Chapter 103
Well, it's on the shelves again, and I will try my best to explode, but it's all coded now, and I don't have anything to save... I have a cold, my head is swollen, I won't stay up late at night, I will be crazy about typing during the day, and now I have two chapters for the time being , Wait until you wake up and continue coding.

To be honest, this listing is the most uncertain one, because I knew I was going to hit the street before it was released...

As for the reason, everyone knows that the beginning of this book and the character of the main character are quite fucked up. It may be that my description is a bit too much, which caused people to spray it every day, especially during the trip to Sanjiang. ...

In order to make the book review area look better, during those days in Sanjiang, I had to delete posts every hour, which resulted in many accidental deletions. I can't read the book without deleting it...

To be honest, I personally like the role of Wood quite a lot.

I often see people say that Wood's fear of death is too much, but I don't think so.Xiaojiao used to have plastic-steel windows, but he still clearly remembers installing windows on the eighth floor.

Holding the window frame with one hand, and using the electric hammer to hit the expansion tube with the other hand, it probably hit the steel bar. When the electric hammer was turned off, I twisted my wrist, and an unstable window made me push it down. up.

But I was wearing a seat belt, so I couldn't fall, and I knew I couldn't, but I was still afraid of death.I didn't think about anything at the time, I was just afraid of death, alas, I went, my little heart was so scared...

I was so scared that I didn't dare to move. After that time, I am now standing upstairs and looking down in fear...

So probably I didn't grasp it well, which caused the description to be a bit too much, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

But the initial outline is like this, start with depression, and then change to high-spirited.

The original plan was to pave the way for 20 words, so that Wood could change a little bit, without being obtrusive...

But I still underestimated the charm of Lolita...After the upload of the Dark Bullet Chapter 1, after seeing the response, I resolutely overturned the original outline...The point of the protagonist's transformation was brought forward, the 15-word foreshadowing was over, and the Dark Chapter 2 began Large-span transformation...

But now that I think about it, this kind of opening is a bit of an upside-down. It didn’t attract readers at the beginning, and it’s useless if no one reads it even if it’s written later.

But it’s all written here, and I don’t want to change it.

Of course, Xiaojiao's character is guaranteed, and she will never be a eunuch.

My first book [Reaper's Beauty Guard] was written in 2014 and finished in early 2017. I have been writing it intermittently for three years, and the total income so far is more than 1000 yuan. There is no eunuch to say, although it is a bit unfinished.

Now it is still lost by the river crab...

Then at the beginning of 17, I wrote [My Devil Fruit has a big problem], which made me want to delete the book... It's all because someone from the author group taught me that if you want to become a golden finger, you must not be popular...

As a result, I still have a nickname in the author group... If I talk too much, I will cry.Moreover, this book has also been lost by the river crab. In fact, I hope to delete the book 404...

Devil Fruit earns two to three thousand a month, which is enough for Xiaojiao's basic life, so two to three thousand is enough.

As long as the above two books do not exist, they are quite pitiful.

After that, I wrote the short romance "How to Make Me Met You", and only after finishing this book did I start writing the book "The Madman of Death". There is no doubt that the fanatics are the best.

Recall that I finished 17 books in 4 years, although the number of words is flawed (cover my face)
I really don't want to time travel, my grades may be very bad, but Xiao Jiao is quite satisfied.

The free and easy Xue Li in the Beauty Guard, the cold and ruthless Bai Yi in Devil Fruit, Wang Zi in How to Make Me Met You, the communication barrier and autistic, Wu Biao in the madman...

Up to now...Wood, who is insidious and afraid of death, said that this guy has concentrated the characteristics of all passers-by and villains in other novels, from being afraid of death, to being a sinister villain, to seeing awesome characters hugging thighs... Khan...

The main character, popular Facebook is so boring, even if you try new things, you feel at ease, right?

Although the writing style is limited, there is no way to do it. To be honest, I am not afraid of your jokes... Xiaojiao dropped out of school before graduating from elementary school. Sometimes I see an adjective in other books and feel good, so I ask the author group or go to Baidu Find out what this adjective means...

Then as soon as I found out, I was so excited that I started to use it in the book. I remember that when I was writing lunatics, I used it a lot for a while... I used to use it before, but I feel that it is more compelling... ...Search what do these two words read, and then 'suddenly' when there is nothing to do, and then I was complained...

At last……

Well, regular readers should know this, but let's talk about it.

If you have spare money in online banking, you can buy a money market and give a subscription; if you have no spare money in online banking, you can buy a personal market, and you can vote for a recommendation vote if you have time.You can continue to read the old version of the book chasing artifact.

If you have any suggestions, come to the genuine book review area, or the book review area of ​​the chasing book artifact. I will read the book review area on the chasing book side every day.

Ah, by the way, there is another old rule, it is not easy for us to rush to the street when we put up testimonials and push books.

"Reborn in the Primordial Zerg"

Introduction: The target we trample on is not just a complete grassland, but the entire dark universe.

Reborn in the underworld of the original Zerg, any Zerg DNA gene incubation technology, through solving the equation = factorization + factor combination, allows the original Zerg to embark on the terrifying age of weapons and the endless civilization of the Zerg.

The super cannon bugs capable of launching atomic bombs killed countless self-righteous cultivators.

A self-destructing bug with a nuclear reactor has destroyed countless highly civilized worlds.

The light worms are not scary, but they were trying to devour all the sunlight particles, trying to create permanent darkness...

The terrifying cosmic brain beast is really huge, and in the end it was still not enough for a bite of a fit worm.

The Zerg in the Underworld is a history of Zerg civilization with infinite evolution, attack, horizontal push, and invincibility

[Even so the town still works]

Introduction: In a certain small town, there is a domineering and terrifying flying dragon, a cute and useless angel who likes online games, a high school boy who can do anything, a strange apartment full of monsters, a white-haired girl who claims to be a mage, and xxxx , and a traveler full of doubts.Even so the town still functions.

[Two-dimensional trouble-making system]

This is probably a series of ridiculous stories happened in the Two-dimensional world by a traveler with a low IQ!
【Miracle Exchange】

This is a story about an ordinary person who gained the power of invincibility and dangled Two-dimensional after fulfilling his mortal wish.Currently the world of Naruto.Single heroine, invincible text, not abusive.

(End of this chapter)

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