I really don't want to cross

Chapter 157 Crazy Wood

Chapter 157 Crazy Wood

The roaring sound swayed in an instant, spreading throughout the entire shelter.

Wood and Janos stood side by side, looking at the range of smoke and dust, their eyes were extremely serious.

Is it solved?

With the outermost layer of skin being torn apart by Wood, Genos's machine-shooting punch can be described as bloody. Normally speaking, even with Wood's recovery ability today, he may not be able to survive this kind of injury.


Amidst the explosion, the surrounding smoke and dust cleared away suddenly, and the figure of the Deep Sea King appeared in front of Wood and the two of them again, and the injuries on his body began to heal at an astonishing speed.

"This self-healing ability..."

Wood's face sank, but when he saw the opponent's body that was obviously one size smaller, Wood's eyes lit up: "Fire, it's fire, his body has shriveled up with the incinerator you just fired, and he has strength and speed." Cut accordingly!"

Genos nodded upon hearing this.

"Two bugs, you are courting death!!"

The King of the Deep Sea roared angrily, his voice full of violent murderous intent, but when he heard Wood's words, there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes, and he glanced out of the refuge from the corner of his eyes.

Because it was raining outside, as long as the rainwater continued to replenish, it would not be too easy to kill these two little reptiles.

In the next second, the Deep Sea King moved!
But instead of rushing towards the two of them, he turned around and rushed out of the shelter. The yellow-haired man was extremely powerful, and even in his current state, he could have the upper hand, but if he added the weird kid next to him, he was a bit weak. less than.

If it continues to stay here, it will most likely be wiped out by these two people.

But how could Wood, who had been prepared for a long time, let him get what he wanted. Although he was far inferior to the two people on the scene in terms of self-healing ability and physical strength, the blood race was a race known for its sensitivity.

Wood's speed is far beyond his current level, even if he is not as good as the Deep Sea King, but after being prepared and burning the blood energy in his body crazily, Wood blocked the Deep Sea King's way without warning.

No matter what, you can't let the other party absorb the water, otherwise you and Genos may die here.

"Get away from me!!"

The King of the Deep Sea roared and threw a punch directly at Wood. This brat is far weaker than the yellow-haired kid behind him. Since he can't go outside to fight, he should give priority to getting rid of this kid.

"Brother Wood!"

Janos panicked when he saw this, and chased after the Deep Sea King in a blink of an eye.

How to stop?
Looking at the rushing Deep Sea King, a flash of fear flashed in Wood's eyes. The previous battles were almost dominated by Genos. Against this high-level ghost head-on, it is absolutely impossible for Wood to be the opponent of the Deep Sea King. It may not be possible to take it down.

But dodge...

Wood glanced at the raining weather outside through the big hole behind him, gritted his teeth hard, he couldn't hide!

No matter what, you can't escape.

Maybe you won't die hard, but if you let the other party absorb the water, then you and Genos will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Wood gritted his teeth severely!

The soles of his feet stomped hard on the ground, and Wood's whole body began to swell rapidly, as if he had grown up suddenly. The clothes on his body burst apart, and green lines covered his strong muscles.

The body of a giant!

"Wow ha ha ha ha……"

However, Wood let out a crazy laugh, and instead of retreating, he stepped forward, stomped on the ground, and rushed directly towards the King of the Deep Sea.


Give me all my strength! !

Clenches your fists and moves your body!
The opponent has a strength beyond his comprehension.

But so what?
Being strong doesn't need to be understood at all, a punch is the fastest way to understand the opponent's strength!

That kind of thing is to go back and think about it after the fight, and if you can think about it, you can prove that you have won.

And can't think about it?

Then it’s useless to think about it now! !

There is only one thing to think about now.

That is victory.

Victory no matter what, defeat all the strong, and walk on the road of being the strongest.

If the vampire-like Wood is bloodthirsty, then the giant Wood is war-thirsty!

Even though Wood clearly knows that he is a person who cherishes his life, under the body of a giant, Wood can put aside everything just to fight the enemy in front of him.


