My wife was reborn before me

Chapter 340 Begins with dating to understand the business circle

Chapter 340 Begins with dating (crossed out) to understand the business circle

Xi Yue arrived at the store early, waiting for Xu Yan and Yang Yang to arrive.

In order to help the boss find someone, she specially used the cosmetics and clothes that she was reluctant to use at ordinary times, and carefully dressed up.

Now wait for the big fish to take the bait.

Sitting in front of the store's counter, Xi Yue stared at the street outside the glass door.

A car slowly drove past the door of the store, and Xu Yan was in the passenger seat.

"Here we come!" Xiyue stood up excitedly and hurried outside.

Yang Yang got out of the car first.

Wearing casual clothes, the whole person looks clean and fresh, and looks a lot younger.

With a smile on her face, Xi Yue walked towards him, secretly scoring Yang Yang in her heart.

Although he looks very young, his demeanor is very mature and stable. If nothing else, he should be about the same age as the boss.

He has good facial features, which are different from the mainstream handsome guys nowadays. They are not so delicate, but they are very masculine.

It seems that this time I really earned it myself.

Xi Yue was secretly delighted. If it goes well, it would look pretty good to fall in love with this man and get married directly.

Before Xu Yan got off the car, Xi Yue had already started to think about whether the wedding would be Chinese or Western.

After Yang Yang got off the car, seeing that Xu Yan hadn't got off the car, he went to the co-pilot's seat and knocked on the door.

"Get off the car and get ready to go to work. Do you want to live in it?"

"Can't you open the door for me?" Xu Yan kept pushing the door with her short skirt in her hand, and got out of the car slowly.

"Don't you know it's not easy to maintain your image while wearing a short skirt!"

"If you want a correct image, don't wear short skirts."

Yang Yang turned his head to the side, not to look at Xu Yan, and also to prevent being attacked by her again.

He felt that wearing a short skirt in the co-pilot position should be listed as a prohibited item in driving safety.

Along the way, he didn't dare to look in Xu Yan's direction. When he turned his head to ask for directions several times, his eyes fell on Xu Yan's legs and he almost couldn't pull them out.

"Is your heart moving? Acting is worse than moving. I don't mind, really." Xu Yan leaned close to Yang Yangyang and poked his finger on his chest, her smile was very touching.

"You're enough, do you want to be late for work?" Yang Yang grabbed Xu Yan's hand to stop her from harassing her.

Watching all this, Xi Yue was stunned.

Where is she, who is she, what happened? .

Why does the boss dress up more beautifully than her, and she, who has always been glamorous, is now molesting a man in front of her.

The man didn't seem to buy it very much.

Could it be that the boss let her go because he couldn't take him down?

But can she really win a man who can't even deal with the boss?

No, I can't let the boss down.

Xiyue cheered herself up in her heart, raised her head with the smile she practiced in front of the mirror yesterday, and approached the two of them.

"Are you the new recruit recently? My name is Xiyue, and I'm the supervisor of this store." Xiyue greeted Yang Yang in her most standard way of meeting.

Cheering for herself in her heart, she did it and ignored Mr. Xu.

Yang Yang looked down and looked at the work card hanging around Xiyue's neck, which was the company he rented from before.

"Hello, my name is Yang Yang. I came here today to go through the entry procedures. Please take care of me in the future." Yang Yang stretched out his hand to shake Xiyue's hand, when Xu Yan suddenly inserted between the two of them.

"Your entry application, I've already filled it out for you, so don't bother the supervisor." Xu Yan took Yang Yang's hand as she spoke, "I'll take you to your station."

"What are you doing? It's rude to appear out of nowhere."

"No, I'm jealous if you touch another woman's hand."



Whether it was Xi Yue standing where he was, or Yang Yang being dragged away by Xu Yan, there was only one thought in his mind.

What the hell is this guy trying to do.


After arriving at his workstation, Yang Yang downloaded the company's training app according to what Xu Yan said, and officially entered the state of getting familiar with the work.

Xu Yan took this opportunity to drag Xiyue to the meeting room of the store.

"Xi Yue, what are you thinking about? You're dressed so fancy, is it a blind date!" Xu Yan finally looked like a company boss with a cold face.

"Mr. Xu didn't tell you to let me get close to Yang Yang." Xiyue felt wronged, and didn't understand what she did wrong.

"I want you to get close, but you should dress me normally, and you should look like you are working."

Xi Yue took a peek at Xu Yan's attire.

Obviously dressed bolder than her, wearing a pearl necklace and earrings, she can directly attend a high-end dinner party.

Could it be that Yang Yang likes plain and unpretentious people?
Mr. Xiyue Naobu may not have plain clothes at home, or he may be dressed like this because of other meetings today.

"Understood, Mr. Xu, I will pay attention next time." Xi Yue sincerely thanked Xu Yan for her notification.

"Call me by my name Xu Yan in the store, don't call me Mr. Xu." Xu Yan found out how the girl who used to be clever before was acting silly today.

"I'm only saying this for the last time."

I hope she doesn't mess up her plans this time.


Xi Yue lowered her head even lower. Xu Yan told her to do so yesterday, but she still couldn't adapt to changing it for a while.

"I'll go to my workstation first, you can come here normally, don't worry about me."

Xu Yan was afraid that if she kept talking, she would lose Xiyue's self-confidence, and then she would not be able to cooperate with her in acting.

Return to the work station alone.

Xu Yan began to skillfully fiddle with the things on the table.

She is not a hands-off shopkeeper. She and her roommates also sat in the store for a while in the early days of starting a business in college.

This is the store where she and Yang Yang are staying now.

It has been refurbished more than once, and the store has remained the same as when they first started their business.

Now being able to start from scratch in this store with Yang Yang, it feels like she started a business with him.

In the process of sorting out the information, Xu Yan found that the nearby streets had changed a lot, and there were even new commercial districts where the old blocks were demolished and rebuilt, which gave her a very good idea.

Xu Yan left her station, like a thief, and tiptoed behind Yang Yang.

While he wasn't paying attention, his white arms hugged his head from behind.

"What are you doing? I'm at work, can you look a little bit?"

It's hard to guard against, and I was taken advantage of by this female hooligan again.

Xu Yan let go of Yang Yang's neck and put her arms around his neck instead, her body completely attached to him.

"Yang Yang, have you read the information?"

"Soon, I have a basic understanding of the company's room type, and the only thing left is to be familiar with the business process."

Yang Yangteng didn't make a move to drive Xu Yan away, so he could only pretend that he had an extra humanoid scarf and continue to sort out the things to see next.

After finishing all these, he still needs to watch the video all morning to understand the business process.

"Don't watch these things, it's boring, I'll show you the business process." Xu Yan rubbed her head against Yang Yang's neck, reaching out to turn off his video.

Involuntarily took his hand.

"Come on, I'll take you to understand the business district first."

Yang Yang, who was pulled by Xu Yan, looked at Xu Yan's bright smile when she turned her head.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like your girlfriend is inviting her boyfriend on a date, full of anticipation and excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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