learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 34 Understanding Business Service Etiquette

Chapter 34 Understanding Business Service Etiquette (7)
Quick response on the spot requires shopping guides not only to have good personal qualities, but also to be good at observing and understanding customers.In addition, when specifically promoting products and services, we must also pay attention to flexibility.Usually, if you can pay attention to doing a good job of "four first and four later", it will definitely help your work to a certain extent.

Easy before difficult
To promote products and services, you should first start with what is easy for customers to understand, and then gradually increase the difficulty from the shallower to the deeper.

simplified before complicated
To promote products and services, you should first start from the simple and easy to understand, and then gradually change from simple to complex, and gradually transition to the complicated.

First rush and then slow

To promote products and services, you should first start with what customers are eager to know, and then gradually advance to the important aspects that the other party is not eager to know at the beginning.

first special then general

To promote products and services, you should first start with their unique features, and then gradually introduce their more general features.

[-]. Hotel service etiquette

Hotel service etiquette occupies an important position in service etiquette and constitutes an important part of it.Today's hotel services are characterized by comprehensiveness, which integrates comprehensive services such as accommodation, food, shopping, and entertainment.In this case, it is very necessary and urgent to improve the service etiquette level of the hotel.Hotel service etiquette mainly includes front hall service etiquette, room service etiquette, catering service etiquette, bar and other entertainment service etiquette, etc.In order to make the guests feel as if they are at home when they come, and to linger when they leave, the service personnel of the hotel need to pay special attention to service etiquette in the reception and service.

A Few Basic Points You Should Remember

□The front office of the hotel is the face or window of the hotel.Service personnel in the front office should have high professionalism and master standard manners and etiquette.

□The hotel's business center is a modern office space provided to meet the business needs of guests.Business center service personnel, in addition to complying with the general provisions of service etiquette, should also pay attention to personal appearance, work enthusiasm, work conscientiously, and pay attention to efficiency.

□The room attendants of the hotel are in direct contact with the guests, and their every move and every word will leave a deep impression on the guests.Therefore, room service personnel must fully grasp the etiquette norms in room service, and win honor for the hotel through their own words and deeds.

□ Catering service personnel must fully understand and use dining etiquette, so that guests can enjoy their active, enthusiastic, thoughtful and patient service while tasting delicious food, so as to meet the maximum satisfaction of consumption needs.

□The service personnel of the bar service, beauty salon service, entertainment service, sports and fitness service and other departments of modern hotels should not only follow the general service etiquette, but also follow their own different etiquette requirements.

front office service
The front office is one of the very important departments in the hotel.Its business scope usually includes functional departments such as reception, reservation, inquiry, luggage, switchboard, etc., providing guests with registration, reception, room reservation, room allocation, room change, inquiry, telephone, ticket booking, message, luggage, check-out, etc. Serve.Judging from the location of the front office, it can be called the "facade" or "window" of the hotel, because the front office can often leave the first impression on the guests, and to some extent also reflects the overall image of the hotel .Therefore, there should be higher requirements for the quality and courtesy and etiquette services of the service personnel in the front office.Quality Requirements for Front Office Service Personnel

good conduct, honesty, integrity

Have a good sense of service

Have high professional quality

Have a strong ability to adapt and control

Be flexible

have a strong memory

Possess relevant job skills

good conduct, honesty, integrity

There are many types of work in the front office, some of which involve prices, money, and hotel business secrets. Without good self-cultivation and misconduct, it is easy to find and use some loopholes in the hotel management and take advantage of the post responsibilities. , seek personal gain for the individual, harm the interests of the guests and the hotel, thus directly affecting the service quality of the hotel and damaging the image and reputation of the hotel.Therefore, under the supervision and restriction of the necessary strict rules and regulations, the front office staff must also consciously strengthen their moral cultivation.

Have a good sense of service

The front office staff should observe carefully at any time and use their unremitting efforts to achieve "liveness in eyes and hard work in hand", provide high-quality services to customers, and solve problems for customers in the front-line positions.Only with a good sense of service, such as thinking about what the guests think and being anxious about what the guests are anxious about, can the service personnel in the front office obtain the satisfaction of the guests with perfect service measures.

