Chapter 186 Speed

how is this possible! !
Looking at the monstrous figure in the arena, even Bishamon, who has the title of the strongest warrior, was so shocked that his mind went blank.

Wood, who was covered in blood flames, just stood there so ordinary, but there was a violent and cold aura that spread to the surroundings like a tide.

Even the full moon in the sky became a little scarlet at this moment.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho...!"

Roaring like a beast, like rolling thunder, swept across the entire forest.Accompanied by the roar, was a cold and violent air wave, sweeping across like a hurricane!

A bloody ripple visible to the naked eye, centered on Wood, spread to the surroundings.

Bishamon was the first to bear the brunt. She felt as if she was being bumped head-on by a wild beast. With a muffled grunt, she thrust the big sword into the ground to stop her figure, and her eyes couldn't help but be horrified.

Yato in the rear reacted in time, turning over and leaping backward to dodge.

After the roar, Wood seemed to think of other people in the field, and turned to look at Bishamon.


The eyes are bewitching and fiery red, with a kind of condescending indifference, which begins with the arrogance of the essence!

"...How do you want to die?"

" this?"

There was horror in Xueyin's tone, looking at the terrifying Wood with a strange smile on his face, the blade of the magical weapon trembled at this moment.


Yato rubbed the back of his neck: "What are you afraid of? Although this kind of Wood is quite nervous, he is still one of his own."


"What exactly are you?"

After all, he is the strongest warrior, and he has stabilized his emotions after a brief absence, but his body reveals a sense of tension.

Wood didn't answer, but restrained the weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Give up the choice?

die! !
Wood narrowed his eyes, and the evil spirit in his eyes was chilling.


Without warning, Wood's figure suddenly disappeared.

A warning sign suddenly appeared in Bishamon's heart, and the feeling of extreme danger stimulated the hairs on her whole body to stand on end.

The scarlet blood blade was reflected in her pupils, and Bishamon instinctively blocked the big sword in front of him.

The sound that resounded throughout the battlefield, accompanied by sparks, a wave of ripples centered on the two of them spread to the surroundings, and the sharp slashing bursts split the surrounding ground into trenches and spread out.


Wood glanced at the cherry blossom stud on Bishamon's right ear with great interest, and gracefully stepped on the ground lightly, before his figure once again disappeared into the darkness.

So fast!

Bishamon held the big sword in her hand tightly, her expression extremely nervous, but no matter how she searched, she couldn't even catch a trace of Wood.

This speed, and that kind of extremely sharp blood blade.

The other party seemed to be an assassin lurking in the night, ready to show his fangs and tear his own throat at any time.

But in the next second, Bishamon took a deep breath, and a fierce fighting spirit appeared in his eyes.

What if you can't see it?

She actually closed her eyes directly, and at the same time, the four translucent petals that extended from the cherry blossom earrings in her left ear to her left eye became brighter and brighter.

With the soles of his feet slightly on the ground, Bishamon's delicate body bent forward, and the big sword in his hand was struck horizontally in rounds, even forming a hurricane.

"Hey hey hey..."

The moment the chuckle came out, Wood suddenly appeared in front of the great sword's slashing trajectory, and the blood blades on his ten fingers bounced and intersected, forming a bloody shield on his chest.

Amidst the dull impact, Wood used his strength to fly back.

"Want to run?"

But Bishamon was unwilling to let Wood go like this, and his leather boots slammed on the ground. Amidst the muffled sound, he slashed the big sword in his hand towards Wood again without losing his old strength.

"The rice cooker!"

At the same time, a long black whip appeared in the hands of Bishamon, and the whip turned around and wound towards Wood.

The two artifacts struck at the same time, but Wood's face did not change, but the corners of his mouth twitched.

too slow!

I'm so fast!
Almost at the moment when the two pieces struck, the bloody wings behind Wood stretched out. During the instigation, the blood flames churned, and the whole person directly turned into a red line, passing through the gap between the two artifacts like a cannonball, towards Bishamen kill the past.

