I really don't want to cross

Chapter 170 God of Poverty

Chapter 170 God of Poverty (Two in One)

"Dahei, look quickly, Little Wood has really become a god."

Dimly, Wood vaguely heard a delicate female voice talking: "And just like what Koyato said, even the construction of the shrine has already started."

Wood, who was lying in the deep forest to the left at the top of the stone steps, opened his eyes in a daze. He slept here all night. Now that he has his own shrine, he doesn't want to live in someone else's house.

And here he can also be in charge of overseeing the construction of the shrine, so that these guys who build the shrine will not cut corners.

of course……

The most fundamental reason is that Wood is really too lazy to move.

How did she come?

When he saw the person who spoke, the corners of Wood's eyes twitched undetectably.

The person who came was a pink-haired girl who looked about the age of a high school student, wearing a short skirt that looked like a high school uniform.

And beside the girl, there was a man with a ferocious face, close to 1.9 meters tall, his face was ordinary, but the expression that was inadvertently revealed was extremely ferocious.

"Little Wood, we have come to visit you."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly as he was lying under the tree. For some reason, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

There is no doubt that the two people who can see Wood, the body of the gods, besides the monsters, are only gods and artifacts.

The pink-haired girl is a god, and the man with a fierce expression is the girl's artifact.

These two people can be said to be one of the few friends of Yato, so Wood is no stranger to the two, but... he has always kept a respectful distance from this pink-haired girl...

Although she is Yato's friend, the pink-haired girl is not an unknown god.It can even be said that it is just the opposite. This girl is an extremely famous god, but there are almost no believers.

The reason for this phenomenon is because its divine position is...

God of poverty!
Also known as the disaster star, it belongs to the kind that can bring bad luck wherever you go. Although the halo of bad luck has no effect on the gods, but because its artifact has the terrifying ability to open the "wind hole", it is popular in the circle of gods. Li... is also the existence where God sees God and hides.

The so-called 'Wind Cave' is a place where a large number of monsters appear, a large cave connecting the underworld and the world, appearing randomly in any place, and this extremely cute girl can use the artifact to forcibly open the wind cave.

For Wood, who was born to attract monsters, it was natural to hide as far away as possible.

After all, this guy's head is not very good, so he might use a magic weapon to hit it when he commits a crime. The thing that Wood remembers most is that a week ago, this guy was scared by a cockroach and called out the magic weapon to shoot it. .

As a result, Wood was chased and killed by hundreds of monsters all the way to the Tenman Shrine. Since then...Wood has always taken a detour to this great god.

But within the scope of the shrine, there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Wood waved lazily, without any intention of getting up to greet him.

"This guy is really rude. My lady goddess came to visit in person, but she didn't come over to greet her." Dahei gave Wood a fierce look.

Wood turned around and went to sleep, causing several veins to pop up on Dahei's forehead.

"Hey, it's amazing!!"

During the conversation, the two had already walked up the steps. Looking at the huge main hall that had already been framed, Ebisu Xiaofu's eyes lit up: "Little Wood is really rich, and he actually built such a big shrine."

Ebisu Xiaofu, this is the name of the pink-haired girl, but don't be fooled by the word "Ebisu", because this is just a stage name for work, pretending to be the name of the God of Wealth!

After all, if you use the real name of the God of Poverty, you can't get a job at all...

Dahei looked at Wood who was sleeping in the wood next to him in a strange way. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't believe what Yato said. This human kid who tried to become a god actually became a god.

"Wood, get up quickly, there is a new job."

Yetou's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, and as soon as he appeared, he shouted happily: "There is a cat named 'His Royal Highness' lost, let's go find it together... Hey, Xiaofu, Dahei, why are you here?" here?"

The last sentence was addressed to Xiao Fu and the two of them. When he saw the two of them, Yato's face suddenly became extremely strange.


At this moment, there was an extremely abrupt sound in the construction site, followed by a burst of noise.

"Hurry up and get out of the way, the base frame screws of the tower crane are loose!!"


With his back to Xiaofu, Wood turned around, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Yato is definitely jealous.

