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Chapter 31 Understanding Business Service Etiquette

Chapter 31 Understanding Business Service Etiquette (4)
One is non-consumers, that is, people who cannot consume.

The second is potential consumers, that is, people who have no consumption intention but are likely to consume.

The third is prospective consumers, that is, people who have consumption intentions and are ready to consume.

The fourth is mobile consumers, that is, people who are consuming.

For these four types of service objects, service personnel should be equally enthusiastic and treat each other differently during the service process.

When receiving mobile consumers, they should be meticulous and thoughtful.When receiving informed consumers, they should be persuasive and persuasive.When receiving potential customers, you should actively strive for them.When receiving non-consumers, it should promote the effect.In fact, except for "mobile consumers", the other three types of consumers are non-consumers.If the service personnel get angry with him for a while, neglect the other party, and make the other party have a bad last impression, they will only cut off their own financial resources and permanently rule out the possibility of the other party becoming a mobile consumer of the unit.

Create a distraction-free environment
The so-called interference with the service object mainly refers to the service personnel's performance in the service process, intentionally or unintentionally disrupting the service object's enjoyment of the service, corrupting the service object's mood, and even making it difficult for the service to be delivered normally and smoothly. conduct.On the whole, interfering with the service object will not only dampen the enthusiasm of the other party for consumption, but also greatly reduce the enthusiasm of the service staff.It can be seen that in order to really improve the service quality, it is necessary to fundamentally eliminate the problems that interfere with the service objects.Experts and scholars who study service etiquette at home and abroad have long expressed a lot of good opinions on solving the problem of service personnel interfering with service objects.

etiquette experts remind you

The core of the zero-degree interference theory is to make the service object receive as little interference as possible during the service process.

Service etiquette experts currently agree on this issue: only when service personnel have learned and mastered the principle of zero-degree interference can they rectify the root cause, truly improve their own understanding, and insulate themselves from all kinds of behaviors that interfere with the service object in service practice.

Practice has proved that: the higher the level of civilization of a society, the more intolerable its members are to interference in the field of services.The higher the education level of a client, the less he wants to be disturbed in any form during the whole process of enjoying the service.

It must be admitted that the surrounding environment of any service place has more or less influence on the service objects.To some extent, the surrounding environment of the service place is actually one of the organic elements of the overall service.Ignoring this point, it will be difficult to make the service content perfect and the service level "to a higher level".

To create a non-disturbing surrounding environment for service objects, the service industry and service personnel mainly need to start from the following points:
Pay attention to environmental hygiene
Pay attention to furnishing and decoration

Pay attention to noise control
Pay attention to weather conditions
Pay attention to light tone
Pay attention to environmental hygiene
Environmental sanitation is usually the most valued by the service recipients, and in their eyes is directly linked to the grade and service level of the service unit.In the specific process of enjoying the service, if the client feels that the surrounding environment is not hygienic enough, he will definitely add resistance in his heart, or directly feel disgusted.

Pay attention to the sanitation of the surrounding environment, mainly to ensure that there is no foreign matter or peculiar smell within the jurisdiction of the service unit, especially at the scene where the service is provided to the client, and everywhere else the client goes.The so-called no foreign matter means that all unclean things must be thoroughly cleaned.The so-called no peculiar smell means that all unpleasant and abnormal smells should be completely eliminated.For example, garbage piled inside the door of a shop, or sputum, fruit peels, and paper scraps on the steps are typical foreign objects.The smell of paint in a bar, or the smell of food in a karaoke bar, are bothersome odors.

Pay attention to furnishing and decoration

The furnishing and decoration of a service unit is quite special.It must be civilized and beautiful, but also safe and practical.More importantly, it should give full play to the function of attracting and facilitating service targets, and should not be counterproductive.

For example, if the door of a service unit knocks people frequently, the elevator frequently squeezes people, the counter bumps people from time to time or people are forced to go around, and the floor is so slippery that people worry about falling, I am afraid it will make people Disturbed clients stay away.