Bishamon frowned, then let out a sneer, and let go of his hands holding the artifact.

"Qiba, Shuba!"

With a flash of divine power, two pistols appeared in Kunshamen's hands, with his left arm up and his right arm down to form a cross.

Sparks burst out, and Wood looked at the two pistols blocking the blood blades in his hands, and laughed strangely: "It's really a mobile arsenal!"

Bishamon didn't speak, but directly pulled the trigger.

The bullets shot out, but in such an instant, Wood had disappeared again.

With a wave of Bishamon's hand, the great sword returned to her hand again, but there was still no trace of relaxation on her face.

It won't work like this, the opponent's speed is too terrifying.

The reason why she can persist in catching every blow is entirely because of the existence of Zhaoma. Without Zhaoma, she would have no way of knowing the opponent's attack trajectory and responding in advance.

But Wood didn't give Bishamon time to think, and his figure appeared in all directions of Bishamon, so fast that he even left afterimages.

The clashing sound of metal and iron continued to resound in the forest, and the dazzling sparks dispelled the darkness.

Bishamon stood in place, constantly changing the artifact in his hand. Whether it was the timing of the switch or the angle of the block, everything was extremely ingenious. The end is terrifying to the extreme.

The sharp force shot out, splitting the surrounding land and trees.

What a fight! !
Xueyin looked at the dazzling battlefield in the center in horror, and then said hesitantly: "Yato, should we help?"

Although the current Wood made him feel a little chilled, but you must know that Bishamon came to kill himself and Yato. If this stalemate continues, Bishamon wins in the end, and he and Yato will face this crazy woman alone.


Yeto pouted, but did not answer, but asked instead: "Have you ever seen how those arrogant cats catch mice?"


Xueyin was taken aback for a moment, and then she said angrily: "When is this, you are still joking here!!"

"Most of those cats are used to positioning themselves at a higher level, playing with their prey arrogantly and playfully. Often after catching a mouse, they like to play with it until it is half dead before eating."

Yato said to himself, and then pointed to the battlefield: "You can just treat the current Wood as a cat."

cat and mouse.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xueyin not to know this kind of common sense, but...

"You mean...he's playing Bishamon?"

"It's not so much a joke. It's better to say that he is naturally cautious and chose the safest method. Otherwise, Bishamon will be rushed as soon as he comes up. The desperate Valkyrie will undoubtedly increase the risk of this battle. So eager for a momentary victory is extremely important. It is possible to be counterattacked by the prey!"



Unknowingly, the breathing in Bishamen's gate has become rapid. This kind of defense with continuous tense nerves is not only the exhaustion of the body, but even the brain feels dizzy from time to time.

But she couldn't relax her vigilance. If she slowed down for a second and lost the opportunity, she might be defeated or even killed by the opponent.

What is he?
How could such a creature exist in this world! !
And at this moment, Bishamon stopped moving and looked at Wood, who appeared not far away, with solemn and annoyed eyes. This kind of passive fighting made her feel a great sense of aggrieved !
Seeing Bishamon's gaze, Wood showed a mocking arc on his face: "It's time to end."

Bishamon's face darkened: "Big words, you are just an evil creature who doesn't know the race, who gave you such confidence."

"Do not worry!"

Wood stuck out his tongue and licked his scarlet lips: "After killing you, I will send all of your artifacts to your side, ah..." Before he could finish speaking, Wood suddenly raised his head and covered his forehead with his hand :
"I forgot, you can be replaced, but it's a pity that these artifacts will be very lonely without a master after going to the underworld, hahahahaha..."

"What did you say!!"

Bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared in Bishamon's big beautiful eyes, and even that pretty face became a little distorted.

"Calm down, Wella."

The voice of the artifact Zhaoma rang in Bishamon's ears: "He is deliberately provoking you, don't be fooled!"

Just then, the laughter stopped.


(End of this chapter)

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