Paralysis, you are so ruthless that you actually called the God of Poverty to the shrine that I haven't finished yet.

However, this product is too unlucky, just a few seconds later, the base frame of the tower crane, which has been working without problems, is loose. If it has nothing to do with Xiaofu, the poor god, who would believe it! !
"Hey, Miss Xiaofu, when did you come?"

Woodpi greeted with a smile without a smile, got up from the ground with great difficulty, and said with a wry smile: "My temple here is too small to accommodate a great god like you, Miss Xiaofu should go back first, and I will definitely pay a visit some other day. "

"Oh, Little Wood doesn't need to be so polite with me. Aren't we friends? You're moving to a new house. Of course you have to come and see if you're friends." Xiao Fu smiled embarrassedly, completely failing to understand the extremely obvious meaning in Wood's words. The meaning of chasing guests.

Who the hell is your friend! ! !

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and he wanted to get up and kick the guy out, but he was too lazy to move, and finally glared fiercely at Yato who was snickering next to him.

"Go away, you don't need an artifact to find a cat or something, you can find it yourself!!"

Dahei glanced at Yato: "That woman called Duanyin, finally can't stand your useless sportswear and resigned?"


The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched, why did he know that he had never told these two people.

"Ahhhhhhh, hurry up and get water, there's a fire on the roasting wood."

However, after so few words, smoke suddenly rose from the construction site.

I'm so...

Wood really can't sit still this time, is this the rhythm of setting fire to the mountain?

However, he still couldn't scold him, after all, he was standing on the steps, and he didn't move forward at all...

Seeing Wood staring at him, Dahei silently lit a cigarette and said, "It's a coincidence."

"Who would believe it? How could such a coincidence be possible? If the two of you didn't come, the foundation frame would not loosen, and the roasting wood wouldn't catch fire; if you stood there for less than 2 minutes, this coincidence would all happen?"

Xiaofu smiled very reservedly, but with this smile, another accident happened at the construction site...

This time it was even more outrageous. It was said that a small-scale strong earthquake in the main hall just built the frame, and the frame of the main hall collapsed! !
Wood was dumbfounded, did the earthquake come out?
"Pfft hahahahaha..."

Yato's hilarious laughter came, and this guy obviously came to watch the excitement by finding a job.

Wood stood up from the place where he had been lying all night, trotted all the way to Xiaofu, and then ran down the mountain without saying a word, holding the poor god in his arms.

"Bastard, what are you going to do to my goddess!!"

"You two get out of here quickly!"

Wood scolded without turning his head, and he couldn't lie down even if he was lazy. This shrine is related to his own life. If this guy stays here, the mountain may collapse in a while.


At noon, even in winter, the high-hanging sun brings warmth to the world, and the dazzling sunlight makes people sober.

But in this situation, the gray-haired Wood was moving forward at a speed of one meter per minute on crutches.

This damn sunshine.

But don't give up just yet.

Hope has been seen.

Only five meters away, I will be able to reach the paradise of my dreams, the place where the gods belong! !
Although already exhausted physically and mentally, and even his soul was constantly shouting tired, Wood's face was full of determination.

The thing five meters away is the oasis in the desert, which can relieve the fatigue of the journey.


Yato looked at Wood, who was moving step by step towards the bench under the shadow like an old man, the corners of his eyes twitched. How fast did this guy just throw Xiaofu off the mountain?
"Can't you just turn back into a human?"

"I'm too lazy to change, and if I change it, it will change back when I enter the scope of the shrine. There is no way to go back." Wood replied weakly, but his eyes were fixed on the bench in front of him, two meters away! !

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched.

After a difficult journey, Wood finally lay safely on the chair, panting heavily, as if he had walked for days and nights.


Yato turned his head and glanced at the hill behind. This place is only ten meters away from the torii gate. Compared with the hundred-meter steps, did he choose the chair ten meters away without hesitation?
"Go find the cat, and remember to come back and carry me back up the mountain."


This stuff...

So complicated! !

The majestic gods can be so lazy, it can also be said that there is no one before or after, at least among the 800 million gods in Gao Tianyuan, there is absolutely no god who is lazy than this guy.

