Chapter 122 Scorpio

"Where is Seven Star's relic?"

During the speech, an astonishing invisible energy centered on Wood and scattered in all directions.

Whether it was the dust around him or the wreckage of those buildings, they seemed to be dragged by an invisible hand and floated around Wood.

As the fangs burst out, a pair of blood flame wings condensed behind Wood.

Blood gushed out from the soil all over the place, and a scarlet robe condensed on Wood's body, drifting away with the strong wind.

Almost instantly, Wood has entered a state of eccentricity.

Anxious, angry, violent, restless...

The emotions that had been suppressed all the way broke out unscrupulously at this moment!


What Wood needs now is to vent, and he has never needed to vent like this moment.

Unspeakable fear eroded all of Wood's mind. It was a kind of fear that Wood had never experienced. It was not the fear of death, but the fear of the future after he left.

Frightened by worry, anxiety!
He can't imagine...

If he left, what would happen to everyone in the gathering place.


Scarlet robes, flames of blood.

That devil-like posture was deeply engraved in the minds of everyone present, making it impossible to take their eyes off Wood.

The whole world became silent at this moment, only the sound of the blood flames tumbling could be heard from time to time.

Zhizi Yingyin felt a chill when he was watched by Wood, and the little Zhizi Binet beside him couldn't bear the momentum, and instinctively hid behind Zhizi Yingyin, but under this kind of oppression, Zhizi Yingyin's eyes still had the color of madness .

"Although I don't know what you are, I don't understand why you want to..."

Suddenly, the bloody figure in the field of vision began to twist.

Zhi Ziyingyin's pupils shrank, only feeling a gust of wind coming from behind, and without thinking about it, he rushed forward.

The wind of the fist brushed against the back of his head, and his repulsive field was like a fake, it didn't have the slightest effect under that punch, which made the back of his head go numb, and he was shocked in his heart.

Before he got up, there was a sharp pain in his back.

Zhi Ziyingyin was shot down with a bang, shaking the ground. The severe pain almost made him faint. He wanted to get up, but found that the sole of his back was not too big, like a mountain pressing down on him. body.

Not to mention getting up, he couldn't even move under this foot.


It's a monster!
There was a wry smile on the corner of Zhizi Yingyin's mouth under the mask, and the blood that escaped from his mouth continued to ooze out along the gap of the mask.

All this happened too fast, from Wood turning into a monster to Zhiziyingyin falling to the ground, everyone felt that in the blink of an eye, that devil had already stepped on Zhiziyingyin's back.

"Dad~ Dad..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Hiruko Kobinai looked anxious, and the two knives in his hands slashed straight at Wood in front of him.

"Hoo ho ho--"

A beast-like roar emanated from Wood's mouth, sweeping across the entire area like rolling thunder.Accompanied by the roar, came a cold and violent air wave, sweeping across like a hurricane!

A circular ripple visible to the naked eye, with Wood as the center, spreads to the surrounding layer by layer.

Zhizi Xiaobinai was the first to bear the brunt. She felt as if she had been hit head-on by a wild animal. With a muffled groan, she flew upside down tens of meters away and hit a big tree. A bloodstain flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were terrified. looked at Wood.

On the other side, Aihara Enju and the others who had just arrived, before they could see the situation clearly, they felt a violent wave of air blowing over, blowing all three of them away.

Looking up, everyone's expressions were full of endless horror, and saw that within a dozen meters of Wood as the center, there was no obstacle at all, and everything was swept out by the air wave.

This guy……

Wood's hands drooped by his sides seemingly powerlessly, his immature face became ferocious and crazy, only a pair of blood-red eyes contained some sense, but more restlessness and mania.

If it is said that Wood was still dominated by humanity when he entered the eccentricity last time, then now he is almost completely dominated by eccentric thinking.

Because of the emotion that frightened him even more than fear.



Lowering his head and looking at the shadow of Hiruko on the ground, Wood remembered everything, but his way of thinking completely changed, as if endless power was constantly gushing out from him.The crazier he is, the stronger this power becomes.

Raise your hand and wave it down.

The seemingly understated action caused Zhizi Yingyin on the ground to let out an uncontrollable roar, and his left arm burst into a blood mist instantly, melting into the scarlet robe on Wood's body.

"A relic of Seven Stars?"

Wood took a step back, and the blood flames wrapped around Zhizi's shadow and floated in front of him.


Coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood violently, Zhi Ziyingyin managed to straighten out the oppression in his chest. Looking at Wood's ferocious face, the fear in his eyes disappeared instead, and he laughed like a fanatic.

"Ha... ha... ha... it's too late, you can destroy... the fifth stage here... will come soon, even you... there is only... a dead end..."

Wood frowned, and his keen five senses made him immediately aware of the strangeness in the airflow.

The wind was blowing at top speed.

It was as if something huge was moving.

"That is……"

In the distance, Tiantong Mugeng, Xia Shi and others gathered together, all looking into the distance with horror on their faces.

Wood looked in the direction everyone was looking at.

That is……

Even in the eccentric state, Wood's hairs can't help but stand on end. Although the eccentric is crazy and willful, he also has fear. When he saw the terrifying creature, Wood was frightened sober.

Looking from the high hill they set up, they could see a shadow appearing on the distant sea... a shadow reaching the sky, like a mountain peak, if you look carefully, there is no mountain peak there!
It's... a gastratus that is so huge that it cannot be described.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of biological genes it has absorbed.

The Gastrea has dark brown muscles with cracks, covered with abyss-like scars, like natural moats, with protrusions growing on the scars.Eight sickle-shaped foreign objects with barbs penetrated the epidermis from the neck, head, and right eye.

The head is abnormally large, with a beak-like curved object extending unnaturally from the corner of the mouth, and the remaining left eye is pathetically small.

Calculated according to the proportion, the height of the gastrulation is at least 400 meters.While parting the sea water while advancing, the strong wind blowing between the walks caused the waves to churn up, constantly hitting the coastline, and a scene like the end of the world appeared in Wood's eyes.

Yanzhu looked at the distant sea foolishly, and looked back at Rentaro with a pale face: "Len, Rentaro, what is that?"

"That's stage five, also known as the gastroentera of the zodiac, Scorpio..." Rima Rentaro's voice trembled. Although the image of stage five has been circulating on the Internet, the image is still an image, far less exciting than it is now. shocked.


(End of this chapter)

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