I really don't want to cross

Chapter 155 Genos Arrives

Chapter 155 Genos Arrives

"Dad, are those monsters still outside?"

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe to stay in this shelter, and even if a monster comes here, we don't have to be afraid of it with so many of us!"


Listening to the noisy discussions around, Wood's face was full of despair. Just half an hour ago, the disaster level had been changed from the original tiger level to the ghost level. This time the weirdo is not simple.


It's just that I went out for a casual stroll, and unexpectedly encountered at least a ghost-level monster attacking me. If I had known this, he would have crossed directly, but now it's too late to say anything. I can only hope that the weird person won't come to this refuge. .

As for the defensive capabilities of this shelter...

Wood also made a special investigation in this area. It may be useful to defend against tiger-level monsters, but in the eyes of ghost-level monsters, it is not an exaggeration to say that something as fragile as paper.

"Don't worry, little boss, the Heroes Association must have dispatched heroes by now, maybe the alarm will be lifted in a short time."

"It's not that easy. There are no S-level heroes in J city. If there is a problem that cannot be solved by A-level, the Hero Association will also need to mobilize S-level heroes from other cities."

Wood's face was gloomy, and he glared at Nizisuo angrily. If it weren't for this bastard, he would still be sleeping at home now. How could he run to this crappy place to avoid being chased and killed by strange people.

Nizisuo spread his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

After pondering for a while, Wood used his mobile phone to enter the internal website of the Heroes Association and log in to his honorary director's account. Although this honorary director does not have any rights, it also has certain uses.

He can get a lot of internal news.

But when he saw the progress of the disaster in City J, Wood's face couldn't help but change.

Because the record of this weirdo known as the 'King of the Deep Sea' is really too appalling.

Although it has not been announced, the Heroes Association has already counted the injuries. So far, three heroes have been defeated, and two of them are A-level heroes, and one is even an S-level hero.

Although he was the last of the S rank, that kind of inhuman existence was actually defeated by this strange person, which showed that the strength of that strange person was at least as strong as that of a high-level ghost.

This is not good news for Wood. The weakest ghost-level Wood dares to fight, but the level of ghost-level among weirdos can already be subdivided into an unknown number of levels.

Wood has a deep understanding of this point. Even if hundreds of thousands of his vampire physiques fight together, they will definitely not be able to do anything to his giant body. At most, he can throw a few more punches.

The body of a giant is already so strong at the middle ghost level, and the high-level ghost level can be said to be another level of combat power. If you have to compare it, it can be said to be the terrifying gap between a Saiyan and a Super Saiyan after transformation.

Wood swallowed, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

I just discovered that if you want to live safely in this world, you must at least have the strength of a dragon. My little devil has no arrogance at all.

To be on the safe side, let's move rescuers first!

Wood directly found Genos's phone number and dialed it. Anyway, it would be better to get Genos to escort him first.

Before his phone was dialed, a huge monster with a height of several meters broke through the wall suddenly, and Wood couldn't help swallowing his saliva because of its shocking appearance. The people in the group hid behind.

The first time he saw this monster, Wood was even more convinced of his guess. The other party brought him an extremely terrifying pressure. Even if he used the body of a giant, he would definitely not be the opponent's opponent.

Now I can only hope that this monster likes to kill humans, hide behind these stupid standing residents, and wait for the arrival of support while the monster slowly kills.

As for protecting them?

What an international joke, if it really comes to the last moment, people like Qishen Group can't protect themselves, let alone these strangers.

"Hello? Brother Wood?"

The phone was connected at this time, and Genos' voice came from the opposite side, but the voice seemed a bit noisy, as if he was running in the rain.

"Hurry up and take Mr. Saitama to the refuge in J City to save me. The monster who defeated the S-class hero has come to the refuge."

"Beat the S class?"

On the other side of the phone, Genos's tone obviously sank, but his reaction was extremely quick: "Is it really in the refuge? Brother Wood, you should find a way to delay it, I will arrive at the refuge soon."

Coming soon?

Wood was startled for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Genos is the S-level hero of other cities who came to accept the help, but I don't know if Mr. Saitama is here. If Mr. Saitama is here, then this wave will Steady!
After hanging up the phone, Wood looked forward through the crowd and found that the situation in the venue had changed. Some heroes jumped out of the venue at some point to block the weirdo.

All the people were overjoyed when they saw this, but Wood frowned.

How strong is the hero who will hide here? If he really has the strength to fight against the weirdo, he would have gone out to find a way to deal with the weirdo, but... Do you want to go out and delay time with them?
Since Genos said that he is coming soon, he is definitely here. As long as he delays for a while, he should be able to persist until Genos comes here, but... Seeing the terrifying appearance of that strange man, Wood really doesn't think he can bear the opponent several times. attack.

If he didn't make it to Genos, wouldn't he be finished if he was killed.


At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation, and Wood looked up, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly.

This time, there is no need to hesitate. The hero who was still standing there for half a minute confronting the strange man was already blown away by the strange man like a bowling ball while Wood was in a daze...

"Hahahaha, are there only a few of them?"

The King of the Deep Sea laughed sharply, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Apparently, the few reptiles didn't bother him at all. Seeing the terrified residents in the shelter, his laughter became even more terrifying.

"Are you a deep-sea tribe?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the sky above the refuge. Following the reputation, I saw a flame falling from the sky and falling directly into the refuge. It was not Janos who had talked with Wood earlier.

Seeing this, Wood breathed a sigh of relief, this kid arrived really fast!

"So what?"

The Deep Sea King tilted his head and said with a sneer, "It's the new brother Bing..."

"Destroy you immediately!"

Before he could finish speaking, Genos' eyes flashed murderous intent.

Lift your foot, step down—

It was a simple movement, but under this step, the whole ground shook violently, red flames shone, and the temperature of the entire refuge increased by a few points at this moment.

The figure of Genos appeared in front of the Deep Sea King very abruptly, so fast that the Deep Sea King didn't even have time to react, and watched helplessly as the flaming punch hit his face.


Genos's attack did not end there, the mechanical arm changed rapidly, and the scorching fire fist erupted like a meteor. A pillar of flames enveloped the Deep Sea King, and the wall of the refuge instantly penetrated, and a A huge hole with a length and width of several meters.


(End of this chapter)

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