Pay attention to noise control
On the whole, most people like to be quiet.In the process of choosing or enjoying services, people especially hope to keep quiet in order to concentrate on the selection or experience.Therefore, the service industry and service personnel must limit the noise that hinders the other party to the lowest point when serving the target.

The so-called noise, also known as noise.It generally refers to the noisy and harsh sound that hinders people's hearing that should not exist in a normal environment.For the service object, the following untimely sounds are all among the noises that may interfere with them: one is repeated advertisements; the other is loud yelling when service personnel are selling; the third is chatting privately by service personnel; The fourth is the sound caused by the actions of service personnel; the fifth is the sound of object collisions that should not be produced during the service process; the sixth is sharp and harsh or excessively boring background music.

Pay attention to weather conditions
Meteorological conditions here specifically refer to important indicators such as temperature and humidity at the scene when the service is in progress.Under normal conditions, when people enjoy services, they often have certain requirements for the temperature and humidity of the site.

As far as temperature is concerned, the temperature that people feel most comfortable is the "golden section point" of human normal body temperature, which is about 22 degrees Celsius.If it is 5 degrees Celsius higher than this index, it will make people feel hot and dry.If it is 10 degrees Celsius lower than this index, it will be unbearably cold.

In terms of humidity, the most suitable humidity for people is 50% relative humidity.At this time, people will feel that the air is neither dry nor humid, fresh and pleasant.If the relative humidity is higher than 90%, it will make people feel damp and stuffy; if the relative humidity is lower than 10%, it will make people feel dry and dry.

It can be seen from this that if the temperature and humidity of the service site are abnormal, it is a kind of interference to the service object.

Pay attention to light tone
At the service site, the light and shade of the light and the background color have a certain degree of influence on the consumer psychology of the service object.

Under normal circumstances, the light should not be too strong or too dark.If natural light sources are difficult to meet the requirements, artificial light sources can be used to assist.Use artificial light sources, which should not be used to directly illuminate the service objects, and colored lights or flashing lights should not be used.It is worth the attention of service units to make the service objects visually comfortable and enhance the visibility of service items.

If there is no special reason, the background color of the service site should be based on certain monochrome and light colors that are pleasing to the eye.Milky white, light blue, light green, etc., are all colors that can be given priority.

Try not to use variegated and bright colors as the main color of the background color.In particular, it is not easy to choose manic red, yellow, orange, or frightening and decadent black and gray as the main background color of the service site.

([-]) Keep a moderate distance
Many consumers may have had this kind of experience more or less: when they happily walked into a service unit, ready to understand, choose or enjoy its service content, but they were ignored. The enthusiasm was greatly dampened by the service staff who came on the ground.Sometimes, those service personnel who follow closely behind the service object will often make the service object feel like "mantis catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind", and even have a rebellious psychology, and immediately "run away" and die. go.

This shows that there are certain rules for the interpersonal distance between the service personnel and the service objects in their jobs, and they must not be taken lightly.

what is interpersonal distance
The so-called interpersonal distance generally refers to the distance formed between the objects of communication in the normal communication between people, that is, the distance between the objects of communication.

In different occasions and different situations, there are usually different requirements for the interpersonal distance between the partners.Psychological experiments have proved that if the interpersonal distance is too large, it is easy to make people feel alienated; if the interpersonal distance is too small, it will make people feel depressed, uncomfortable or offended.In short, too large or too small interpersonal distance is inappropriate, and they all hinder normal interpersonal communication.

