I really don't want to cross

Chapter 110 The Relic of Seven Stars

Chapter 110 Seven Star's Relic

At this moment, gunshots rang out suddenly.

Rentaro's pupils shrank, and he stared blankly at the backs of the two police officers. He never thought that these two public servants would use guns against a little girl.

But the expected bloody scene did not happen, because a thin body appeared between the girl and the two police officers at some point.

The corners of Wood's mouth curled up slightly, and there was a faint red light in his eyes.

When he saw the two policemen, he felt something was wrong, because the way the two policemen looked at the girl was so familiar to him. When he first came to this world, he had been stared at by similar eyes.

clang clang...

The bullet between the foreheads fell to the ground, making a series of crisp sounds.

The sudden change made the girl behind Wood and the two police officers stand still in place, and they didn't recover until the sound of the bullet falling.

impossible! !

The two police officers looked at Wood in horror, and backed up again and again. The fat policeman who fired the gun pointed his gun at Wood while stepping back, and pulled the trigger like crazy.

bang bang bang...

A series of gunshots came out, but they all stayed outside the skin, leaving light white marks before falling to the ground.

"No...impossible...it's impossible."


The two police officers became a little incoherent, and Satomi Rentaro behind him also had a look of surprise on his face, but he had seen a similar scene on Hiruko Yingyin during the day, so he wasn't too shocked.

But if he got closer, he would find that the situation on Wood was completely different from that of Zhizi Yingyin. Zhizi Yingyin used the repulsion field to isolate the bullets, while Wood directly blocked the bullets with his own defense.

Wood turned his head and smiled at the little girl as if no one else was there. This smile made the little girl stunned, and then the quilt in Wood's arms covered her head.


The next second, the sound of a sharp knife being unsheathed sounded, and Wood did not see any movement. He waved his hand behind his back, and a bloody arc swept out like a long whip, sweeping across the two police officers in an instant.

The terrifying and gloomy aura was fleeting in the open space, and Rentaro in the rear thought he was hallucinating.

Wood lowered his body to pick up the little girl, and walked directly outside.

Almost at the moment of walking past the two police officers.


The sound of blood spurting came out suddenly, and the two police officers kept their original postures, but their upper bodies fell down.

At this terrifying scene, Rentaro hurriedly covered his mouth with both hands, and swallowed back the exclamation that was about to utter.

Wood walked straight past the place where Rentaro was hiding, glanced at him, ignored him, and went directly to the direction of the apartment.

The little girl gently tore off the quilt covering her head, and stared at Wood with curious and timid eyes, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to ask.

"I have ramen at home, do you want to eat it?"

"Ah? Uh... eat... no, thank... thank you..."

Seeing the bewildered appearance of the little girls, Wood couldn't help but smile, and he found that he seemed to have a growing liking for these little girls.

Not far away, Wood put the little girl down and let her follow behind him.

"Why are you following me?"

Wood paused, looked at Rentaro Satomi who followed behind and said coldly.

Satomi Rentaro was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Don't get me wrong, my house is in this direction."

It is wrong for the other party to kill so casually, but thinking about the situation just now, Satomi Rentaro is not stupid enough to provoke the other party. The reason why he followed up is the answer he gave the other party just now, and the other is...

He was a little curious, why the other party didn't attack him even though he had found him.

It's normal to kill people and silence them.

"You want to be murdered?"

Wood looked at Rentaro for a while, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "I don't mind fulfilling your needs."

"Uh...forget it." The corner of Rentaro's mouth twitched.

Wood was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. Although he didn't like him, he didn't have any bad feelings; so Wood didn't choose to kill people just now, because people like Ikoma are a minority after all.

Satomi Rentaro is obviously different from Ikoma, he should not be stupid enough to risk his life to expose himself, and he will return to Osaka in a few days, what happens here has nothing to do with him.

But along the way, Wood and Satomi Rentaro's expressions became a little strange.

The little girl looked at Wood for a while, and Rentaro Satomi for a while, looking very strange.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians around, and Wood can already vaguely see the dilapidated second-floor apartment, but...

Why is this guy still following?

Satomi Rentaro's mouth twitched, and he looked at the second-floor apartment directly in front of him, with an increasingly strange expression on his face.

"You look tired, Satomi-san."

Suddenly, a voice came.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and a word flashed through his mind...

There is a lot of right and wrong around the protagonist! ! !
Wood didn't even stop, he pulled the little girl beside him and walked towards the apartment ahead, but a girl in a black one-piece dress appeared on the road ahead.

On the other side, Rentaro pulled out his pistol reflexively, pointed it in the direction of the sound, and slowly turned to face the rear. Rentaro's nose was also pressed against the pistol. Looking at the person holding the gun, Rentaro's expression changed.

"Zhizi Yingyin, what are you doing here?"

"Can you put the gun down first?" The person who came was a tall man with a funny smiling mask, about 1.8 meters tall, and he looked extremely slender in a tuxedo.

What a joke.

"I reject!"

Satomi Rentaro said without hesitation, this is the person who infiltrated the Ministry of Defense today when Lord Shotenko issued a mission, killed an unknown number of private security company bosses, and even gave himself a head.

Just thinking about it, Satomi Rentaro wanted to pull the trigger and kill the bastard.

But what happened during the day, he still clearly remembers that bullets are useless to this person with the repulsive barrier.

"Father, can I kill the two here?"

On the other side, Hiruko Hinay, who was blocking Wood's path, was holding two small jet-black knives made of 錵, his eyes had already turned crimson, and he looked eager to try.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and he suddenly remembered.

The box, Zhizi Yingyin, and the little girl in front of him.

If he remembered correctly, the box that was swallowed by the Gastrea was the so-called [Seven Star Relic], a special tool that could summon Stage Five.

However, this call is not control, but a signpost, as long as it appears outside the monolith, without the magnetic field cover of the monolith, it will lead the Scorpio in the fifth stage to the Tokyo area.

It's no wonder that the entire Tokyo area will be sealed off because of the loss of a box. This thing can be called Pandora's box.

He chose to come to Tokyo during this period, and Wood couldn't help cursing in his heart, he hadn't seen Stage [-] for so long, but now he was lucky enough to see Stage [-]...

Wood was wondering if he should go back and pick up Sumire Muroto, and go straight back to Osaka from the unexplored area.


(End of this chapter)

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