Yato originally wanted to move this thing back to the mountain, and continue to look for the cat named 'His Royal Highness', but when he walked to the bench, he found that Wood had already fallen asleep lying on the chair after such a short time .

This state of being able to fall asleep on the ground is worthy of the name of the God of Sleep!

Yato looked back at the torii gate at the foot of the mountain. Although it was not within the scope of the shrine, monsters would not approach the area near the shrine, so it didn't matter if Wood lay here and slept.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to wake up Wood again, and embarked on a cat hunting trip!

"Your Highness...Your Highness..."

In the city center, Yetou shouted loudly on the street holding a cat hunting revelation, but his face was full of tears.

Although the gods are difficult to be seen by ordinary humans because of their extremely weak sense of existence, it seems to be integrated with the background, but...

Yato had to admit that in such a densely populated place, it was too shameful for him to call His Highness, even when he knew that these humans couldn't see him.

The stinky brat actually entrusted Tangtang Yato to find a cat.

However, the money has already been received, and he has to continue to look for it even for a few days and nights.

"Your Highness...Your Highness..."

But Yato didn't notice that not far in front of him, three girls dressed as high school students gathered together to watch the cat-hunting revelation posted on the help wall.

"Your Highness? What kind of weird name is this?" the black-haired girl with glasses said a little funny.

The flaxen-haired female high school student curled her lips: "You have the nerve to talk about others, but you also gave your dog a strange name. It's the name of the captain of Zenith."

"It's not a strange name, Shiina-kun is my destiny!"

"Sure enough, I still prefer the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts."

"Zenis is a god group!"

"Hundred Ghosts at Night is the god group."


Listening to the two female high school students arguing, Yato, who was walking by, couldn't help curling his lips. What kind of shit god group, the real god is here.

"Your Highness...Your Highness..."


The only dark-brown-haired girl who didn't interrupt turned around with some doubts, and looked at where Yato was, just in time to collide with Yato who was looking over.

Yato frowned, and turned his head hastily.

Hey, it's just at such an embarrassing time that I met someone's eyes.

Yetou didn't feel that the other party saw him. In his opinion, the staring just now was just a coincidence. At this moment, in the middle of the road, a yellow and white kitten came into Yetou's eyes.

That is……

Your Highness! !
Yetou's eyes lit up, and he climbed over the sidewalk hurdle and ran towards the kitten in the middle of the road.

Although he rushed out in a moment of urgency, Yato still noticed the vehicle rushing on the other side of the road, but he didn't care, as long as he grabbed the kitten and jumped up, he could easily dodge it.


Just when Yato reached out to catch the kitten, something happened suddenly, a soft body from behind suddenly bumped into it, bumping the short Yato who was trying to catch the cat, staggered and fell directly.

Accompanied by a sudden sound of brakes, the truck stopped in the middle of the road, a burst of screams resounded around, and a large group of people gathered.


The kitten was so frightened that it jumped up and ran away into the distance, but Yato didn't chase after it, but looked at the female high school student who had just met his gaze.

But his main attention was on... the tail on the girl's butt.

The girl looked at Ye Dou who was stunned with the expression of the rest of her life, and roared angrily: "Don't you know how dangerous it is to rush out suddenly? What if you die?"

Yato was taken aback by what the girl said, and subconsciously pointed to the middle of the road: "Compared to this, you..."

The girl looked in the direction Yato was pointing at, but found another herself lying in the middle of the road.


"Your soul is out of your body!"

Yato shook his head, and looked at the girl strangely. Recently, he seems to have a lot of fate with these special humans. First, he met a Wood who could see him, and now he met a girl who could see him.


The girl looked panic-stricken, and just as she was about to speak, she was lifted up by Yato, and then thrown towards the other girl in the middle of the road.

Yato watched the girl being carried into the ambulance and clapped her hands.

The truck didn't hit her just now, so there shouldn't be any serious problems, but it's better to follow up to see, after all, the accident happened because of her!

Wood opened his eyes and glanced at the dark night.

"Have you not found it yet?"

Then he turned over and fell asleep again.


(End of this chapter)

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