For service personnel, the regular interpersonal distance that needs to be maintained between them and their clients in their jobs can be roughly divided into the following five types.

service distance
display distance
Guide distance
standby distance
trust distance
service distance
Service distance is the most conventional distance maintained between service personnel and service objects.It is mainly applicable to when the service personnel provide services directly to the client at the request of the client.Under normal circumstances, the service distance is preferably between 0m and 5m.As for whether the distance between the service personnel and the service object should be closer or farther, it should depend on the specific situation of the service.

display distance
Display distance is actually a special case of service distance.That is, the service personnel need to perform operation demonstrations in front of the service objects so that the latter can have a more intuitive, fuller, and more detailed understanding of the service items.When performing demonstrations, the service personnel should not only make the service object see their own operation demonstration clearly, but also prevent the other party from obstructing their own operation demonstration or being accidentally injured.Therefore, the display distance seems to be between 3 meter and [-] meters.

Guide distance
The so-called guiding distance generally refers to the distance between the service personnel and each other when they lead the way for the service object.According to the usual practice, it is most appropriate for the service personnel to walk about 1 meters in front of the left side of the client during guidance.At this time, the distance between the service personnel and the service object is too far or too close, which is not allowed.

standby distance
Standby distance refers specifically to the distance that service personnel must consciously keep with the other party when the service object has not summoned themselves and requires them to provide services. Under normal circumstances, it should be 3 meters away.As long as the client can see themselves within sight.The purpose of the service personnel to maintain such a distance from the client is not to affect the latter's browsing, consideration or selection of service items.

trust distance
The so-called trust distance refers to a distance used by service personnel to express their trust in the service object and to make the other party more attentive to the browsing, consideration, choice or experience of the service, that is, to leave the other party and go away from the other party. Disappeared from the opponent's sight.When taking such a distance, you must avoid two points: one is not to hide nearby, as if you are secretly monitoring the client; the other is not to go and never return, so that the client cannot find anyone when they need help from the service personnel.

In addition to these five distances, service personnel should also understand the taboo distances in their jobs.The taboo distance here mainly refers to the distance that should be avoided between the service personnel and the service objects at work.The characteristic of this distance is that the bodies of the two parties are too close to each other, and there may even be direct contact, that is, less than 0 meters.This kind of distance is more common among people with extremely close relationships.If there is no special reason, the service personnel must not take the initiative to adopt it.

([-]) Enthusiasm has a "degree"

In the workplace, service personnel need to provide enthusiastic service to their clients. This is completely self-evident, and every service personnel must be very clear about this.However, speaking from a higher level, the service personnel must also understand that to truly provide enthusiastic service to the service object, they must grasp the proportions in the specific operation.All in all, the enthusiastic service of the service personnel who is really welcomed by the service objects must be warm, thoughtful, considerate, friendly, and at the same time be empathetic, providing the service objects with a certain degree of freedom, so as not to make the other party enjoy the service In the course of the process, the service personnel are unintentionally harassed, interrupted, entangled or influenced.This is what it means to provide undisturbed, warm service to clients.

Fundamentally speaking, service personnel are required to have a sense of non-interference to the other party when providing enthusiastic service to the service object. In fact, it is required that the service personnel must remember the degree of enthusiasm during the service process.

what is enthusiasm
The so-called degree of enthusiasm mainly means that the service personnel must grasp the specific proportion of enthusiasm when serving the service objects enthusiastically.

It goes without saying that enthusiasm is better than indifference, and active service is better than passive service.However, there is a limit to everything, and enthusiasm for service is often too much.There is a saying that "adding one point will result in more, and subtracting one point will result in less". Everything must be reversed. If there is too much enthusiasm, the expected effect will also not be achieved.If the service is not enthusiastic enough, it will usually neglect the client; if the service is too enthusiastic, it will also hinder the client.The specific measure of enthusiasm mentioned here is the "degree" in the degree of enthusiasm.The "degree" in the degree of enthusiasm, in the service process, mainly refers to the service personnel not only to be active and proactive, but also to avoid disturbing the other party because of this.

