Chapter 127 Return (Third 3000 words)

With a cold snort, Faye Krummiller patted the dust on the white dress, started to walk towards the center of the gathering place, and since she could negotiate and refuse to leave, she beat all these people away.

Anna wanted to stop Faye Kronmiller, but she was shocked to find that she couldn't move her body!
what happened?

"Has it worked?"

As if seeing Anna's strangeness, Faye Krummiller shook his head indifferently: "Give up struggling, I am the initiator of the viper gene, which already has extremely poisonous venom, according to what the master did in my body Transformation, I can release a poisonous mist that paralyzes people during battle, and ordinary people will lose their ability to move in a minute, and it's pretty good that you can persist until now."

"But don't worry, my venom can kill, but this poisonous mist will not kill."

While speaking, Faye Krummiller walked towards the gate of the gathering place step by step.

And at this moment, a large number of little girls rushed out of the gate, surrounded Anna, and they all looked at Faye Krummiller with stubborn faces.

"go back……"

Anna, who had lost her ability to move, opened her mouth reluctantly, but the sound could not be heard very far, and the little girls who supported her completely ignored her.

"If you don't cooperate, don't blame me!"

Faye Krummiller's tone was extremely cold, but when he looked at these little girls of his own age, a strange color flashed in his eyes unavoidably.

"Get out of our house!"

"That's right, that's right, we don't welcome cursed sons who stand on the side of humans."

"No one can enter our house until brother Wood comes back."


Faye Krummiller frowned, seeing the stubborn expressions, the steps under his feet paused slightly.


Think about the consequences if you fail to complete the task assigned by the master.

Faye Krummiller closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, they were extremely cold.

"Then I'm sorry!"

Faye Krummiller squatted slightly, and a strange black mist emanated from his body, and began to spread towards the surroundings.

Panic appeared in the eyes of each little girl. Although their bodies were trembling, they were all stubbornly blocking the door.

call out--!
Suddenly, a strange wind blew over out of thin air, but this wind was very strange, because the wind was... red!

The strange red wind carried a disgusting smell of blood, absorbing all the poisonous mist emanating from Faye Kronmiller's body.


Faye Krummiller's body tensed up, her eyes blurred slightly, and a figure appeared between her and everyone in the gathering place as the red wind blew past.

A terrifying aura filled the air, and Faye Krummiller's complexion changed drastically with a terrifying murderous intent that made her hands and feet feel cold.

Who is this guy?
"Brother Wood!"

"Great, Brother Wood, you're finally back."

"Brother Wood, that's a bad girl, she hurt a lot of people."

The terrifying atmosphere in the arena didn't last long before it was interrupted by ecstatic cheers. The little girls didn't care about the cold aura on Wood's body at all, and rushed over in a swarm.


The corner of Wood's mouth moved slightly, and his body was covered with loli almost instantly. This feeling was indescribably weird, but the murderous intent condensed from the killing all the way melted away with the swarming of these little girls.

The coldness on his face gradually dissipated, revealing a gentle smile.

"Brother Wood, what is this?"

Little Irene looked at the gourd on Wood's back with a salivating face: "Is it for me?"


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly, and the gourd, which was much taller than Wood, gradually turned into blood mist and drifted away, and the Muroto Sumire fell directly from it.

The sudden brightness made Sumire Muroto close her eyes slightly, and then she felt a sense of weightlessness, and her body fell uncontrollably. Fortunately, a few little girls reacted quickly and helped her up in time.


Opening his eyes, looking at the endless small heads in front of him, Sumire Muroto was completely stunned.

This is so...

what's the situation?
"Brother Wood, who is this big sister?"

"Wow, her hair smells like sewer."

"It smells sour, it feels so dirty."

"Brother Wood, did you pick it up from the sewer?"


The corners of Muroto Sumire's mouth twitched as she looked at those curious and innocent big eyes. She clearly knew that these little girls were just talking casually and didn't mean to be sarcastic, but...why did she make herself even more ashamed?
"Be polite, this sister Sumire Muroto will be the person in charge of our Academy City in the future, and even Brother Wood will have to listen to her in the future."

"Hey~~~~" They said in unison, and at the same time looked disgusted.


Sumire Muroto's beautiful face darkened immediately, but...

She glanced at Wood in amazement. She originally thought that this brat was going to force her to serve him by arresting her, but now it seems that this is not the case. He actually asked herself to be in charge of managing the gathering place?

