Chapter 120
tah… tah… tah…

The propellers of the military transport plane roared, and the faces of all the people in the transport plane looked a little heavy.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is naturally impossible to continue to hide from these policemen about the harm that Qixing's relics can bring. Phase five may appear at any time, which makes every policeman present look extremely ugly.

No one thought that the mission with a high reward would turn into a crisis of "Tokyo mass extinction".

However, most people still couldn't help but turn their curious eyes to the expressionless Wood who was next to the cabin door. Following the massacre outside the holy residence, the mission about Wood has been revoked.

Tiantong Mugeng looked ashamed of money. Although the bounty for arrest fell through due to the cancellation of the mission, the bounty for reporting has already reached her. With this money, at least this month's food is guaranteed.

Several transport planes drove straight out of the range of the megalithic monument and landed in batches in various places in the unexplored area. Zhizi Yingyin's whereabouts are now a mystery. Instead of wasting time to act together, it is better to disperse and search the entire unexplored area.

After getting off the transport plane, what came into view was a ruins like a ghost town, but judging from the style of the building, it should not have a long history.

Between the streets and the broken houses, all kinds of plants are scattered around, looking barren and messy.

It was obviously noon, but walking on the street here cast a shadow over people's minds. The roar of gastritis from time to time brought the regret in Wood's heart to its peak.

I swear to God, if he had a choice, Wood would never want to run out of the monolith and come to this unexplored area full of dangers.

When talking with Sheng Tianzi before, he thought about it countless times...just kidnap Sheng Tianzi directly...

And behind Wood, there are only three people following, namely Tendo Kisara, Satomi Rentaro, and his partner Aihara Enju. Although the reward has been cancelled, these policemen have seen the wanton massacre in front of the Holy House before. .

No one wants to stay with this guy who kills at the slightest disagreement.

"Where are we going now?" Tiantongmu walked a few steps faster and asked behind Wood.

Her attitude is completely opposite to before. Obviously, the gift from Wood is in line with her wishes. If it weren't for the crisis of mass extinction, she might have already set off to find trouble for those people.

This scene made Satomi Rentaro frowned, and looked at Tendo Kisara with a worried look in his eyes. Originally, he thought that Miss Kisara's hatred for the Tendo family had weakened.

But after today's scene, let him know... that hatred not only did not disappear, but became more terrifying with the passage of time, and that ghostly expression made him feel extremely strange.

Even if he understood that even without Wood, Miss Mu Geng would know the truth sooner or later, but he still had some resentment towards Wood.

none of my business?

Wood curled his lips when he saw this, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with Satomi Rentaro. Anyway, after leaving, what happened in the Tokyo area has nothing to do with him; now the most urgent task is to find Hiruko Yingyin to snatch it before the fifth stage is summoned. Return to Seven Star's relic.

Not to mention stage five, even stage four Wood doesn't want to meet.

However, in such a huge unexplored area, it is not so easy to find someone. Wood stopped, looked at the bushes on the left and right, and nodded.

Seeing Wood suddenly stop, the three people behind looked at each other. Before they could ask, a pungent bloody smell permeated the air, and a bloody mist enveloped the entire area.

This is?

The faces of the three of them changed, they didn't understand the meaning of the other party's actions, but they secretly became vigilant in their hearts, and kept looking around.


But at this moment, the long cry resounded throughout the entire area, and it continued to spread, making the three of them tremble in fright, only feeling that the surrounding air was a little colder at this moment.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

As the roar continued to sound, there were sudden bursts of weird noises around, and petite creatures flew out of the bushes, building ruins, and cracks and cracks, covering the sky above them in a blink of an eye.

It's like a dark cloud, and the dark cloud is still getting bigger.


Tiantongmu looked at Wood's back with a more shocked expression: "He is summoning bats? How is this possible?"

"If he really is that kind of creature, it's not impossible."

Satomi Rentaro remembered the gesture that appeared on Wood last night, but he couldn't believe his own guess. You must know that such a creature only appeared in various legends and myths.


Both Tendo Kisara and Aihara Enju cast doubtful eyes on Satomi Rentaro. Neither of them had seen Wood's eccentric transformation. Although Wood killed many people in the battle in front of the Holy House, he did not. Completely turned into a vampire.

On the other side, Wood's roar had stopped. Looking at the various bats covering the entire sky, he nodded in satisfaction.

The blood-red lips opened and closed a few times, but no sound came out, but the bats in the air seemed to have received some order, and scattered in all directions.

"Big brother, are you a vampire?"

Aihara Enju looked curiously at the scattered bats in the air. Among the three people present, she was the only one who did not feel afraid of Wood, but seemed very kind to Wood.


Wood nodded, looked at Xiao Yanzhu and said with a smile: "Although he is half human and half vampire."

With Wood's acknowledgment, Satomi Rentaro's secret voice came true; Tendo Kisara stared at Wood in disbelief, and even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

--vampire! ! !
Are you kidding me, there really are vampires in this world?
"It really is?"

Xiao Yanzhu's eyes lit up, and she began to circle around Wood, her eyes seemed to see some rare creature... Although vampires are indeed rare creatures...

"Ah, that's right."

Wood stopped Xiao Yanzhu, who looked at herself curiously and touched her with her little hand from time to time: "Stand here and don't move, I'll give you a gift."


Aihara Enju looked at Wood with some doubts, and saw that the big brother who was with their cursed son raised his wrist, and then a burst of green rays directly enveloped her in it.


Satomi Rentaro was anxious when he saw this, and subconsciously stepped forward to stop him.

"Wait, Rentaro, I'm fine." Xiao Yanzhu's expression was full of satisfaction: "This feels so comfortable."

Wood smiled when he saw this, and at this moment, a long-lost voice in his mind rang without warning.

[Please prepare the host, you will be forced to return to the main world after 24 hours. 】


(End of this chapter)

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