learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 17 Understanding the Principles of Dressing

Chapter 17 Understanding the Principles of Dressing (3)
Second, you cannot wear makeup in public places.We often meet such ladies who are very concerned about their attire and image, whether it is work, study, street, social or dinner, once they have free time, they will immediately take out their makeup The box comes to modify the mirror, as if there is no one else around.Don't you know, it's very rude to put on makeup in full view.In this way you may both be in the way of others and disrespect yourself.If make-up or touch-ups are necessary, do so in the bedroom or dressing room, never in public.Even if your makeup skills are indeed superior to others, you don't necessarily have to let everyone know.If you often do this at work, it is easy to be regarded as a person who does not do business properly.

Third, makeup is not allowed in front of men.Some girls often put on makeup in front of their male colleagues. You may not care about it, "We all know each other well, just do whatever you want." However, don't forget, the ancients said: "A woman is the one who pleases herself", you probably don't think of this Treat it as one thing, but what if a male colleague regards it as your intention to get close to him?Therefore, women must avoid men's makeup, even boyfriends or husbands.This "distance" is essential, you must know: In a sense, "distance" is beauty.

Fourth, don't criticize other people's makeup.Due to differences in ethnicity, skin color and personal cultural accomplishment, everyone's makeup cannot be the same.Take my country as an example, women in the north prefer heavy makeup, while women in the south prefer light makeup.The make-up of foreign guests has its own characteristics. For example, some old ladies in the United States like to paint their toenails bright red, and women in some Southeast Asian countries like to chew betel nuts to dye their teeth black.Let's not be uncommon about this, and don't think that our makeup is the best.In particular, don't give pointers on foreign guests' makeup, and don't discuss makeup with foreign guests.

Fifth, don't borrow other people's cosmetics.Good friends have new cosmetics, which will definitely arouse your interest and make you eager to try.You yourself may sometimes forget to bring a makeup case, but you need to use it anyway.In both cases, unless the owner is willing to provide you with convenience, don't borrow other people's cosmetics.Because it is extremely unhygienic and impolite.

At present, more and more men in our country use cosmetics, and cosmetics are no longer exclusively for women.In social occasions, it is necessary for men to wear a little make-up.It should be noted that men and women are different. Don't make people think that you are "a man disguised as a woman" after putting on makeup.Under normal circumstances, men should not use too much cosmetics, so as not to give people the feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

[-]. Dress etiquette for personnel in the tertiary industry
Clothing is a general term for people's clothing and the decorations they use.

The clothing etiquette of service personnel involves the formal attire, casual attire, accessories and supplies they use in their service work.Whether the clothing you wear is appropriate or not has a lot to do with your personal image and corporate image.If you don't pay enough attention to it, it will damage your personal image and corporate image.Therefore, service personnel need to attach great importance to their own clothing and abide by the standardized requirements of service etiquette for service personnel to wear.Strictly follow the requirements of service etiquette to standardize your clothing accessories and daily personal items.

6 Basic Points You Should Remember
□When service personnel choose formal attire, they must give priority to four basic elements, namely formality, role, practicality and norms.Without any one of these elements, a formal dress would not be a formal dress.

When service personnel wear formal attire, they must not only conform to the etiquette norms, but also pay attention to some taboos when dressing.

□When service personnel choose casual clothes for themselves, they must carefully consider whether they conform to the etiquette norms that are suitable, applicable, and reasonably matched.

□When service personnel wear accessories on the job, they must try to wear them well and just right, instead of simply stacking and repeating them to show off blindly.

□The routine supplies necessary for service personnel in their work often play a certain practical role in service work.Lack of these supplies could adversely affect service operations.