In daily work, the lack of enthusiasm and over-enthusiasm of the service personnel are equally harmful.As far as the current situation is concerned, under the background of generally advocating enthusiastic service in the service industry, service personnel should prevent overcorrection and excessive enthusiasm.Excessive enthusiasm is actually a specific manifestation of "enthusiasm offside" in interpersonal communication. It is not only unnatural, but also causes a certain amount of psychological pressure, and even mistakenly thinks that the other party is "unkind". It seems to have the meaning of persecution and coaxing.Sometimes, people worry: Is there any intention behind the enthusiasm, whether the quality of goods or services is poor, or there are additional fees, so they are afraid of being "slaughtered" and dare not consume.

Under normal circumstances, the service personnel should provide uninterrupted and enthusiastic service to the service object. The overall requirement is to enable the service personnel to grasp the "degree" of enthusiastic service on the basis of being well versed in modern people's emphasis on self-respect.If it should be "hot", it will be "hot", and if it should not be "hot", it will not be "hot", so that the service object can feel at ease in the process of enjoying the service, and will not be disturbed by excessive courtesy.Three considerations for non-interference service, it is especially necessary to pay attention to the following three specific issues.

pay attention to language
Pay attention to facial expressions
pay attention to manners
◇Pay attention to language
According to the convention, when the service personnel are on duty at their jobs, in addition to routine polite expressions (such as "Hello!" "Good morning!" "Welcome!" "Goodbye!" etc.) In addition, it is generally not advisable to talk too much to the other party.Otherwise, it will have a negative impact and cause a certain amount of interference to the other party.

In particular, service personnel need to avoid the following errors in language:
——Constantly ask the service object: "What do you need?" If the other party has no such request in terms of language, expression, and action, the service personnel should not take the initiative to ask.Because the other party may just be browsing in general, or may still be undecided, the service staff will step forward so aggressively, but it will interrupt the other party's thinking, and it is likely to "drive" the other party away counterproductively.

——Proactively invite clients to “come in and have a look”.When a customer stops at the door of a shop, whether he wants to go in and take a look is entirely his personal freedom.Actively inviting him at this moment will also disturb the other party's thoughts, and it is not enough respect for the other party.

——Come forward to recommend and introduce the service content, and ask the service object to "try it", "use it", and "taste it".Naturally, he will not let go of the content that the client is really interested in.On the contrary, if he is not interested in it, if the service personnel take the initiative to recommend and introduce, it means "forced service" and coerces the other party to submit.In fact, whether the service content is new or not, and whether the price is fair or not, the service recipients themselves are completely clear about this.The service staff said so much about it that it was unnecessary.

Pay attention to facial expressions
In interpersonal communication, expressions are usually regarded as a carrier of information dissemination and communication.When service personnel provide services to clients, it is necessary to consciously and appropriately regulate their own expressions in order to express their enthusiasm and friendliness to the other party more accurately and appropriately.

During the service process, the service staff should pay attention to their eyes

When the client appears in front of you, the following five eyes are likely to harass and are prohibited: one is to stare at the other party, as if worried about the other party's stealing; the other is to look at the other party, as if full of curiosity about the other party The third is squinting at the other party, which seems to be critical of the other party, or looking down on the other party; the fourth is spying on the other party, which seems to be suspicious or rare; It is very easy to arouse the resentment of the client, especially when the client is of the opposite sex.

During the service process, the service staff should also pay attention to their smiles
Although it is said that laughing is better than crying, you must also laugh properly and at the right time.Appropriate smiles are acceptable only when the service staff greets and sees off guests, or directly serves the other party.One of the service staff hid behind the client and laughed secretly, several service staff chatted and laughed together, the service staff couldn’t stop laughing when the service target made a fool of himself, the service staff discussed jokes with the service target together, and the service staff was baffled in public Laughing wildly, etc., are all untimely actions that hinder the client.

◇Pay attention to manners

Service personnel must remember to exercise restraint in their behavior when providing services to clients.The following four behaviors that may interfere with the other party should be strictly prohibited.

unhygienic behavior
bad manners
(End of this chapter)

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