I really don't want to cross

Chapter 146 Monsters in Ghost Town?

Chapter 146 Monsters in Ghost Town?

Barren and silent!
The whole street is filled with a decaying atmosphere and dilapidated houses. This is the famous no-man's land in City Z. There are many legends about this place.

Some people say that there is a god-level monster living here. He has a huge black hole and can mass-produce monsters. It is said that all the monsters in Z City come from here.

Some people also say that there is a huge mother body here, which can breed ghost-level and even dragon-level monsters. It is said that the number of ghost-level monsters here is already tens of thousands, and you must die if you enter it!
But the most widely circulated version is... there are a lot of elite weirdos gathered here, and they don't know what to do.

Wood felt that all of the above was bullshit.

If it is said that there is a bald weirdo who is invincible all over the world, there is still some basis.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, there was a trace of nostalgia on Wood's face. Although only a week has passed in this world, it has been more than half a year for Wood.

"Finally home...huh?"

call out--!
The extremely abrupt sound of piercing through the air made Wood, who had just passed the corner, startled slightly, subconsciously turned his body sideways, and almost at the moment Wood turned sideways, a black shadow directly brushed past him.

Amidst the explosion, Wood looked back and saw a man with a white hood and casual clothes lying limp in the ruins of the building, apparently unconscious.

what's the situation?
Although this situation is extremely weird, what makes Wood feel even more weird is...


I actually saw living humans in no man's land except Saitama-sensei and Genos...well, probably still alive...

The corner of his mouth moved slightly, and Wood turned his head to look at the field, and saw a man with a mustache holding a Western sword confronting a strange person.The strange man was wearing a head of kelp fluttering constantly, his whole body was pitch black, and he could barely see a pair of eyes.

At this time, one person and one monster confronting each other were all watching Wood who suddenly appeared.

After a few seconds of silence, Wood looked behind the two with a confused face.

"Excuse me, you continue, and suddenly found that this is not the direction to my house..." Before he finished speaking, Wood turned and walked back.


call out--!

The Kelp Monster's eyes lit up, and the tentacles on the top of his head shot out suddenly, and the terrifying speed even made a sharp scream.

This is so...

The corners of Wood's mouth twitched, red light flashed in his eyes, his legs were slightly bent, and he shot up, missing the tentacle by a hair.

This scene made the mustache in the field slightly stunned. I didn't expect this ordinary-looking kid to be able to escape a blow at that speed. You must know that even the golden ball of the 29th A-level hero just now It was an instant defeat.

Is it the hero who happened to be called for help?
Springbeard didn't think that Wood would be a resident here at all. He and Golden Ball received an order from the Heroes Association headquarters to investigate here, but they encountered such a tyrannical weirdo just a few minutes after entering...

You can meet such weird people wherever you go. Unless you are a lunatic, who would run to live in such a ghostly place.

Wood landed on the top of the building on one side, but he didn't dare to turn his back on the kelp monster. He really didn't understand why this weird guy kept staring at him who was passing by.

"Are you the monster from the legendary ghost town?"

Unlimited Kelp showed a smile on his dark face, this smile was extremely obvious under the contrast between the black face and white teeth, but what he said made Spring Beard startled slightly.


Spring Beard took a closer look at Wood. He was quite sure that this was a kid who was human from head to toe. He didn't understand where this 'monster' came from.

"Misunderstanding, Big Brother Weird!"

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and he pointed to himself: "Look, I don't look like a monster. I'm just a kid who got here because I got lost. As long as you let me go, I can applaud your bravery. I screamed because of your every move, and I will give you a confession when I get home..."

Having been in this world for so long, Wood doesn't understand anything else, but there is only one thing he understands...that is, never mess with weirdos and baldheads, even though they should give him the same level of weirdness as himself.

But who knows if the other party is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...

It is better to be cautious, one thing more than one thing less, try not to do anything if you can beg for mercy.

"Stop lying, although you look like a human being, the strange aura on your body cannot be erased."

What the hell is the breath of the weirdo?

Wood deliberately sniffed himself, and he didn't smell anything except the smell of a pizza he just ate...

But Unlimited Kelp seems to believe that he is the monster in the legendary ghost town, and the smile on his face becomes more ferocious.

"The monster of the ghost town, I like this title very much!"

Boom boom boom!
During the words, countless tentacles soared into the sky, and even the air was cut by them wherever they passed, and they were killed in front of Wood almost in the blink of an eye.

The sudden attack made Wood's face change. Just as he was about to dodge, a figure appeared in front of him very abruptly, and the Western sword in his hand turned into silver arcs while waving.

摪摪摪! !
Sparks shot out, crisp sounds continued, and the extremely fast tentacles were all resisted by a sword.


Unlimited Kelp was a little surprised by this scene, and said with a strange smile: "It's really funny that a hero stands up to protect the weirdo."

"Don't trust him, I'm human!"

Wood looked at Spring Beard gratefully: "And I am the chairman of Qishen Group, one of the honorary directors of the Heroes Association, and your Heroes Association official website has my information."

Honorary director?

Springbeard gave Wood a strange look. He naturally knew the existence of honorary directors. After all, the salaries, bonuses, activity funds, and weapons of these heroes were almost all contributed by the honorary directors of the Heroes Association. Very small percentage.

It's just that everyone who can become an honorary director is a famous rich man, and this kid is one of them?
Springbeard was deeply skeptical of this.

Wood didn't say anything, and directly logged into the official website of the Heroes Association with his mobile phone, and called up his own information.

It really is?
Spring Beard was slightly taken aback, but he hesitated about his previous plan. Judging from the opponent's previous speed, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person. Originally, he planned to join forces with the opponent to fight against Infinite Kelp.

After all, Unlimited Kelp has already set his sights on this brat, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, even if the opponent is not a hero, they can unite together.

But now that he finds out that the other party is an honorary director, he hesitates. Although there are no explicit regulations, there are also some unspoken rules within the Heroes Association, which is to protect the honorary director and his family as much as possible.


(End of this chapter)

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