I really don't want to cross

Chapter 163 Divine Power?

Chapter 163 Divine Power?


The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched: "You don't come back home, what are you doing behind me and the soundtrack in the middle of the night?"

Without saying a word, Wood threw out a 5 yuan coin: "Anyway, you are free."

"Hey, it doesn't matter if I'm idle or not."

Ye Dou couldn't help but a little crazy: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

His voice is getting smaller and smaller...

"Mr. Yato, what you said can be said to be rubbish among rubbish from various aspects."

"...Hey, Accompanying Voice, in front of outsiders, you should at least show some face to my master, right?"

The accompaniment covered his mouth and smiled: "Mr. Yato, I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you had such a thing as 'face'."


Wood yawned and looked at the time: "I said it's getting late, shouldn't we find a place to sleep?"


Yato and the soundtrack were choked up, and they all looked at Wood with strange faces.

"Ah, I see!"

Ye Dou's eyes lit up, and he bumped Wood with his shoulder with a mean smile: "Little devil, you are afraid of being attacked by monsters while sleeping."


Wood didn't hide it either, and nodded very seriously: "I'm afraid of death."

"..." Yato.


Are you so righteous in fear of death?
Wood was actually quite bitter in his heart. After all, when he came to this bullshit world, not only could he not solve his own problems, but he was also chased and killed by those demons as if they were meat and potatoes.

The so-called "god" in this world is too useless.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...it smells so good..."

"What does it taste like?"

"It's so fragrant... so fragrant..."

"I really want to eat it, give it to me quickly..."


Under the night road, extremely noisy voices came from all directions.

"Hey, hey, your physique is too attractive to demons, isn't it?"

During the speech, Yato subconsciously jumped up from the ground with the accompanying sound, and the moment he left, there was a roar at his original position, and all the monsters rushed there like a tide.

"There are so many monsters, is there any time around here?"

Seeing this, Yato's expression darkened, but then his expression changed: "Oops!!"

In a moment of urgency just now, he actually forgot that there was an ordinary human being beside him, and he quickly jumped out of his reaction just now, isn't that human being...

"Yawn... I'm going to die of sleepiness, can you quickly find a place where I can sleep peacefully?"


Yato and Acoustic looked at Wood who was yawning next to him in confusion, and couldn't help being stunned. They glanced at the ground before, and then at Wood who jumped into the air with them.


what happened?
"Mr. Yato, be careful!!"

At this time, the sound suddenly exclaimed, Yetou only felt a burst of energy coming from behind, his face changed suddenly, the blue light in his eyes flashed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Come on, companion!"

Accompanying sound in mid-air was full of light, and when his figure changed, he turned into a dagger and fell into Yato's hand in an instant.


Yetou's figure turned down extremely sensitively, and the short knife in his hand directly slashed at the attacking monster. Suddenly, a kind of inexplicable power surged up in the void, lighting up the dark night, and at the same time, let the pounce The coming monsters turned into black air and dissipated.

"Mr. Yato, over there!!"

Yato followed the sound prompt and saw an eight-legged carapace-shaped monster who had arrived behind Wood at some point. This scene made Yato's expression change, and he rushed towards Wood subconsciously.


The ensuing scene made him and the accompanying voice stunned.


The sleepiness that kept coming from his mind made Wood's eyes hard to open. Originally, the attack of monsters was something worth fearing for Wood, but under this sleepiness, he felt like he wanted to sleep right away. idea of ​​going.


You can't sleep now, or you will die.

The nature of fear of death made Wood forcefully raise his sobriety in this sleepy state, feeling the monster attacking behind him, and a scarlet light flashed in Wood's eyes.

It must be resolved as soon as possible!

Otherwise, because of the burden of the soul, I may fall asleep anytime and anywhere, and even if there is Yato, it may not be able to protect a person who can be said to have passed out.

Scarlet blood mist filled the entire area in an instant, and the disgusting smell of blood stimulated the sense of smell of Ye Dou and the monsters in the field.

As the breeze blew, Wood's already pale face turned pale, like a dead man, his ears gradually became sharper, and a pair of fangs burst out.

The blood flames burned in the void, and even made the air make a 'sizzling', 'sizzling', 'sizzling' sound.

The scarlet blood robe covered his body, and Wood had already entered the blood race in the blink of an eye. Although the scarlet pupils were still full of sleepiness, the feeling was completely opposite!
Lazy elegance!
There was a sense of arrogance exuding from the whole body, and with a slight step on the top of the building, Wood's body disappeared in place in an instant.

So fast! !
Yato's pupils shrank, who is he?

Or... the creatures with this posture are really human beings.

All this seemed to have passed for a long time, but it was only for an instant. The moment Yato fell, the monster that jumped at Wood stood there as if dead, and Wood with a terrifying aura stood behind the monster.


A strange roar came out, and dense blood lines appeared on the monster, and then, under Yeto's shocked gaze, it turned into countless fragments of stumps, and turned into black air and completely dissipated.

"Wood, you..."

Yato froze in place, looking at Wood's back, feeling the completely different temperament, and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.


Just like his father, he disrespects the gods and is full of mystery.

