I really don't want to cross

Chapter 132 Construction starts

Chapter 132 Construction starts
hum hum...

The slight shock spread, and Wood watched the slight fluctuation of the water surface in the cup, and sighed softly, but before the sigh fell, that immature face had turned cold.

it has started.

It's also over!

At the moment when the water trembled, the first public opinion war between him and Qi Wu Xuanzong in Osaka District had come to an end. The fear brought about by the mass extinction was enough to make those rebellious residents who were condensed by public opinion think of ten years. Fear of former domination by gastrulation.

But it is also the beginning of the second battle, or the final war.

After this battle, either the Osaka District will be controlled by the cursed son, or... a real mass extinction, millions of humans will be infected and become gastritis!

Wood will not lose, and cannot lose.

Because the system... will not give him time to organize the third battle.

So in the end there can only be two outcomes.

[-]. At the same time that Academy City was built, Osaka District was preserved, and the humans who opposed the "cursed son" were sent to other regions; [-]. Academy City was built, and millions of humans in Osaka District were killed in this war!
"Oh no--!"

On the TV, the female reporter's normal tone just now suddenly became sharp and horrifying.

"That day!"

The corner of Wood's mouth curled up, and a sentence suddenly came to mind: "Humans recall the fear of being dominated by those guys, and the shame of being imprisoned in a birdcage."

"Crazy, you are totally crazy!!!"

Muroto Sumire looked gloomy, and stared at Wood angrily: "Is there no other way?"

All the little girls looked up at the shadow of the huge stone monument in the distance. Standing here, feeling the faint earthquake, their expressions were full of tension; but none of them had fear on their faces.

Because they believed that no matter what happened, as long as Brother Wood was there, there would be no problems.

Although the magnitude of the earthquake was small, but the boulder was deflected, encountering this weak earthquake is like someone pushing you at the best time to make you swing higher when you are swinging on a swing.A slight shock caused the huge stone tablet to sway even more downwards, making it swing more and more violently, and finally...

Dump it down! !
It can be vaguely seen that the huge stone tablet is gradually falling towards the unexplored area. From this direction, it seems to be in slow motion. Although it is not real, you can feel the change of airflow.

On the TV, it can be clearly seen that as the direction of the fall expands, cracks gradually appear at the joints between the countless uranium metal blocks.

At first, only a corner of the rectangle fell, and then it collapsed in a chain as if pushed down by some force, and huge chunks of elongated metal fell off from above like raindrops.

Although standing here can't hear the slightest sound, but... the silent and silent collapse makes people feel a chill in their hearts.


From here, you can't see the huge stone monument leaning outward, but you can see that the huge stone monument is getting shorter and shorter, and Wood looked up there.

"However, the time I can stay in this world is running out."

Almost at the moment when Wood's voice fell, the strong roar of the rumbling noise and the rising air flow could be clearly felt even here. The originally blocked gust found a vent and poured into the huge stone tablet.

The strong earthquake shook Sumire Muroto's internal organs from the bottom of her feet, but she didn't pay attention, but stared blankly at Wood beside her.

The time to stay in this world is running out?

Although this sentence was blocked by the ground cry the moment it fell, she still heard it clearly when standing beside Wood, but...

Looking at that immature side face, Muroto Sumire suddenly felt her throat a little dry, she wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to do so.

In the distance, it seems that a huge amount of smoke that can cover the entire sky is rising.

1.618 kilometers long, 1 kilometer wide, and 2 kilometers high, the super-huge structure—the astonishing dust brought about by the collapse of the giant stone monument, has covered the western part of Osaka District almost in the blink of an eye, and the news on TV has been interrupted.

The impact can be felt here, and the situation near the scene... one can imagine!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh—!
The sound of breaking through the air resounded in the Osaka area, and fighter jets that were rarely seen on weekdays appeared in groups over the Osaka area, galloping towards the west.

The world seemed to be muted.

The parade on the street, the guests in the shops, the office workers in the company, the students in the school, the pedestrians on the street, the vehicles... everything became quiet at this moment.

No sign!

The collapse of the giant stone monument was...too sudden,

The disappearance of the magnetic field caused a sudden vibration.

The gastrula two kilometers away gradually gathered. Fortunately, in order to avoid accidents, the Self-Defense Forces had already made preparations in advance. Almost at the moment of the dumping, fighter formations and tank formations formed.

The Self-Defense Forces and various high-fire weapons have already headed to the area ten miles away from the giant stone monument, preparing for a big battle in the near future.

The ear-piercing beeping sound continued to echo, and a black group in the sky attacked towards the gathering place.It was a flock of birds, birds of different types and sizes, flying towards the direction opposite to the collapsing giant stone monument while making loud chirping sounds.

The birds have begun to escape from the Osaka area, and their animal instincts have realized the crisis in the Osaka area...

"All right!"

Wood clapped his hands and broke the silence in the compound. Feeling the eyes of countless eyes, Wood smiled slightly: "It will take ten days to rebuild the megalithic monument. These ten days are our only chance, and we don't have time to be sentimental here!"

"Xiaoya, you pick out 5000 people to assist sister Sumire Muroto, and follow her orders to make rays."

"Anna, you bring 1 people to take advantage of the chaos to collect all the materials you can use, especially the things your sister Sumire Muroto needs. No matter what method you use, you must get them. At the same time, there must be no shortage of construction equipment."

"Sumire Muroto, you are going to be busy for a while. I will hand over the planning of Academy City to you later. While you are making rays, you will lead the remaining 5000 people to start expanding and rebuilding the gathering place. The scale of a real city."


Orders were issued in an orderly manner.

Ten days!

These ten days are the ten days of changing fate. Although I don't know why, since the system fell into a deep sleep, the integration between him and the system seems to be higher, and I can vaguely feel...

The system is not far from the end of sleep.

Maybe ten days is very short for many people, but for 3 people, this time is definitely not short, not to mention that these cursed sons are the best construction workers, they have strength, speed and continuous work that ordinary people do not have without fatigue.

There are also various abilities, some people's abilities are suitable for measurement, some people's abilities are suitable for construction, and some people's abilities are suitable for transportation... There are all kinds of abilities, only unexpected but not impossible.

In addition, Sumire Muroto, one of the top four scientists in the world, is known as "the world's strongest mind"; it only takes her three days to read the entire library, and she can read it with 100% perfect application of the knowledge How terrifying is her knowledge reserve.

Regardless of architectural design, urban design, interior design, etc., knowledge of science and technology, or even the advance layout of city defense... This woman can achieve the most perfect level, and only she can know how to build a city so that Suppressing rays are distributed in every corner of the city.


(End of this chapter)

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