I really don't want to cross

Chapter 194 The Final Trial

Chapter 194 The Final Trial
Sleeping God Shrine.

"I said... can't you be considerate and considerate of me?"

Yato looked at Wood, who kept walking back and forth in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "I am also a sick patient, is it really okay for you to disturb people's rest like this?"

Wood stopped and scratched his white hair like a chicken coop, and the murderous intent flashed in his golden eyes from time to time, which made Yato shiver uncontrollably.

"Think about it carefully, where is your dead father hiding?"


Ye Dou looked at the time on his phone, it was almost noon, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "You kept asking when you came back last night, and you asked all morning again today, don't you need to sleep?"

"Troublesome things are coming to the door, I am very disturbed now!!"

Speaking of this, Wood's eyes became more and more murderous. The ordinary life he pursued was being destroyed by a bastard. If he could still sit still, it would not be Wood.

"The main thing is that I really don't know. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even know that his name in this life is Hiroto Fujisaki. And what do you want him for? I don't suggest that you have any relationship with him." Yato Scratching his head, he lay down again.

"It's better not to pay attention to that kind of guy."


Wood shook his head: "He must be killed, no matter what, he must be killed before he messes up."

As soon as this remark came out, Yato sat up again.


"No, you have to think about it first. If you can't find it, what should you do?"

Wood said to himself, and then sat down directly in front of the worship hall door, with his hands on his knees habitually.


Yato closed his mouth in disbelief, and Sleepy Wood's state was obviously thinking about a problem.

"Calm down, now you must calmly think about all the things that bastard may do."

"Only from the point of view of character, Za Mao is an extremely arrogant person in nature, and he likes to play tricks behind the scenes... Well, judging from his sentence 'constantly using methods similar to the possession of gods to pretend to be human', his strength It should not be enough to confront the sky head-on, and it has been hiding itself and acting in secret."

"The time he has lived is definitely not short. Yato is a god born from his wish, that is to say... at least the age is far above Yato; there is a kind of resentment towards the sky in the words, from this sentence 'I've had enough of the stupid gods who are spoiled by masochistic human beings, and I've had enough of the unreasonable disasters they suffered because of their arrogance' Judging from the view, he obviously has important relatives, lovers, or some kind of beliefs that have disappeared due to the sky. "

"I have secretly observed the battle between me and Bishamon, and I should know that there is some rift between me and Tian. From this, we can draw two possibilities; [-]. Gao Tian has his own people. [-]. He can freely come and go to Gao Tianyuan."

Wood talked to himself at a very fast speed, and slapped his five fingers on his knees regularly.

"If it is assumed through that wild girl that this yellow-haired man can use divine weapons and is a kind of god, then... Will he have any other identity in Gaotianyuan... Well, this is unlikely. The most likely is ... Nora, after all, a Nora has already appeared, if you find some artifacts with dissatisfaction, name them as Nora, lurking in Gao Tianyuan to work for a certain god."

"In this way, it makes sense that he is familiar with the news of the heavens."


Yetou swallowed, listening to Wood's analysis, he couldn't help feeling a little numb in his heart. Although he didn't know about many guesses, Wood actually revealed little by little what he knew.

"So...he is most likely to use, the easiest to implement, and the most effective means are nothing more than provoking the sky, provoking me? Or using the gods..."

"According to the assumption just now, he makes other people's artifacts loyal to him, similar to using the method of Nora girl to control Yato, secretly manipulating other gods..."


Yato couldn't listen anymore: "What is control?"

"To shut up."

Wood glared at Yato: "It's not the first day for me to be a god. You, an anonymous god, can survive for hundreds of years. It's impossible to rely on that occasional job alone, and you were born from his wish. , the connection between you cannot be cut off so easily."

"From this, it can be concluded that you must have some contact with him...or every once in a while, under his call, to help him do something in exchange for freedom, I think it should be killing people, after all, this is the easiest way to maintain you The way of existence. But judging from your ignorance of his identity in this world, this free time should be extremely long."