Have high professional quality

As a front office service staff, you should have the following professional qualities:
Dedicated to work, serious and responsible

Study hard and ask questions, accumulate knowledge

Language expression, standard fluency

good spirits and good manners

Dedicated to work, serious and responsible

Front office staff should have a more comprehensive and correct understanding of the work of the front office, such as tasks, goals, status, scope, job responsibilities, etc., and have a sense of responsibility for their own work.

Be sensitive to guests' requests, respond quickly, and convey information to superiors or colleagues in a timely and accurate manner.Under the premise of obeying the command, there must be a certain degree of flexibility and creativity.Consciously care about and safeguard the interests of the hotel.In case of trouble, especially when encountering unexpected things, you must remain rational and sober, and be able to restrain your impulsive emotions.

Inquisitive.The accumulation of knowledge

Front office staff should have varying degrees of mastery and understanding of finance, history, geography, local scenic spots and customs, transportation, communications, some foreign customs, religion, etc.

Language expression, standard fluency

In addition to being able to use Mandarin as the standard in Chinese expression, the front office staff should have accurate pronunciation, moderate intonation, good sound quality, smooth expression and corresponding comprehension ability, and should also learn one or two foreign languages, and make one of them The foreign language has reached a certain level to meet the unexpected needs of the work.If due to the needs of the hotel's location environment, it is also necessary to master commonly used dialects such as Hokkien and Cantonese, so as to facilitate mutual communication when receiving people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese.

good spirits and good manners

Due to the needs of work, the front office staff should practice the basic skills of standing service.In the workplace, pay attention to appearance and appearance, and be clean and tidy when dressing according to the regulations of the hotel.When on duty, you are not allowed to walk around, put your hands in your pockets or hug your chest, or chat in groups.The overall image should give people a fresh, generous and friendly feeling.

Have a strong ability to adapt and control

The work of the front office is a job that requires a high degree of adaptability and self-control. It is to be "flexible" and "forbearance" together.

The so-called flexibility means to try our best to be considerate of the guests, and to handle some matters flexibly to satisfy the other party.Matters that cannot be done and violate the requirements of the principles must be flexibly explained to the guests to satisfy the other party without complaint or regret.

The so-called "forbearance" means to be patient everywhere and not get angry.As a front office service staff, you often have to face complaints from guests, listen to all kinds of complaints from guests, even ask questions that are close to nitpicking, and even face what may be rude attitudes.Even if this is the case, you can't ignore it and push it to the assistant manager in the lobby. Instead, you should handle it properly, listen patiently, and treat it differently depending on the specific situation.If you "can't bear it", it may affect the reputation of the front office and even the entire hotel.

etiquette experts remind you

There are many ways for service personnel to achieve "flexibility" and "forbearance", but they mainly rely on self-cultivation, that is, to develop good self-cultivation.

It is not easy to develop and use the ability of adaptation and self-control.

Be flexible

Guests staying in hotels come from all directions, with different genders, nationalities, occupations, ages, education levels, positions, and purpose of staying, resulting in differences in guest needs.This requires the service personnel in the front office to have the ability to adapt, to put themselves in the other party's shoes and to ease the tension caused by emergencies, so that they can solve problems for the guests in a targeted manner based on the principles of specific analysis and specific handling of specific situations, and provide Excellent service.

have a strong memory

The staff in the front office should gradually explore, sum up experience, and find rules in practice, so as to make themselves have a strong memory ability, especially time, names, and characteristics of people, etc., which can be quickly and accurately remembered, so as to facilitate their work. went smoothly.Exercising a certain memory ability is not only conducive to showing respect for others in the work, but also undoubtedly brings convenience to the work.Of course, the hotel has a constant flow of people coming and going every day. To remember the names of many guests in a short period of time obviously requires a little skill, but the key lies in whether the service staff is attentive.

