I really don't want to cross

Chapter 215 Bloodlust

Chapter 215 Bloodlust (Two in One)

In a word, it has already shown Wood's murderous intentions for this person.

The opponent is a threat, not to himself, but to Yato and others.

Because Wood hoped that when he left, those friends in the world he had been to could stay safe forever.

to this end……

He can do anything.

Yato was born based on the wish of the other party, and has existed for so long because of the other party. It is precisely because of his existence that Yato, a god who is not remembered by people, can survive until now.

But now he is not needed.

"Are you afraid that Yato will escape your control?"

Wood chuckled, and after hearing his words, Hiroto Fujisaki frowned, and asked with interest: "Oh? Where did you know that I was afraid? I think you might not know it, if Yato wouldn't exist without me. So..."

Hiroto Fujisaki raised his head, the smile on his face was restrained, and he said indifferently: "He will never have the courage, and he is not qualified to abandon the mission he should have."

"Mission... Hehe..."

Wood chuckled: "The mission I understand is to first make the 'life' live longer, and then make yourself live better and better. Yetou was born because of you, and with your existence, his 'life' live longer, but..."

"But you can't let him go to the next step, or you don't want him to live better and better, don't you?"

Hiroto Fujisaki sneered, but didn't speak.

"Maybe in your eyes, Yato may be your child, but more of it is a tool you use to achieve your goals, and it is a tool that is absolutely impossible without you. At the same time, you also think that there is no way for him to escape your control. That's why I said you were afraid."

"Some things are just like doing business. You may make money or you may lose money. You walk on thin ice, so you will choose a business that is sure to make a profit. But there has never been a business that can guarantee a steady profit. Just like no one can Absolutely grasp the thinking of others."

Fujisaki Hiroto listened to Wood's story quietly, unable to see his inner thoughts at all.

"Can you really fully control the most complex thinking of human beings?"

Wood looked directly into Hiroto Fujisaki's pupils: "I told you this sentence when we first met, even the inherent thinking cultivated since childhood, or even the essence of a person, will change with the constant contact with people or things. Change, or else..."

"I will not stand in front of you now."

"With Yato from the shrine, you have already touched your reverse scale, because in this way you will lose the qualification to constantly correct Yato's thinking." The sarcasm in Wood's tone became more and more intense: "So I have never contacted Yato. That's why you called Yato out in such a hurry."

"The purpose is nothing more than to warn Yato, so that Yato understands that it is impossible for him to be independent from your control. Although there is some hindsight, you are really a very understanding person."

"So, having said so much, what is your purpose?"

Hiroto Fujisaki finally spoke, looking at Wood with a strange look in his eyes.

"Don't you understand?"

Wood did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Tell me the reason for killing me?" Fujisaki Hiroto suddenly smiled, but the smile was very cold, and asked Wood: "I don't understand why you want to kill me? This day is the right world time error Yes, in order to change, is it wrong for me and Yato to sacrifice something for this?"

"The fact that the sky is upright is quite domineering."

Wood spread his hands noncommittally: "But that kind of thing has nothing to do with me. I am a more selfish person than anyone else. I want to kill you so that after I leave, Yato can choose the life he wants. , instead of being constantly corrected by others.”

"As an extreme egoist, a businessman who pursues the maximization of profits, any factors that may cause trouble to me or the people around me, even if it is the wrongful killing of innocent people, I will not be merciless."

Hiroto Fujisaki was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Tsk tsk, there are really cruel words."

"Is that right?"

Wood chuckled: "On the contrary, I think we are the same kind of people. At least my definition of myself is a complete villain. Even if I do something that some people think is right, it will mostly kill most people. "

"Chi device."

With a soft cry, the Nora girl next to Hiroto Fujisaki glowed with white light, turned into a pure gold Zen staff and fell into his hand, the corner of her mouth curled slightly.

"Actually, I think so too."

As soon as the words fell, Hiroto Fujisaki disappeared into the air, and a strong wind suddenly appeared on the back of Wood's head.

Wood was taken aback. He didn't expect that the other party would fight as soon as he said it. Fortunately, he was always on alert. Almost the moment Hiroshi Fujisaki disappeared, the blood flames burst into flames, and the scarlet tight robe was added to his body. The smell of blood is scattered in all directions.