□The image supplies used by service personnel in their work are daily necessities used by service personnel to maintain and modify their self-image. Sparing these supplies will help service personnel maintain their own good image, so they are intrinsically related to doing a good job in service.

in formal attire
([-]) The role of formal attire
Using uniforms as the formal attire of service personnel can maximize the function of clothing to reflect the profession.Specifically, this role can be manifested in the following four aspects:
The role of dress


Protective effects
The uniforms worn by service personnel have a distinctive identification function.The identification function can be regarded as the basic function of the uniform.It is precisely because the uniform has the eye-catching and unique logo of the industry and the unit that the wearer can be distinguished from the practitioners of other industries and units.The symbolic role of uniforms is usually seen in its unique style, color, pattern, and matching hats, badges, emblems, and so on.As far as color is concerned, when it comes to nurse uniforms, people immediately think of white; when it comes to postal uniforms, people associate it with dark green.They are excellent examples of this.

◇Incentive effect

The uniform worn by service personnel has a certain motivating effect.As standard professional clothing, uniforms are obviously higher grade than ordinary clothing.Requiring service personnel to uniformly wear uniforms will further strengthen their professional characteristics and enable the wearers to form a good sense of specialness, responsibility and honor in their hearts.Assuming that service personnel are required to wear signs indicating their names, titles, and departments while wearing uniforms, it will be able to give full play to the unique spurring effect of uniforms, prompting them to serve people more actively and proactively, and conscientiously restrain their employees. Be yourself, do it for yourself everywhere.

◇Protective effect

The uniforms worn by service personnel are quite protective.Service personnel wear uniforms uniformly during their work, which often has a certain protective effect on themselves.The protective effect of uniforms is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

can protect the body
Many uniforms mostly have the function of body protection.Wearing it in accordance with the regulations at work can reduce the chance of physical injury.

can protect dignity
Wearing a uniform often increases a person's sense of authority.Service personnel wear uniforms to work, which helps to maintain self-esteem and is easy to be respected.

can distinguish identity
Uniforms are usually graded.People of different ranks wear different types of uniforms during work, which can make it easy for everyone to distinguish their identities and facilitate the smooth progress of management.

◇Propaganda role

The uniforms worn by service personnel are a great way to advertise.No matter in the workplace or when going out on business, the service personnel wearing neat and beautiful uniforms will consciously or unconsciously publicize their units, making them attract the attention of the world.The obvious role of uniforms in shaping the corporate image has long been recognized by the world.Therefore, someone once commented on this: "corporate employees wearing uniforms are the best advertisements to promote the image of their units. In terms of input-output ratio, making uniforms for all employees can be said to be a huge profit.

([-]) The choice of dress
On the job post, in terms of clothing, the main requirement for service personnel is to require them to wear formal attire.In other words, service personnel should usually wear formal clothes as their main clothing during work.According to the basic regulations of service etiquette, when choosing formal attire for service personnel, four basic elements must be given priority, namely formality, role, practicality and norms.Without any one of these elements, a formal dress would not be a formal dress.Factors to consider when choosing formal attire


The so-called formality means that the formal attire of the service personnel must give people a sense of solemnity.If the formal attire worn by service personnel appears too casual, its normal function will naturally be greatly compromised.


The so-called role means that the formal attire of the service personnel must be dignified and generous, so as to complement the actual role they assume.If it is too avant-garde and fancy, it will contradict the actual role of the service staff.


The so-called practicality means that the service personnel's formal attire must be practical and practical, and it should be beneficial to their actual work, at least it should not be a stumbling block in the actual work of the service personnel.If the formal attire of the service staff is just for show but not for use, then what value does it have to continue to exist?


The so-called norms refer to the specific style, fabric, color, collocation and dressing of the service personnel's formal attire, which have certain rules.When service personnel wear formal attire, only by adhering to such rules will their professional image be recognized by service targets.

([-]) Formal attire
Formal attire required

Well made and clean looking

Pay attention to civilization, elegant and generous

Easy to serve, well coordinated

◇ Well-made, neat appearance
The service personnel wear formal attire, and the service personnel are required to comply with the etiquette requirements. First of all, they should pay attention to the well-made and neat appearance.

