I really don't want to cross

Chapter 118 A Shocking Speech

Chapter 118 Surprising Words (Two in One)


The Holy Son of Heaven said a word neither humble nor overbearing, and then sat on the top seat on his own. Seeing this, Wood nodded secretly in his heart. Although the girl looked young, she definitely did not lack the bearing of a ruler.

If the Holy Son of Heaven and Qi Wu Xuanzong were exchanged, it would be absolutely impossible for Qi Wu Xuanzong to receive him directly, and it was still in such a situation that he knew that the guards around him were not his opponents.

With a slight smile, Wood sat down directly in the guest seat.

Satomi Rentaro looked at Tendo Kisara who stood behind Wood without hesitation, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, isn't this young lady usually very smart?Can't you see the opposing atmosphere at the scene, and even stand behind that monster?

But he didn't know that Tiantongmu did this more simply to put himself on the opposite side of Tiantong Juzhicheng. From the previous conversation, at least this kid and Tiantong Juzhicheng were not in the same group.

Therefore, Tendo Kigeng, who vowed to exterminate the Tendo family, decisively chose Wood in the lineup.

"Let's leave, everyone." Sheng Tianzi said suddenly.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, and all the executives looked at Sheng Tianzi in panic.

They all saw the scene that just happened outside the gate of the Holy House. At this time, the Holy Son of Heaven actually asked the people in charge of protecting him to disperse. Isn't this giving the other party a chance to attack the Holy Son of Heaven?

What if the other party really gets into trouble?

"Master Shengtianzi, this person..."

"Master Shengtianzi told you to step down, so you just step back." Tiantong Ju Zhicheng glanced at the official who spoke casually, his expression extremely indifferent.

The official was shocked when he heard the words, but then he was taken aback, because judging from what Tiantong Ju Zhicheng said just now, he was planning to let them retreat together.

"As expected, you are the head of state in the Tokyo area. Compared with Qi Wu Xuanzong, you are much easier to get along with." Wood praised with a smile.

"It's ridiculous." Sheng Tianzi shook his head modestly, and said: "I can't compare with Prime Minister Qi Wu at all, and for your Excellency who can make Head of Qi Wu burnt out, I don't think you came here to attack Me?"

Qi Wu Xuanzong?

Behind Wood, Satomi Rentaro shook his hands. It is impossible for him who was once trained by Tendo Kikuyuki as a politician not to know Qi Wu Xuanzong, who can make Qi Wu Xuanzong burn out?
this brat?

"Hehe, thanks to the praise from the Holy Son of Heaven." Wood smiled indifferently. The Holy Son of Heaven seemed to be praising him on the surface, but his family knew about his family affairs. In the dark, it's nothing more than intentional calculation.

The little girl Sheng Tianzi should be annoyed by her actions just now, so she taunted her directly, which made it clear that Wood could only make trouble in the dark.

But it's no wonder that it would be really strange if he suddenly ran to the door of someone's house and killed him.

"I'm really not planning to come here, but unfortunately you have banned the entire Tokyo area, and you haven't given me a chance to leave at all." Wood looked leisurely, and took out Tendo Kigeng's mobile phone and shook it: "Besides, Mr. Shengtianzi is so early! Just say hello to me, wouldn't it be rude if you don't come."

Sheng Tianzi's expression remained the same, and his tone was still so flat: "This is also a last resort, after all, what His Excellency Wood has done in Osaka District, whether it is destroying the IISO branch, building a gathering place for cursed sons, or... …Stirring up a rebellion, I can't let you move freely in the Tokyo area with peace of mind."

"It's really comprehensive." Wood shook his head with a light smile, looked at Tiantong Kikuyuki who had never interrupted behind Sheng Tianzi, and said: "I really didn't expect that the vice president of the IISO in Osaka District would be your person. .”

"Some arrangements between political opponents are normal, but I didn't expect to find out that you are an outlier." Tiantong Ju Zhicheng added an accent to the "heterogeneity", as if to emphasize something.

Wood smiled slightly: "Old man, in fact, you don't have to care about me at all. After all, my enemy can be said to be Qiwu Xuanzong alone. What I want is only the Osaka area, and there will be no disputes with your Tokyo area."