Yato opened his mouth, he suddenly felt that Wood in this state was a bit scary.

But since I already guessed that there is still a connection between us, is it really okay to make these inferences in front of me?

Just believe it, I will not reveal these words to that person?


Wood glanced at Yato, then withdrew his gaze and continued to think.

Some things don't need to be explained clearly, what he just said has already shown...

For Yato, Wood still trusts him a lot.

Although I have only watched the first season of the anime and haven't watched it again, I have formed a certain understanding of Yato.With this period of getting along, this understanding is also deepening, so Wood believes that if he chooses, Yato will help him.

"I can't believe other gods, especially Bishamonten, who has a lot of artifacts under his umbrella. Xiaofu and Dahei can be directly ruled out..."

Wood compared the gods he knew one by one, and as a result, except Yato and Xiaofu, other gods could not be ruled out.

In this way, the scope to be protected is even greater.

I am in the bright place, but he is in the dark place, and he may be tricked by him if he is not careful.

And if he provokes 'Heaven', he may start from the fact that I have a famous god, or use Bishamonten to add fuel to the story of my murderous intentions during the battle with Bishamonten, and spread it to the ears of the sky. is not impossible.

But it is more likely to use my subordinate Nora to stir up other gods, causing me to have greater conflicts with other gods, and finally make the heavens think that I am an unstable factor, which will attract heaven's conquest.

It's not impossible.

Judging from the previous contact with Tianshou, Tian's philosophy is very similar to his own.

Take 'and' as the most expensive!
But fundamentally, there are some differences. I rely on not being contaminated by any cause and effect, and seek "peace" with a humble attitude, and live an ordinary life; while the sky obliterates all interference "and" in an extremely domineering way. The existence, not 'and' ie obliteration.

"Then I'll solve all the possibilities first, and I want to see how you're going to bully me!"

Wood gritted his teeth and stood up from where he was sitting.

Looking at Wood's back, Yato couldn't help sighing.

Wood's strength is indeed extremely strong, he will be targeted, Yato is not surprised.


Father, are you sure you want to bring in someone who wants to stay out of it?
As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. Yato once saw from that evil god how terrifying Wood, who never caused trouble, would become when he was threatened.

bell bell bell...

Yato was awakened by a ringing bell, and he didn't realize it until half the ringing.


Hastily brushing away the messy thoughts in his mind, Yato picked up the phone: "Hey, hello, how fast and cheap is this place, the delivery god of door-to-door delivery...well, the school... oh oh oh, it will be here soon .”

After hanging up the phone, Yato got up and put on his sportswear.

"I'm going to find Xueyin, and then I'll go to Hiyori's school, do you want to go together?"


Wood shook his head and refused, but then frowned: "School?"

A strange look flashed across Ye Dou's eyes, and he nodded.

"Take Xueyin?"

Wood looked at Yato carefully: "Sure enough, you have a serious tendency to self-destruct. Is it really worth doing this to sharpen an artifact?"

As a place full of peers, school is the place where people are most likely to yearn for.

Even when Wood was Xueyin's age, he yearned for a beautiful campus life. When he saw other people in groups, he thought about blending in.

But Wood restrained the urge of adolescence, and diverted his attention by reading novels and animations. Because of this, when he grew up, he habitually watched various animations and animations in a small amount of free time. Fiction.

But Yukine is different. The state he shows is a typical adolescent boy. The party at the school is very likely to become the fuse of Yukine. Yato obviously thought of this, but this person who doesn't take his life seriously Neuropathy still has to try.

However, it's finally here.

If I remember the plot correctly, today should be the most dangerous day for Yato, but as long as I follow the original book, the problem shouldn't be too big...probably!
Thinking of this, Wood nodded: "Then I wish you well."

Then he followed Yato and walked out of the shrine.

"Where are you going?"

Ye Dou was stunned and asked.

"Go to the disaster star..."

Well, before the fourth watch, the third watch only has [-] words... It doesn't matter if it's half a chapter short...

(End of this chapter)

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