Formal attire for service personnel should be well-made.Under the premise of the unit's financial and material resources, the formal suits uniformly produced for service personnel must strive for excellence and better.Unified production of uniforms and formal attire for service personnel is the most basic requirement for service personnel to wear formal attire, so that it is easy to achieve uniform styles and uniformity.

The uniforms of service personnel are uniformly produced, except that there are differences between men and women, and spring and autumn clothes, but the appearance and style of formal clothes are the same.For example, for the same autumn clothes, women wear skirts and men wear trousers. They are all the same. The tops, short sleeves or long sleeves of the same uniform should be the same for everyone. It is impossible to have one short sleeve and one long sleeve, one Trousers and shorts, unless it is required by different positions, the styles in the same position are uniform.Only in this way can it be possible to play the normal role of formal clothing.

Formal attire for service personnel must be neat and tidy.

To ensure the neat appearance of formal clothing, service units and service personnel should work together to do the following two things:
Unclean formal attire shall not be worn
Service personnel should be required not to wear untidy formal attire on the job.The formal attire of the service personnel is not neat enough, including the following situations, which do not conform to the basic norms of service etiquette.

— full of wrinkles.The service personnel should iron the suit before wearing it; when taking it off temporarily, they should hang it up carefully.If it is not ironed or ironed at ordinary times, and it is thrown away after taking it off, it will be creased and crumpled, which will definitely make it very ugly.

- appears broken.If the service staff wear formal clothes that are obviously damaged in their own way, such as being hung, torn, worn through, burnt holes, or missing buttons, etc., it is very easy to leave a bad impression on people.In the eyes of outsiders, this is not only negative work and perfunctory work, but also absolutely no spirit of love, dedication and dedication.

- Stains all over.It is inevitable that service personnel will stain their formal clothes with some stains during their work.For example, oil stains, mud stains, sweat stains, rain stains, water stains, ink stains, blood stains, etc.These stains often give people a sense of uncleanness, and sometimes even cause other associations.

- stained with dirt.Dirt on formal clothing tends to have a greater negative impact than stains all over it.

— full of peculiar smell.Formal clothes are full of peculiar smells, such as sweat acid, body odor, etc., which belong to an "invisible" unclean state.It shows that the wearer is negligent in changing and washing clothes.In some cases, especially when the service staff needs to provide close service to others, if the body smells bad, it will hinder the service target.

Establish a sound system and strictly enforce
In the service industry, such rules and regulations generally include the following main contents.

[-]. The service unit shall uniformly stipulate the specific time for service personnel to change and wash formal clothes, such as changing every day, every three days or once a week, and the unit is responsible for the washing of clothes.

First, the service unit clearly requires that the service personnel's formal attire must be changed as it gets dirty, and they must not slack off.

A special person shall be designated to be responsible for the inspection, and those who fail to meet the requirements shall not only be criticized, but also be punished to a certain extent.

Pay attention to civilization, elegant and generous

Elegant formal attire is a basic requirement for service personnel.

The service personnel should show their civilized and elegant temperament when wearing formal attire. The main purpose is to prevent the service personnel from the following problems in dressing:

Excessive nudity
When wearing formal clothes, it is not advisable to expose the body too much.Generally speaking, any body parts that can display gender characteristics, personal beauty, or offensive and unsightly private parts of the body must not be intentionally exposed when wearing formal clothes.Chest, abdomen, armpits, and thighs are the four recognized forbidden areas that are not allowed to be exposed when wearing formal clothes.In particularly formal occasions, the toes and heels are also not allowed to be exposed.

too thin
If you wear a formal dress that is too thin or translucent, your underwear or even your vital parts of your body will be "published" to the public, which is very embarrassing.Female service personnel must attach great importance to this aspect of the problem, otherwise it will cause the client to have a certain illusion, and even suffer "sexual harassment" by frivolous people unintentionally.

too thin
Generally speaking, the formal clothes worn by service personnel for work must be fat and thin.If the suit is too bulky, it will appear that the wearer is listless, dull and funny.If the formal wear is too thin, it may make it inconvenient for the wearer to work.

too showy
Service personnel need to pay attention to its color and pattern when it is possible to choose a formal dress.The general rule is that the formal attire of service personnel should not be eye-catching, its colors should not be too many, too bright, and its patterns should not be too complicated and weird.Generally, the formal clothes chosen by the service staff should be dark, and preferably without any patterns.

etiquette experts remind you

If the service personnel make the colors and patterns of their formal clothes too gorgeous and dazzling, it will give people a sense of frivolity and impetuosity.

