I really don't want to cross

Chapter 175: Yato's New Artifact

Chapter 175: Yato's New Artifact
Sleeping God Shrine.

The construction work here is coming to an end, and because of the snow, it didn't start at night.

Wood was lying in the main hall. Although he could fall asleep even if the surrounding environment was noisy, it was more comfortable to sleep in a quiet environment.


Wood slowly opened his eyes, and a golden divine power flashed in his eyes.

"What about Yetou?"

Everything within the scope of the shrine belongs to Wood's divine domain. Although you can't see every place, when someone steps in, they can be sensed by Wood immediately.

"Yato, didn't you say that there is no shrine?"

Vaguely, a rather melodious female voice came over.

"This is not my shrine, but a younger brother's shrine under Benya Fighting God's hand who will come and go as soon as he is called."


Come on call?Go away?
Wood's face turned black, this bastard lives in my place, how dare he be so arrogant!
"Yato's younger brother?"

Yiqi Rihe's eyes are full of doubts. Although this shrine is far inferior to those big shrines, it is not small in terms of scale alone. This unemployed vagrant, with waste material sportswear, will have such a god as his younger brother?


"Why don't you say hello to the gods here in advance?"

"Do not worry!"

Yeto said with certainty: "I'm not here, that guy will never come back... Eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Yato froze on the spot, looking at Wood lying on his side in the main hall with a look of shock, looking at him with a half-smile.



After a while, Yedou raised his hands and rubbed his eyes in confusion, and looked towards the main hall again.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!"

Wood's face turned black, why should he be so shocked?

How lazy is this bastard in his heart.

"Come when you call? Go when you wave?"

Wood looked at Yato with great interest, and said with a chuckle, "I don't know if Big Brother Yato is here, what can I order?"

The corner of Ye Dou's mouth twitched suddenly, and he said with a dry smile: "Hahaha, Wood, why do you remember coming back?" Then he raised his silver-white long knife and smiled, "Look, I found a new artifact, and it will be important to protect your travel safety in the future It's more convenient!!"


Yiqi Rihe rolled his eyes, this is called a younger brother?

You are acting as a bodyguard for others! !

But this god looks so strange. Judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to be as old as himself, but with his gray hair and the inadvertent sense of vicissitudes, he looks like an old man.

Wood glanced at Yato angrily, and this guy was playing favor cards with him again.

However, when he saw Yato walking towards the main hall, Wood frowned, and changed from lying down to sitting, with a flash of golden power in his eyes.

"First line!!"

The golden boundary blocked Yato's way, and the sudden shock made Yato and Yiqi Hiyori stunned in place.

"What are you doing?"

Wood glanced at Yato's left hand, and saw a large dark red birthmark on the left hand, with a faint black air permeating it, exuding a disgusting breath.

"Are you infected with An Wu?"

Yeto was startled when he heard the words, and then he remembered that he was bitten by the monster when he was fighting with the monster earlier, and at the same time understood the meaning of Wood's move.

The so-called Anwu is a kind of contact infectious disease similar to human beings, and it is an unclean thing brought by demons. If the residents in the cracks are infected, the color of a certain part of the body will become darker and gradually spread to the rest of the world. The whole body was eventually corroded and disappeared.

If the infection is just attacked by a demon, you can use the clean water in the shrine to wash the diseased part to cure it.

But once it is because of the various crimes committed by the artifacts under the gods, the gods have "safety", then it is not something that can be washed by clean water.

This is also the reason why Wood does not accept the artifact, and puts his precious life in the hands of others, which is a choice Wood will never make.

Ye Dou glanced at the snow weapon in his hand, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I was just bitten by a monster."

"That's also coming in with cleansing."

Yi Qi Rihe stood aside, looking at the two people who were talking, his face was full of confusion, and he didn't understand what the relationship between the two was.

Yato walked to the clean water pool on the side, and washed Anwu on his hands with the clear water inside, and the dark red birthmark was all washed off after a few strokes.

"It's really washed off?"

Yato walked into the main hall while explaining to Hiyori Kazuki.

Yiqi Hiyori stopped outside the main hall, because the main hall is also called the main hall, and it is the place where the god lives.The main hall in the entire shrine can be said to be the most sacred part, and humans are absolutely forbidden to step in.

"come in."

Wood lazily opened the mouth, and after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and walked into the main hall very cautiously.

"Lord God..."

"You can just call him Wood." Yato took out two sets of luggage from nowhere, and the corner of Wood's mouth twitched when he saw it. Could this bastard be planning to live here for a long time?
And how dare you be shameless?
Actually prepared the luggage of the artifact in advance! !

"Although he is a bit prematurely old, in fact, his age is only fourteen or fifteen years old."


He looked at Wood with a look of shock on his face, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old god?

"...When did I say I was only fourteen or fifteen years old?" Wood stared at Yato with a cold tone.

"Don't forget, when I met you, you were not a god, so no one will believe you if you say you're not a brat just because of your face!"

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched: "..."

"Come back, Xueyin."

As these words fell, the silvery-white long knife beside Yato shone brightly, and finally a little boy was condensed on the spot, with blond hair, orange eyes, and a look of confusion on his immature face. color.

"Yueyin, I am Yato, your master. I summon you from the other side to be my artifact. Compared with my subordinates, you will serve me longer."

Having said that, Yato paused for a moment, a trace of complexion flashed in his blue pupils, and said in a gentle voice, "You don't have to be afraid anymore."

Wood and Yi Rihe quietly watched the scene in front of them.

Xueyin stared blankly at Yato for a long time. Although he had no previous memories, he knew that he was dead, and he still understood many things. What was extremely strange was... the lack of memory did not make him feel anything sense of violation.

Even when the man in sportswear in front of him said that he was his master, he didn't feel that there was any violation of harmony.


Xue Yin looked Yato up and down, and then looked at the decoration of the main hall: "Is this your home?"

Yato nodded: "When..."


Wood's words directly made Yato froze in place.

It was only then that Xueyin realized that there were two other people in the room, and when she saw them, she couldn't help but look at Qi Ri and twice more.

Then he turned his head and looked at Yato with a complicated face: "So...you don't even have a house?"


Yato took a peek at Wood, and was completely unable to refute in front of the original owner, saying...

"How did you get up? Could it be that you climbed up by yourself?"

"What a joke!"

Wood looked at Yato's expression of disbelief, and said proudly: "Am I the kind of god who can climb stairs? Gao Tian used to help me apply for the divine book, and I asked them to carry me up on the condition that I agree to be a divine book of."

"???" The three froze at the same time.

What is there to be proud of in this sentence?
"Hahahaha, let me just say, how could you...eh?"

Yato just wanted to laugh out loud, but then he was stunned, staring straight at Wood, his eyes gradually filled with bloodshot eyes.

what happened?
Yiqiri and He Xueyin looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"You actually even have a divine book!!"


(End of this chapter)

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