Possess relevant job skills

The work of the front office is more complicated.As a qualified front office service staff, according to their different responsibilities, they should have the corresponding skills and skills necessary to adapt to the work, such as typing, computer operation, shorthand, answering phone calls, telex, commonly used Chinese and English letters Writing, filling, distributing, sorting, filing, etc. related to various business forms.These skills and skills will effectively help the front office service personnel to be competent for their jobs.

([-]) Receiving inquiries

When receiving inquiries, each guest must be courteous and treated equally.On the basis of mastering a large amount of information, answer the questions raised by the guests as much as possible; try to meet the requirements of the guests; try to help the guests.When a guest makes a request to the main service desk, the receptionist must listen attentively.

etiquette experts remind you

When the guests come to the main service desk in the front hall, if the reception staff can temporarily put aside the work at hand and let the guests wait, it is very impolite.

——Serve standing up, full of energy, natural and generous, concentrated, and ready to receive guests at any time.

——Enthusiastic and proactive, greet each other with a smile, answer every question without being annoying, articulate, use words properly, simplify the complexity, and be efficient in season.The reception and inquiry personnel at the main station must be familiar with the business and clarify their responsibilities.

——When answering a guest's inquiry, if you encounter a difficult question that you really don't understand, don't pretend to understand it, so as not to make a joke or delay the guest's time, but should sincerely apologize to the guest, ask the guest to wait a moment, and then Quickly consult relevant information or consult relevant departments and personnel, and then give customers a satisfactory answer.If you can answer the guest at that time, don't push it to others.

——When encountering customers who are hesitant and undecided, they can intervene in a timely manner by observing their words and expressions, and enthusiastically provide information to the guests at the request of the guests, and be a good consultant.But we must pay attention to the moderate enthusiasm, only as a staff member, do not participate in decision-making, let alone interfere with the guests' private life.

——As the interviewer, under no circumstances shall satirize, sarcasm and ridicule the guests.

([-]) Receiving guests for accommodation

The service staff at the main service desk in the front hall should warmly greet every guest, stop what they are doing, look at each other with both eyes, and welcome guests with sentences such as "Hello, welcome!" "Excuse me, have you booked a room?" 's arrival

After listening to the requirements of the guests, ask them to fill in the accommodation registration form, and according to the requirements of the guests and the actual situation of the room control, try to meet the needs of the guests and arrange a room for them.If the customer's request cannot be met, it cannot be simply stated as "no".An apology should be made to the guest, and then a useful alternative suggestion should be made to him for the guest's choice and reference.Every hotel should sincerely welcome every guest, and always hold the service tenet of guest first for their presence.For each guest from different countries or with different identities, the necessary registration should be carried out according to the system and procedures, so that the guests can understand the situation reflected in the accommodation list, which will help the hotel to understand the actual needs of different guests in a timely manner, so as to better Good to provide attentive service.One of the important functions of the hotel itself is to be responsible for the safety and convenience of the guests.If the guest does not want others to know his or her name, room number or other matters during the stay, he can notify the reception desk in advance so that the special request can be entered into the computer, so as to ensure that the guest can live quietly and comfortably in the hotel without being disturbed .If the guest has difficulty or finds it troublesome to fill in, the reception staff can fill in the content on the registration card for the guest after obtaining the guest's consent, and then ask the guest to sign for confirmation, so that the guest feels that the hotel is willing to provide them with high-quality services.

([-]) Accept booking business and handle mail
Accept reservation business
When accepting telephone reservations or verbal reservations at the counter, you should take the initiative to say hello and ask about your needs.Be warm and polite, with a sweet and sweet tone.Accurately quote prices for a variety of different types of guests.If the requirements of the guests cannot be fully met, the guests should be suggested to make some changes, and a series of suggestions for the guests to choose should be offered.If it is really unsatisfactory, you should also treat the guests with a friendly, regretful and apologetic attitude, and hope that the guests will come next time.

etiquette experts remind you

When accepting reservations, we must carefully record and deal with them quickly.When filling out the reservation form, you must be careful and fill in clearly item by column.

All reservation information should be entered into the computer accurately.The order information is sorted and placed neatly and standardized to provide accurate information for the subsequent booking work.

