon. I thought it was just your students messing around."

The chaos he was talking about meant that when Yang Yang and Xu Yan did this for the first time, the ball flew directly out of bounds.

"They've been messing around, but it's really not a secret weapon." Qin Xia shook her head, but now she didn't admit it.

"There is such a good tacit understanding. I don't believe it is not from training."

To be honest, no one believed it, and Qin Xia also expressed her helplessness.

Chen Zhenghong was thinking about a question at the side, why didn't he think of such an ambiguous, ahem, such an unexpected move before.

Qin Xia glanced at him, freed one of her arms crossing her chest, and gently pushed him, "Don't think about it, if you asked me to cooperate with you like this before, I would not agree."

"Why?" Chen Zhenghong asked with some confusion.

"I don't believe you." Qin Xia looked away and replied casually.

Chen Zhenghong: ...

Xu Feng and Zhu Le came to the sophomore stage and stood not far away to watch.

"How beautiful would Yang Yang's wife be if she played this trick in a skirt." Zhu Le sighed sincerely.

"You've seen people playing volleyball in skirts." Xu Feng choked Zhu Le casually.

"What's the point of wearing a skirt? I've even seen people playing volleyball in a triangle."


"on television."

Xu Feng: ...

The first half of the last game is over.

Xu Feng and Zhu Le ran into Yang Yang's rest area.

Watching Yang Yang and the others is second, mainly to show that they know Yang Yang well, and in the second half of the game, they can watch the game up close.

As soon as they arrived at the rest area, they immediately saw Cao Aiai sitting next to Jiang Yu, staring at him.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, I want it too."

"What do you want?"

Jiang Yu was stared at by his girlfriend, feeling a lot of pressure.

"I want to learn from Sister Yanyan and the others."

"I'm afraid it can't be done."

"Because your legs are too short and your body is too light, if you miss the ball, I'm afraid I'll throw you to the opposite side first." Jiang Yu scratched his head and said truthfully.


Cao Aiai held the mineral water bottle angrily, sat down and began to think of a way.

Zhu Le snickered as he passed by, and said, "Little short legs."

Cao Aiai suddenly became angry, stood up and stared wildly.

Jiang Yu was a little embarrassed whether to cover Zhu Le's mouth to show his boyfriend power.

Miaoshui has already walked over.

"Sister Miao, help me hit him, he laughed at my short legs." Cao Aiai found the target, and quickly shouted at Miaoshui.

Miaoshui nodded naturally, and walked towards Zhule.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhu Le immediately hid behind Yang Yang.

"Lao Yang, it's time for you to shine."

"Glowing and glowing? Isn't this your business?" Yang Yang said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, you are the light bulb, help the world." Zhu Le hurriedly changed his words.

escape?He can't outrun the nine-athlon witch.

(End of this chapter)

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