Bending down, the right leg came out in rounds at an extremely tricky angle.

It was obviously late, but Wood's kick was faster than that of the Zen staff, and instead took the initiative.

Wood's kick was blocked by Hiroto Fujisaki with a Zen stick.

The two took a few steps back at the same time, and pulled apart again.


Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Wood outlined a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth, and licked his lips: "I don't know what the taste of your blood will be!"

Hiroto Fujisaki's expression was indifferent, but his heart became solemn. This figure was more evil than that of a monster, no matter how many times he looked at it, it made people shudder.

Hiroto Fujisaki is not sure about defeating the opponent, let alone...

And that figure!

It can be called the pinnacle of human physique, a terrifying physique that can suppress the gods with just fists and feet.

That is the real strength of this person.

It even made Hiroto Fujisaki feel remorse because of this, regretting forcibly pulling this person into his plan.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Before the goal is achieved, he can't die no matter what.

A flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the Zen stick in Hiroto Fujisaki's hand suddenly straightened, and the tip of the stick pointed directly at Wood, and his figure disappeared from Wood's vision again.

Almost at the same time, Wood narrowed his eyes, and a look of disdain appeared on his face with a cruel smile.

"too slow."

During the speech, his upper body swayed slightly like a pendulum, and his feet stepped backwards.

The Zen stick brushed against his body.

Before the Zen stick touched the ground, the strength broke through the concrete floor, and smoke and dust flew up.

At this time, Wood's right arm suddenly swelled up, and the fist under the blessing of blood energy came out from under Hiroto Fujisaki's right rib without warning.

However, Hiroto Fujisaki has a lot of combat experience, and when he missed a blow, as if he expected Wood's counterattack, his body fell straight to the side, even if his speed was far inferior to Wood's, he avoided Wood's attack .

At the same time, he turned the Zen stick in his hand, changed his hand to an inverted grip, and stabbed the sharp tip of the Zen stick towards Wood's head. An energy that feels indescribable.



Wood was not moved by the blow at all, there was only noble arrogance in his eyes.

"And if that's your speed?"

During the speech, Wood slipped his left foot on the ground, as if sliding on ice, and his body passed the Zen stick in an instant.

"Then I really want to take back what I said before. You are not worthy of being compared with me. I should let you see what is called the difference in style."


Hiroto Fujisaki's eyes moved.

So annoying!

Wood in this state was really annoying, he was just talking nonsense, and that contemptuous gaze easily aroused Hiroto Fujisaki's anger.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Hiroto Fujisaki let go of the Zen stick with his right hand, and threw his body down suddenly. The moment his right hand was pressed on the ground, the Zen stick fell into his left hand, and his body swung around in place while his right hand was moving, and the heavy Zen stick was brought down again. He got up and threw it at Wood who passed by.

The whistling sound was deep and deep, making one's heart palpitate, and the Zen stick was like a gust of wind, and wherever it passed, the space was constantly vibrating.

Seeing this, Wood didn't dodge, but stopped.

Seeing this, Hiroto Fujisaki's pupils shrank, is this guy crazy?
Although he was very puzzled by Wood's actions, his movements in his hands were even more swift and violent. With divine power, the Zen stick seemed to turn into a mountain, suppressing towards Wood.

At this time...

Wood suddenly took a breath, and the blood flames on his body were all restrained at this moment, and even the wings of the blood flames disappeared without a trace.

on the other hand……

The scarlet robe on his body became more and more red.

The next moment...

Wood disappeared, without sound or even warning.

It was as if it had evaporated out of thin air.


Hiroto Fujisaki's pupils shrank. He knew that Wood was terrible in this state, so he had been guarding against the opponent's speed.

But under his full attention, the other party just disappeared in place.

Immediately there was a bang, and the Zen staff bombarded the place where Wood was before, causing a terrifying shock, and the ground burst open one after another. Looking from the air, with the Zen staff as the center, the ground with a diameter of tens of meters collapsed one after another.

The terrifying blow hit an empty space.

Hiroto Fujisaki hurriedly raised his head and looked around.

where is it?
He never expected that the speed used by the opponent in the battle with Bishamon was not the limit.

How could this kind of speed that completely exceeds the dynamic field of vision and cannot be captured exist.

"Looking for me?"

The voice came suddenly.