Handle guest mail
For the problem of sending and receiving mail in the hotel, the guests are more dissatisfied. Therefore, if the postal department does not send a special person to set up a shop in the hotel to serve, but when the porter, interrogator or receptionist of the front office department handles it on behalf of the staff, they should be serious. do well.

As soon as the staff on duty go to work, they should first look at the emails they have in hand, and have an impression in their minds, so that they can make a reply when the guests inquire about the emails.

If there is a guest's mail, especially the express mail, it should be delivered to the guest immediately without undue delay.If the guest is away from home, put the mail in the key box and give it to the guest together with the room key when the guest comes back.Mail cannot be misplaced or carelessly thrown on the counter.Whether it is receiving or sending mail, it must be fast and accurate.

If the in-house guest finds the main service desk and claims that there is something urgent to be mailed, and the time for receiving the letter has passed, the staff on duty should not simply say that the time has passed and there is no way to collect it, but push it away, but try to help the guest solve problems.For example, if possible, ask other personnel to send it to the post office.And try to get things done as well as possible, but also be more comprehensive in language expression.For example, if you say at this time: "The time has passed, if you are really in a hurry, I will send it for you." It seems a bit far-fetched to shift the responsibility to the guests.And it seems better to say, "Let me send it."

Mail for guests who have already reserved a room should be delivered when the guest arrives at the store for registration.Some emails may be addressed to guests who came directly without making a reservation, and such emails should not be handled lightly.If it is not urgent, it can be kept for about ten days according to the usual practice. If the recipient is still not found, it will be returned to the post office.If the guests have already checked out and left the hotel and left the address of where they went, it should be passed on in time.If you do not know the exact whereabouts of the guests and cannot deliver them, they should be returned to the original place in time.

etiquette experts remind you

To reflect the spirit of conscientious and responsible service, we should start with some small things that are easily overlooked.

([-]) Checkout and drop-off service
The drop-off service is the guest's last impression on the hotel, and the last impression is very important.Even if guests who are very happy and satisfied during their stay in the hotel, if something unpleasant happens during the drop-off service and they leave angrily, then the efforts of many hotel staff will be in vain.

When the guest leaves the hotel and comes to the front desk to pay and settle the bill, the cashier must sort out the bills in advance, and the order of the records on the bills must be consistent with that on the original billing slip.When the guest comes to check out, it should be checked on the spot.Don't show an impatient look because some careful guests check the items on the bill item by item.Some guests who are eager to leave the hotel sometimes feel that the checkout procedure is too cumbersome. Although from the hotel's point of view, this is just some routine procedures, but it should start from respecting the guests, and be enthusiastic, thoughtful, fast and accurate. Handle it as soon as possible, without delaying the time of the guests, so as to meet the wishes of the guests.

After the guest has checked out, he should thank the guest and welcome to come again.When thanking you, you must be sincere, don't be weak, and don't have to be high-pitched. You should smile and pronounce with a certain rhythm.It is also not necessary to always say a single word like "thank you", you can change the words of thanks in due course, such as "Mr. XX, we are very happy to get along with you." Really impressed with the hospitality here.

([-]) Handling customer complaints

The service provided by the hotel should strive to be perfect, but in fact there will always be some places that are not thoughtful. If the guests have any dissatisfaction, they will usually complain.In this case, you should master some principles and methods of handling complaints and use them flexibly according to the requirements of service etiquette.Among them, courtesy is one of the basic factors to appease guests and handle complaints reasonably.

Etiquette for handling guest complaints:
Treat each other with courtesy
listen carefully
detailed inquiry
Treat each other with courtesy
Regardless of the attitude of the guests at the time, the reception staff must treat each other with courtesy.No matter how excited the guests are, they must remain calm and infect them with their modest attitude, which will help the guests to calm down gradually and express their problems and requirements clearly.

listen carefully
In the face of customers who come to complain, you must concentrate, eliminate interference, and listen carefully with a prudent and sympathetic attitude.

Don't listen to the complaints of the guests while still hurrying to do this or that has nothing to do with it. It is an obvious lack of respect for the complaining guests. Not taken seriously at all.

detailed inquiry
(End of this chapter)

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