Easy to serve, well coordinated

No matter how good-looking the uniform is, it is not convenient for service and loses the meaning of formal attire for service work.For example, there was a small problem with the railway uniforms of the transportation system. Our railway uniforms were also very beautiful at the time. Girls wore skirts, but the skirts were too long to be convenient for work. It is too long, and it binds her legs, so she has to jump down and jump up, otherwise, she has to lift the skirt.How decent is it to wear a uniform and hold up a skirt?So it is important that the clothes are suitable for the work.For example, cheongsam, a girl with a good figure looks good in a cheongsam, of course, the premise is that she has a good figure, and a girl with a bad figure should not be forced to wear a cheongsam.The cheongsam can best test a person's figure and demeanor.Wearing cheongsam on social occasions, such as banquets and dances, is fine, but using cheongsam as a service attire degrades the cheongsam, the Chinese concierge dress, and is not convenient for work.

When service personnel wear formal attire, they should pay attention to the coordination of fabrics and colors, so as to facilitate the development of service work.

The color of the uniform should be used as little as possible, and the consideration of the overall color and color pattern should be paid attention to to highlight the corporate image.Less colors tend to be solemn and elegant, while more colors are extravagant, it is easy to be nondescript and damage the image.

Clothes made of chemical fiber fabrics are most likely to generate static electricity when the room is relatively dry and the humidity is not enough. Luminous and shiny fabrics, low-grade fabrics that are pilled and generate static electricity should not be used.

Casual wear
([-]) Casual clothing must be appropriate

Service personnel must carefully consider whether it is appropriate or not when choosing casual clothes.In general, people have fewer commandments when it comes to choosing their casual attire.Someone once said about this: "As long as you don't break the law, as long as you don't violate ethics, as long as you don't hinder your health and safety, you can wear whatever you want, and you can wear whatever you want."

Although this is the case, in real life, most people also understand that they can't just wear casual clothes.When people choose or wear casual clothes, they often think about whether it suits them or not, just like when they choose and wear other clothes.Whether casual clothes are suitable or not refers to this problem.

According to the basic requirements of service etiquette, when considering whether casual clothes are suitable for you, service personnel should pay attention to gender, age and body characteristics, and follow the following four principles:

The principle of choosing casual clothes

gender appropriate
age appropriate
◇Gender appropriate
The gender identity of casual clothes is not very obvious.There are many styles of casual clothes, such as shirts, T-shirts, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans, shorts, etc. Most of them can be worn regardless of gender, but mixed gender is allowed.It can be worn by both men and women.This feature of casual clothes is called "neutralization of casual clothes".

etiquette experts remind you

Although "neutralization" is a major feature of casual clothes, it does not mean that all casual clothes can be unisex.When choosing casual clothes, gender awareness cannot be completely downplayed anyway.

In fact, there are still some casual clothes that are clearly divided between men and women.For example, tight-fitting, navel-exposed vests and thin straps, and sundresses with bare backs are recognized as women's casual wear.If a grown man wears it on himself without hesitation, and then wears platform sandals, a backpack on his shoulders, and sunglasses on his head, he is obviously suspected of pretending to be a girl.If it is not done well, it will be suspected of suffering from "gender inversion".

◇Appropriate age

Usually, when people choose casual clothes, they often don't think much about age.This is mainly because: There are indeed many casual clothes that are suitable for all ages.Even if some casual clothes are purely designed for young people, wearing them by the elderly can also make them look strong and youthful, so they are also accepted by ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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