Looking up at the magnificent Lolita Sea in front of her and the large gathering place, Sumire Muroto's face flashed with shock.

Was this really built by one person?
"Take Sumire-san Muroto into the yard, and leave it to me."

After checking Anna's situation, Wood found that there was nothing serious other than being paralyzed and unable to move, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


A group of little girls turned around confidently and walked towards the compound, not because they were not worried, but because Wood was omnipotent in their eyes.

Muroto Sumire wanted to say something else, but was forcibly dragged into the courtyard by little girls.

Turning around, Wood's face sank in an instant, staring at Faye Kronmiller in front of him, and said coldly: "Why do you want to help Qi Wu Xuanzong?"

If he had a choice, Wood didn't want to fight these little girls at all, but the other party stood on the opposite side of him. Compared with the cursed children he didn't know, Wood naturally cared more about these children in the gathering place.

There was something strange in Faye Krummiller's eyes. She saw the scene just now and didn't interrupt. It wasn't because she couldn't, but because she didn't spoil the scene just now.

But the other party is destined to be his enemy, and if he and Tina don't do anything, and according to the master's order, the one who is responsible for protecting the master's partner Qi Wuxuanzong comes here, and most of these people will definitely be killed or injured.

Because the guy nicknamed Pluto is no longer a cursed child. She is a complete monster without any humanity at all!

"Are you the person in charge here?"

Faye Krummiller asked in a cold tone.

Anna in the courtyard was full of tension. Unlike the blind confidence others had in Wood's brother, she had personally fought Faye Krummiller and she knew how scary this girl was.

And in the dark there is a terrifying person with perfect marksmanship.

If something happens to Brother Wood...

Anna couldn't help feeling anxious, and wanted to speak out to remind her, but she didn't even have the strength to open her mouth.


Nodding slightly, Wood walked forward step by step, and as he moved forward, the bloody mist gradually rose.

With a crisp sound, Wood paused, glanced at the bullet inlaid on his shoulder, and a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Reaching out to remove the bullet, a shallow bullet wound has not waited for blood to ooze out, and that piece of skin has healed. With Wood's current physical strength, unless it is the improved guns used to deal with monsters in One Punch World, It is almost impossible for this kind of ordinary firearm to harm him.

This scene made the pupils of the shooter shrink slightly.

Didn't break the defense?

And at this moment, the bats in the sky moved and rushed towards a certain building in the distance.

"Who the hell are you?"

Faye Krummiller said in a dignified tone, looking at Wood was full of shock, she had seen people who avoided Tina's sniper, and also seen people who used weapons to block, but she had never heard of it There are humans who can block bullets with their own bodies.

But then her breath was suffocated, because the big boy suddenly rushed in front of her, his face full of indifference: "Who sent you here?"

Faye Krummiller winced, so fast!

Before he had time to think about it, Faye Kronmiller flashed and wanted to retreat.

But just as she moved, there was a gust of wind, and a whip kick seemed to break free from the constraints of space, and it was already kicked close in an instant.

why so fast...

Faye Kronmiller was horrified, his body appeared boneless, and he wanted to avoid it.

However, that kick seemed to have no inertia at all.

Stop suddenly!Turn in an instant!
There was a pain in her back, as if she had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and a fierce force penetrated straight into her body.Faye Krummiller snorted, but with this force, he rushed forward and opened the distance.

What a powerful force!
Faye Krummiller stood up straight again, stared at Wood with a shocked expression, stretched out his palm, and wiped away a strand of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Wood, it's powerful...awesome!"

In the courtyard, everyone was so shocked by the scene before them that they lost their voices. The powerful strength shown by Faye Kronmiller just now shocked the audience.However, in Wood's hands, it looks like a mouse being teased.

"This guy……"

Looking at the bloody mist around her, Muroto Sumire frowned: "What kind of monster is it?"

"Brother Wood is not a monster, he is a very powerful and cute vampire!"


Looking at the smug little Irene beside her, and the approving expressions of those little girls.

The corner of Muroto Sumire's mouth twitched slightly. If a vampire is not a monster, then what is a monster?

You must know that no matter in legends or myths, vampires are symbols of the devil.




Sumire Muroto laughed dryly and didn't make a comment...

In the field, Faye Krummiller looked at Wood, his red pupils were full of anger: "Why? Why can't you just obey me and get out of here!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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