"Oh?" Tendo Kikuyuki pretended to be slightly surprised, and said with a sneer, "Then what are you doing in Tokyo?"

"Don't you know?" Wood smiled.

Tendo Kikuyuki laughed: "I didn't realize that you came here just for Dr. Sumire Muroto."

Muroto Sumire?
Tendoki and Satomi Rentaro looked at each other, not understanding what this had to do with Miss Sumire.

Wood looked directly into the eyes of Tendo Juzhicheng: "I really only do it for her, because the children in my family need her help. If it wasn't for the loss of Qixing's relics that caused the whole country to be blocked, I would probably have returned to the Osaka area by now."

"What is the purpose of your Excellency establishing the gathering place for the cursed sons?" After Tiantong Ju Zhicheng opened his mouth, Sheng Tianzi, who had not interjected all this time, suddenly asked.

Wood looked at Sheng Tianzi's serious expression, with a gentle smile on his face: "To give them a home, that's all. I think Mr. Sheng Tianzi should also know that I never used those children for anything."

"Hmph, nonsense!"

Wood's words seemed to have angered Tiantong Juzhicheng. Before the Holy Son of Heaven could speak, he said in a cold tone: "It is already known that the cursed son will be the main weapon in future wars. I don't believe that there will be people who simply Just because they are pitiful, they adopt these freaks with disgusting blood."

"You are the freak, your whole family are freaks!!!"

A crisp voice came out suddenly, and Satomi Rentaro was startled, and hurriedly covered Aihara Enju's mouth.

Wood turned his head and glanced at Aihara Enju's angry little face, stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head: "You are indeed right, the entire Tendo family can be said to be the same as Miss Kigeng next to you. Freaks, at least normal people can't go to the point of finding someone to summon the fifth stage in order to resist the new law of their own head of state."

As soon as this remark came out, the few people left in the hall were all stunned on the spot.


The old face of Tendo Juzhicheng became gloomy in an instant, and the strangeness in his eyes was fleeting. Looking at Wood, he said coldly: "Do you think that the method used to deal with the Osaka area can be applied to me?"

Sheng Tianzi frowned slightly. Sure enough, it was the right choice to let the people in the hall exit first. What she was afraid of was the other party's mouth. No matter what the other party said was true or false, once the news spread, it would be a trouble.

However, Sheng Tianzi felt that what the other party said was very likely to be true, because after the death of Tiantong Juzhicheng's wife in the gastrulation war ten years ago, the old man she respected became a stubborn victim. The Son of the Cursed Discriminator.

"Don't be so excited?"

Wood spread his hands: "And I think you are the one who wants to provoke a war of public opinion, right? Isn't this the lowest but most useful method that you politicians like to do the most?"

Tiantong Mugeng had a sneer on his face when he heard the words, but he couldn't help being a little surprised in his heart. She never expected that because of this accident, she would find someone who even Tiantong Juzhi Cheng would be afraid of.

If he could help himself?
Sheng Tianzi didn't interrupt, although his face was flat, but he seemed a little helpless in his heart.She has all the qualities that a person in power should have, but in terms of politicians' thinking and methods, she, a little girl, couldn't intervene in the conversation between these two people in the field.

This feeling made Sheng Tianzi feel helpless, but he couldn't help but look at Wood a few more times. It was hard to imagine what kind of environment it was that could give birth to such a child, who didn't look as old as himself, but who could be with Wood Mr. Ju Zhicheng confronted him face to face.

"I do have a problem with the new law of Lord Shengtianzi." Tendo Kikunosuke suddenly relaxed, and said in a flat tone: "But I will not let the Tokyo area fall into mass extinction just to resist the new law."

"Of course you don't want to, but can you control the current trend?"

Wood gave a strange laugh, with strong sarcasm in his laughter: "As I said just now, you are the one who wants to provoke the war of public opinion; if I guessed correctly, your original plan should be to let Hiruko shadow Steal Qixing's relic, and then secretly expose the news that Qixing's relic will lead to Stage Five to the media."

"At the same time, inform the media that the cursed son Hiruko Hinai next to Yingyin is actually one of the terrorists who are trying to destroy the Tokyo area. At that time, it is naturally impossible for the people to support the respect for the human rights of the hindered son promulgated by the Holy Emperor. However, Zhizi Yingyin's madness must have been beyond your control, leading to the current situation."