Or die!

That is not what Wood should consider in the current state, all he needs to consider is to break...

There's a feeling of emptiness in my heart that I can't get rid of.

Use continuous fighting with powerful enemies to break through!
Constantly... to become stronger! ! !

Until you are qualified to challenge that bald head!

"Let's fight to the fullest!!"

The corners of his mouth were split, and Wood had an extremely fanatical smile on his face, a smile full of fighting spirit.

Excited because the opponent is stronger than oneself, fanatical because of the oppression brought by the opponent!
The deep sea king's face showed seriousness. He didn't understand what had changed in the other party, and he could clearly feel that the other party's strength had completely risen by a level.

Strength is still secondary, but what makes him most afraid is the smile on the opponent's face.

That smile terrified him.

Frenzied, excited, full of fighting spirit——

Ferocious, cruel, capricious, extremely arrogant!
All this seemed to have passed for a long time, but it was only a blink of an eye from Wood's transformation to rushing out. The sudden shock made Genos slightly taken aback, because such Wood made him feel strange.

Suddenly, Wood had already rushed in front of the King of the Deep Sea, and his clenched fist fell down with terrifying force.

"Inferior race!"


This group of reptiles are rushing endlessly. They are obviously a weak group. It is enough to obediently give up the ground to us deep sea people. What qualifications do you have to resist.

Amidst the roar, the Deep Sea King's body swelled up, his right foot stomped hard on the ground, and the impact spread in a circle, and he punched out directly.

Under this punch, the roaring sound suddenly reverberated, and the entire refuge was shaken by it.

Where the King of the Deep Sea and Wood fought, the entire ground collapsed completely at this moment. Wood's tall body still looked a little weak in front of the King of the Deep Sea.

However, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Deep Sea King who was standing there, and the muscles on the swung right arm suddenly began to agitate, and with a bang, the whole body collapsed.

Its majestic body also took several steps backwards.

What a terrifying power!

He was obviously much weaker than himself, but the power in that punch seemed to be alive. That kind of impact was no longer caused by pure power, but a strange force.

The King of the Deep Sea was shocked, but he forgot that Wood was not the only opponent.


With a roar, Genos' chest cavity opened, and a blue core ejected out, directly embedded into the only remaining left arm.

"ArmsMode maximum firepower burns the cannon!"

The golden light in Genos' mechanical eyes flashed wildly. He didn't expect that the blow that was originally intended to be used against the meteorite would be used here!
The terrifying incendiary cannon pierced through the room, and the space let out an overwhelmed growl. Before the terrifying impact arrived, the face of the Deep Sea King changed drastically.

If you can't avoid it, you will die.

Instinctively want to dodge, but the strange power carried by Wood's punch just now has not been completely dissipated, and the body he wanted to dodge took another step back uncontrollably.

There was a piercing vibration in the air, and the terrifying pillar of fire directly penetrated half of the shelter, even evaporating the heavy rain in the air. The Deep Sea King who faced the burning cannon screamed, but his body shrank and dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye. ...

Until the screams completely disappeared.

When the flames dissipated, there was a plop, and Genos fell to his knees directly, opening his mouth to let out a wisp of gunpowder smoke caused by the high heat.

Brother Wood!

Janos' face changed, he staggered up, and staggered towards the outside of the shelter.

He just took a blow from the King of the Deep Sea, and Brother Wood doesn't know how injured he is?

But as soon as he walked out of the shelter, Genos was taken aback.

"Mr. Saitama?"

Outside the shelter, Saitama held Wood, who had fainted, on his shoulders, and saw Genos walking out with a smile on his face: "Sorry, I'm late."

After all, he shook Wood on his shoulders, ignoring Wood's bruises all over his body and bleeding from his mouth.

"Don't worry, he seems to be fine."


Genos was choked by his teacher's calm tone, and after a while he smiled wryly and shook his head, his whole body went limp at the same time.

"Hey, Genos, are you okay?"

First make up yesterday's update, and change the world immediately, madly make up, puff puff puff

(End of this chapter)

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