I really don't want to cross

Chapter 179 My Passion!

Chapter 179 My Passion!

"A poor god, actually opened a small shop, and..."

Wood looked at the quiet surroundings: "This kind of ghost place, who would come here to buy things."

"...So, you came to my house at noon just to mock me?"

Dahei looked down at the 1.6-meter kid in front of him with a ferocious expression: "Why don't you just stay at your shrine and come to my house..."

"Little Wood!!"

Before Dahei finished speaking, a petite figure rushed out of the courtyard, and jumped directly towards Wood.


There was a muffled sound of the body falling to the ground, and Wood, who turned sideways, glanced at Xiaofu on the ground: "I warn you, don't come within two meters of me."

Who knows if the bad luck of this catastrophe will affect other worlds, Wood doesn't want his company to go bankrupt!
"You guy..."

Da Hei held Xiao Fu on his shoulders, turned around and walked towards the house.

"Little Wood, you haven't come to my place for a long time." Xiaofu, who was carried by Dahei, blushed for no reason: "Do you want to drink blood again? In fact, I have other things too! "



Wood paused and had to admit.

He is really not good at dealing with this kind of woman who talks about being natural or unnatural, and who talks about two things.

I want milk, do you have it?

This sentence came to his lips, but after seeing Dahei's veritable black face, Wood swallowed it decisively...

"By the way, it's been half a month since you became a god."

Entering the room, Dahei handed over a cup of tea and asked, "Aren't you going to find a magic weapon? I have some job application materials for the magic weapon here. If you need it, I will help you find it later."

"That's right, that's right, after having the artifact, it can be used not only for fighting, but also for..." Xiao Fu blinked at Wood with an ambiguous expression: "Shame... shame... thing... love... oh! "


Dahei couldn't help covering his face, and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, my god's stupidity is endless."

Xiaofu: "Hey hey hey~~"

It feels like the relationship between gods and artifacts has completely changed, okay? If a male god finds a male artifact, these two people...

Suddenly, I felt that I couldn't look directly at Yato and Yukino.

Wood glanced at Xiao Fu angrily, then shook his head slightly: "Forget it, the kind of relationship that requires mutual trust is not suitable for me."

"As you please!"

Dahei nodded, and looked Wood up and down a few times: "Sure enough, you still look pleasing to the eye like this. When you stay in the shrine, you are like an old man. Just looking at it makes people uncomfortable."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, I was also helpless, okay.

The character of the body of the sleeping god is like that, and this is not something that Wood can change. As long as he switches the body of the sleeping god, his way of thinking will change. Will walk out of the shrine.

This made Wood rejoice that the two of Xiaofu did not live in the shrine.

Thinking of this, Wood couldn't help but feel a little funny, because he once asked Yato because of this, why the two of them couldn't live in the shrine, but went to this kind of wilderness to open a grocery store.

According to Yato...

Living in the shrine, Dahei would often beat up those who came to worship and throw them out one by one.

As for the reason, it was naturally because of Xiaofu's priesthood.

Poverty god shrine, normally no one would go to this kind of shrine to worship, and there shouldn't even be such a shrine. There is an endless stream of people.

It's just that the worshipers don't come with good wishes like 'hope~~', but with the idea of ​​being able to repel the weakness in one's heart and get rid of evil thoughts.

The method of worship is also simple and rude. When entering the shrine, first worship the statue, then hit the statue of Xiaofu three times, kick the statue of Xiaofu three times, and then throw beans on the statue of Xiaofu...

It is precisely because of this that this famous and famous god has been living a life without returning home.

"Hey!! What's the matter with your pity eyes?"

"It's nothing."

"Impossible, you are definitely thinking something very rude."

"Okay, I'm here to ask you something..."

Wood changed the subject decisively, and continued, "I want to ask, have you heard the rumors about the replacement of the palace god above?"

Originally, the two didn't care about it, but after Wood finished speaking, even the smile on Xiaofu's face gradually subsided.

Da Hei frowned: "Why are you asking this?"

"I just want to know more about Gao Tianyuan. After all, I have just become a god, and there is no harm in knowing more." Wood smiled lightly and did not explain too much.

"We haven't heard the rumors you mentioned, Little Wood."

Xiaofu shook his head slightly: "But it is absolutely impossible for a god of the level of Lord Gongshen to be replaced."

Dahei looked at Wood suspiciously, with a strange look in his eyes, and after a while, he said solemnly: "You offended the sky?"

"Ah~~ Little Wood, have you offended God?"

"How is it possible!" Wood shook his head directly: "It's just that the higher-ups have investigated my affairs, and I also want to know more about the higher-ups."


Dahei shook his head directly: "I suggest you stop this kind of behavior. It is reasonable for the higher authorities to investigate you, but it is rebellious for you to investigate Tian. If it spreads, those Tianshou will be like wild cats smelling fish. haunt you!"

"oppressive rule?"

In fact, Wood just complained like this, but Xiaofu gave an extremely forceful answer with a cute face, leaving Wood no room to refute.

"This has been a tradition since ancient times, what's wrong?"

"...What you said really makes sense!!"

At this moment, a familiar shout came from outside the courtyard.

"Xiaofu, are you there? Xiaofu~~~"

"Hey, what's going on today, Koyato is here too!"

Xiaofu stood up directly, and ran to the outside very happily. Seeing this, Wood couldn't help shaking his head, this girl is really cute sometimes.

Although Wood has always avoided Xiaofu, but because of the cursed son, he has always liked this kind of child character, and it is precisely because of this that he always comes here to ask any questions.

After going back and forth, he also became acquaintances with this pair.

"Sayato, you haven't seen me for a long time."

"This is..." Yiqi Rihe He Xueyin's voice came.

"Ebisu Xiaofu is also... my girlfriend."

"That's right, that's right, I'm Sayoto's girlfriend."

Wood looked at Dahei's hideous face at that moment, and smiled cheaply: "Do you want me to go out and buy you a hat?"

Dahei didn't speak, stood up directly, and rushed out with big strides.

Not long after, there was a 'bang' sound of body being slapped down, followed by Dahei's roar: "Don't seduce my wife!!"

The quarrel lasted for a while, and then Dahei and Xiaofu walked in with a few people.


Yato was stunned when he saw Wood's back: "Why did you come here?"

When Yukine and Hikari saw Yato, they all looked at Wood with his back turned to them curiously, were they an acquaintance of Yato?

Is it an illusion?

Why do you think this figure looks familiar?

"Never mind your shit."

Wood turned his head and glanced at Yi Qiri and Xueyin, and waved: "You two stop standing there, come and sit down."


Although the familiar face was much more immature than the two remembered, it had not changed much. Rihe and the two recognized Wood at a glance, and Xueyin hesitated and said, "You are...Mr. Wood's younger brother? "


As soon as this remark came out, Dahei and Xiaofu were taken aback, while Yato touched his chin and thought carefully, then clapped his hands: "Ah, by the way, you seem to have never seen such Wood."

The two were taken aback, Hiyori gave Yato a strange look, not understanding the meaning of his words.


(End of this chapter)

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