A flash of horror flashed in Hiroto Fujisaki's eyes, seeing the cheek with a bewitching smile that suddenly appeared in front of him, only a dozen centimeters away from him, he forgot how to react for a while.

"Or... looking for me?"

Another sentence came, but this sentence came from behind him.

Hiroto Fujisaki glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and saw that there was actually a Wood standing behind him, with the same smile and the same movements, just like a clone.


However, Hiroto Fujisaki understood that the opponent did not have a clone, but was moving around him at a high speed, leaving afterimages in front and behind at the same time.

But this discovery made him feel even more shocked, but more of it was anger.

The other party is completely playing with himself with a method of cat and mouse.

As he felt, Wood was moving around him at a high speed, feeling the strong wind blowing by his ears, and a hint of intoxication flashed in Wood's eyes.

Extreme speed!
Although the limit speed has not yet reached the speed of sound, Wood, who is at the top of the ghost class, has already touched the edge of the speed of sound.

Converge the blood flame around the body and make it condense.

This is the ability he has comprehended after re-evolving, named——


Because when entering this state, Wood's desire for blood will reach its peak, and at the same time, the consumption of blood energy will also increase significantly.

I'm in trouble...

A bitterness flashed in Hiroto Fujisaki's eyes. It seemed that Hiroto Fujisaki might really die here today.

There are such monsters in the world, and he feels that he has really lived in vain all these years.


If I die like this, I will be very unhappy.

Divine power soared into the sky, lighting up the night, and all of it penetrated into the Zen stick in his hand.

The tip of the staff trembled slightly.


There was a burst of sound, and the phantom of the Zen staff purely condensed by divine power split into four and fell towards his body.

"Heh, did you fight back when you died?"

Wood chuckled, and when the afterimage dissipated, his figure rose up, his hands slid across the air, and blood flowed down wherever he slid, as if his palms cut the void and let the void flow out of blood.

"Bloody Feast!"

After the words fell, the blood dripping in the air seemed to be attracted, and the stream of blood condensed on Wood's head.And when the blood-colored knife points burst out of the stream, in the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with terrifying sharp lights.

Amidst the sound of piercing the air, Hiroto Fujisaki swept down like endless blood blades covering the sky, making people feel unavoidable.

ding ding ding...

There was a dense impact sound.

In the midst of the impact, Wood narrowed his eyes slightly and slid his hands in the air, as if he was playing a concert that only he could understand.


But it is a concert in which the audience will die.

Bloody feast!

Hiroto Fujisaki is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. Under such circumstances, he suppressed the blood blade pounce while frantically swirling the four Zen sticks.

The battle seems to have become a protracted war at this moment.

But Hiroto Fujisaki knew that he had already lost.

The other party seemed arrogant on the surface, but he was extremely vigilant.

Originally, he was going to take this as a price to give the other party a hard blow, but in the end, he desperately, this bastard who had despised him everywhere before, actually opened the distance without hesitation...

This made Fujisaki Hiroshi a little confused if this guy was really arrogant.

Or do you have to hang out with me to be happy? ? ?

One of the Zen sticks finally couldn't resist the attack of the blood blade, and it turned into divine power and dissipated with a crisp sound.

Like a chain reaction, the remaining three Zen sticks were broken one by one.

When the last Zen stick was broken, Woodben thought that Hiroto Fujisaki would use the artifact body in his hand to block it, but the next scene was somewhat beyond his expectation.

I saw Hiroto Fujisaki raised his head and hooked the corner of his mouth.

"You can kill Hiroto Fujisaki, but you can't kill me, an existence that 'should not exist'."

puff puff puff...

The sound of sharp blades penetrating the body continued, and Hiroto Fujisaki became a hedgehog almost instantly, and the blood spurted out but did not fall, but flowed towards Wood's mouth.

Hiroto Fujisaki's body, which had lost a lot of blood, gradually withered away.

Wood frowned, some did not understand the meaning of Hiroto Fujisaki's words just now.

Just then, a strange sound came.

A white light enveloped the scepter and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

"Thank you for your lesson. I will be more careful when I reincarnate again."

When Hiroto Fujisaki's voice came, Wood frowned, but then relaxed.

Although it was a bit unexpected, at least it was able to let Yato through this period.

As for later...

Wood looked at the place where Hiroto Fujisaki disappeared, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

Bless yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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