Chapter 199 Dragon!
Big trouble!

Dahei's face darkened, and he lowered his eyes to look in the direction of the house, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

He was not the only one, except for Zhaoma who panicked because of the arrival of Bishamon, Zhenyu and Xiaofu in the courtyard were all looking into the room, but Wood, who was still sitting there drinking tea before, didn't know when he had disappeared. disappeared.

ran away?
Everyone's expressions couldn't help being a little complicated. They thought that the other party would stand up to help Yato, but... it turned out to be the complete opposite. When they were attracted by Bishamon, the only one who could fight against Bishamon in their eyes People actually escaped.

Although Dahei knew that Wood himself didn't want to have any cause and effect with Gao Tianyuan, and he had never even been to Gao Tianyuan.

But at this point, are you still unwilling to stand up?

Wood is not there, and it is impossible to stop Bishamon just because Xiaofu and Yiqiri, who have no artifacts in the field, are in harmony.

Only Yato on the ground had a curved mouth.

That's right.

Although he has been acting very rough, he is not stupid.

The coincidence of Bishamon appearing here is obviously impossible to be a coincidence. His willful behavior was probably taken advantage of by that person. Although there is no way to guess the specific situation, if Wood stays here, he will definitely fall into the trap of that person. in the trap.

"Didn't show up?"

Not far from Xiaofu's grocery store, Hiroto Fujisaki, who was covered in a white robe, also frowned. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

Originally, according to his plan, he first used Bishamon's artifact to attract Bishamon, and then when the gods of Gao Tianyuan came, he released a face monster to attack Bishamon. Rumors of a relationship with the Warlock.

But the first step failed before it started, and that person actually left directly.

Could it be that his relationship with Yato is not as good as he thinks?
Thinking of this, Fujisaki Hiroto became anxious instead. Although he used Yato, he was not prepared, let alone let Yato die because of it.

Hiroto Fujisaki clenched the Zen stick-like weapon in his hand, and the skin rubbing against the weapon made a rubber-like sound, which showed how anxious he was.

If Wood doesn't show up again, he can only stand up and stop Bishamon by himself.

"Zhaoma, why...why are you here?"

Bishamon questioned loudly, and roared in pain: "Why do you help Yatobashi, he killed your compatriots!"

"Why did you betray me!!"

A series of questioning pierced Zhao Ma's heart like a knife, making that serious face pale.

Dahei and Zhenyu glanced at Zhaoma, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

In the end, Dahei was the first to break the silence, and persuaded: "Master Bishamon, please don't involve Shinyu in the grievances between you and Yato." After finishing speaking, he pointed at Shinyu with his free hand: "This lady is an artifact of Lord Tianshen. She came to help Ba Si only because of my request. She has nothing to do with this matter, so..."

"Please don't interfere with the spell of pulling out the scorpion, otherwise not only Zhaoma and I will be in danger, but Miss Zhenyu will also be implicated."

Bishamon looked at Zhaoma and ignored Dahei, as if he was waiting for Zhaoma's excuse, or begging Zhaoma to explain.

You must know that Zhaoma is not only the Taoist who is in charge of the Bishamon artifact, but also the only blessing artifact for the Bishamon.

Daosi means Taoist official, and it is an official position in the Tang Dynasty who is in charge of ceremonies such as sacrifices. Because Bishamon was a god who came here in the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty to carry forward the power of the gods, so this name has been followed. .Among the gods here, they all call 'Dao Si' as 'Tao Biao'.

The wishing device is the product of the evolution of the divine device, its shape will change from before, and its ability will be much stronger than ordinary divine devices.

The most important point is...

Zhu Qi is the proof that the artifact swears to be loyal to the master forever, so Bishamon lost his composure because Zhao Ma betrayed him.

Zhao Ma raised her head, although her face was still pale, but there was a firmness in those eyes.

"Wina, Yato is not your enemy, but your benefactor!!"

Bishamon's pupils shrank, and his body trembled at this moment, that beautiful face was full of sadness.


The family who once followed him all the way, and the entire 'ma'zi family, were all beheaded by Yato one by one. Can this kind of evil existence be called a benefactor?
Bishamon's gaze towards Zhaoma gradually became cold.

Raising the two guns in his hands, he pointed at the pained Yato on the ground, and said, "No, Yato... is the enemy!!"

At this moment, the mutation suddenly rose.

A corner of the courtyard collapsed, sending up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"I heard……"

A ferocious voice came, and the billowing smoke soared into the sky following these words, a terrifying oppressive force like a mountain pounced on the entire area.

The invisible pressure seemed to have a substance. While sweeping away the smoke and dust from the sky, the gravel and waste rocks from the collapsed walls flew towards the sides, and a tall figure walked out of the passageway between the waste rocks step by step.

"... Someone here wants to fight?"

After one sentence fell, the invisible but substantive pressure surged again, as if the gravity of the whole world had doubled at this moment.

The clouds in the sky rolled back, revealing the full moon hidden behind the clouds.

The bright moonlight shone on the tall body.

"what is this?"

In the distance, Hiroto Fujisaki had a look of horror on his face. Even though he was so far away from the battlefield, he felt as if he was in the deep sea at this moment, and his every move seemed to be struggling in the mud!

The people in the courtyard who greeted this momentum were even more unbearable. The three artifacts were all frozen in place, and their backs were drenched in cold sweat.

Yiqirihe directly collapsed.

Bishamon looked at the figure with a shocked expression. This is a strong man with a height of nearly two meters. His shirtless upper body muscles are bulging like fists. He is wearing a pair of cropped trousers underneath, but the trouser legs are stretched a little by the muscles. It was so dilapidated that it looked like shorts.

The weirdest thing is that there is still a mask on the top of its head, only the eyes and mouth are missing.

Although the clothes were extremely funny, no one could laugh, because just by looking at them, it was as if a wild beast was roaring in his ears, and an incomparably ferocious aura roared from his tall body.

That is a kind of physical strength.

Pure incomparable sense of power!
Take one step.

ka ka ka-

A series of crisp sounds spread to the ground,
This physique...

Let the ground crack and spread out for more than ten meters.

This is……

The real 'dragon' level of prestige! !
If the ghost level is a supernatural creature, then the dragon level is a mythical existence!


(End of this chapter)

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