However, his soft call stunned the eccentric Wood, because he felt a sense of calling inexplicably in his heart, as if some mysterious energy was echoing him, and in it was revealed The breath of night fighting.

what is this?
Wood frowned, for some reason, a trace of longing appeared in his soul.

After a moment of hesitation, Wood tried to accept the call.

And at the moment when Wood's thought was released, a sudden change occurred, and a burst of bloody light wrapped Wood in it, as if a font could be vaguely seen emerging from the light.

That is--

And Wood, who was wrapped in the blood light, changed his figure quickly, and finally turned into a red light and rushed towards Yato.

This is……

Wood didn't understand what the scene in front of him meant, but Yato and the soundtrack couldn't understand it, because this was... the incarnation of the artifact!

But this is not in line with common sense!


The weighing device shows the body, and the name returns.

This can only be done by an artifact, the opponent is obviously a human being, not to mention that Yato did not give the opponent a 'fake name' at all, even Nora couldn't be summoned like this, right?

what's the problem?

Yato Xiayi, whose brain was in a state of chaos, raised his left hand to catch the red awn, and suddenly... the red awn flourished, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a two-meter-long blood-colored sickle, like the sickle of death .

There was a strange red glow on the sharp blade, and there was a blood groove on the blade.

And that red awn is blood energy.

Wood looked at the blood-red space around him, he could clearly see everything that happened outside, and he could also see the sickle he had transformed into.

Become an artifact yourself?
Wood, transformed into a weirdo, raised his brows, and a hint of annoyance flashed in his eyes, but then he was taken aback.


Vaguely, Wood could feel a kind of magical energy being transmitted to him through Yato. This energy Wood is no stranger to, because many gods have used it on him in the past half a day.

But it has never directly entered the soul like it is now, nourishing Wood's damaged soul.

God's power is good for my soul! ! !
This discovery made Wood couldn't help being excited. After all, pinning his hopes on that waste system, there was no way for Wood to feel at ease.I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I had already given up.

Yato also stared blankly at the artifact in his hand.

There is no memory of receiving the artifact, that is to say... there is no contract between himself and Wood, but how should he explain the scene in front of him.

A creature turned into a divine weapon?

"Mr. Yato, those demons are here."

The call of the accompanying sound brought Yato back to his senses, and out of the corner of his eye, he found that the dense monsters on the ground had rushed towards here at the same time, which made Yato's expression tense.

This amount is probably too much!
But there is no time for him to think about this now, and when he turned around, he completely subconsciously waved the weapon in his hand.

"Mr. Yato!!"

Yato was stunned by the exclamation of the accompanying sound, and then he realized that he was using the huge scythe in his left hand to attack, and the air seemed to be cut by it when he swung it, forming a strange vacuum area.

The low booming sound was like a heavy drum, beating hard on the hearts of Yato and the accompanying voice.

A bloody gleam appeared on the scythe that came out of the slash, and a scarlet slash across the night sky rippled out, instantly covering the entire group of monsters.

This turn of events happened too suddenly, there was no time for the pounced monster to react, and the scarlet slash slashed across the various bodies.

Puff puff!
In the sky, bright red blood flowers bloomed one after another.

Seeing this, the monsters in the rear all had horror in their eyes and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The scarlet slash was like a storm, coming and going quickly.

A few seconds later, the slash across the sky dissipated, and at the same time, those countless monsters that turned into black smoke also dissipated.

"how can that be?"

The tone of the accompanying voice was full of fear, and the eyes looking at Wood were full of panic.

Yeto was also frightened by his own blow and stood there in a daze. At that moment just now, he could vaguely feel a feeling that nothing could be cut by him, which made him panic in his heart, and he almost fell to the ground. He threw the blood sickle in his hand.

"That's more interesting."

Wood touched his chin with interest, looked at the effect of his blood, and nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound, and several people followed the sound, and saw that the abandoned warehouse in front of them actually started to tremble, and Yetou's face couldn't help but change when he looked carefully.

"Hey, hey, this is too much!"

A slanted line appeared in the huge warehouse, and the entire second floor slid towards the ground. After the roar, it was completely cut in two.

"Come back, voice."

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched, and the dagger in his hand instantly transformed into the figure of Accompanying Sound, and both of them looked at the blood sickle in their left hand at the same time.

"Well...Wood, come back too..."

Why are you so awkward...

In a flash of blood, the eccentric Wood reappeared in the same place, and looked at Yato with a strange look: "Your god's hands are really sweaty, it feels so disgusting..."

"..." Yato.

"That's right, that's right!!"

The voice's eyes lit up, but he forgot to be afraid of Wood, and nodded with compassion on his face: "His hands are not only sweaty, but also very smelly!!"


Wood's fangs retracted and his sharp ears returned to normal. The scarlet blood robe on his body instantly turned into pink powder and dissipated.

"Huh? Because of the vampire physique?"

Yato had called him by his name quite a few times before, but he only felt that calling when he first entered the monster form, obviously because of his vampire physique.

"You guy..."

Yato kept looking around Wood, pointing his fingers at Wood from time to time: "What the hell is it?"

"I made a decision!"

"Huh?" Yato and the voice were taken aback.

The corner of Wood's mouth hooked, since divine power is good for strengthening the soul.

"I want to become a god!!"



(End of this chapter)

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