Hearing this, Satomi Rentaro was startled, and looked at Tendo Kikuyuki with disbelief.

Even Sheng Tianzi's bland face changed, and the hands under the table couldn't help but clenched together, but he didn't say anything.

Only Tiantong Mu Geng had surprise on his face, but it was more of a matter of course.

The reactions of the people present already showed that... although they didn't fully believe it, Wood's words were not unreasonable, and it also seemed to be the style of Tiantong Ju Zhicheng.

Tiantong Ju Zhicheng took a deep look at Wood, and suddenly applauded: "You really deserve to be a kid who became an 'anti-human terrorist' with just one mouth. It's a pity that your one-sided words have no basis at all."

"One-sided words?"

Wood sneered: "Compared to you big shots, I'm just stronger personally, so I have put in a lot of effort in terms of intelligence. I still have some understanding of the shit about your Tiantong family."

Tiantong Juzhi Cheng frowned.

But Wood didn't look at him, but turned to look at Tiantong Mu Geng behind him: "Miss Mu Geng, you have to remember the next words."

Tiantong Mugeng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he had vaguely guessed what the gift Wood said he was going to give her, and a ghost-like expression instantly appeared on that pretty face.

Even though she already understood that Wood was planning to use herself to disgust Tiantong Juzhi Cheng, she was willing to be used by Wood! ! !

"Instead of talking about this here, let's talk about your purpose of coming here." Tendo Kikuzhicheng said suddenly, obviously not planning to continue the conversation with Wood on this topic.

"Then how is it possible, Miss Mu Geng led the way for me, I will not feel at ease if I don't repay." Wood chuckled: "Besides, this is also a deal between me and the Holy Son of Heaven."

Sheng Tianzi, who had been wandering away all the time, heard his name, and blinked cutely. Then he realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly straightened his posture again, looking at Wood with a serious face.

"How about I exchange the following news for a promise from Lord Shengtianzi?"


Sheng Tianzi frowned slightly: "That depends on whether your news is worth my promise." Although Sheng Tianzi is young, he also has the dignity of being a person in power, so it is naturally impossible to make a promise casually.

"Well, you'd better listen to my needs first."

Sheng Tianzi was silent, looked at Wood and nodded.

"One day, the Osaka area will be the property of the cursed son!"

Wood's words were astonishing, which changed the faces of everyone present, but Wood didn't care about their reactions, and said to himself: "At that time, Osaka District will be the home of the cursed sons of the world. I hope that St. Your Excellency the Son of Heaven can send those children from the outskirts to the Osaka area."

Sheng Tianzi was taken aback, he had never expected that Wood would make such a request, and just about to speak, he found that the chuckle on Wood's face was restrained, and that immature face became extremely indifferent and gloomy.

"And before I slaughter... millions of humans in Osaka, you send someone to pick them up."


Unanimous exclamations came from several people in the field at the same time. Sheng Tianzi stood up directly from the chair, looked at Wood with horror, and was completely frightened by the other party's words.

Even Tiantong Juzhicheng's face became extremely ugly, and there was already murderous intent in his eyes looking at Wood.

"What do you mean by your words?" Sheng Tianzi stared at Wood, his tone was unprecedentedly cold.

Several million human beings, this is not just a number, but one-fifth of the remaining population of the entire country. Whether it is from the perspective of human nature or the overall situation, it is not a small matter.

"As I said just now, the Osaka District will become the property of the Cursed Son."

Wood's face was extremely cold, and his tone revealed a sense of treating humans like reptiles: "So the Osaka District will become a restricted area for humans in the future. Except for the cursed son, no human being can step in, so when the cursed son controls After Osaka, I will clean up all humans."

"Trust me, it's not that difficult!"

The whole hall fell into silence for an instant, and everyone looked at Wood with disbelief, only Lan Yuan Yanzhu had yearning in his eyes.

A region that belongs exclusively to the Cursed Son?

Lanyuan Yanzhu looked at Wood's back, her eyes showed a kind of respect from the bottom of her heart, she never thought that someone would do this for the cursed son.


(End of this chapter)

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