I really don't want to cross

Chapter 251 What kind of ecstasy soup was poured

Chapter 251 What kind of ecstasy soup was poured
In the blink of an eye, it has been three days since I came to this world.

Battles are taking place in various parts of the world, among which there are battles between hosts and hosts, battles between team members, battles between contestants and 'gluttony' individuals, and even battles between team members and aborigines fighting.

After all, apart from the host, the other contestants couldn't tell who was the opponent at all.

Basically, they all hold the idea that as long as they are not teammates, they can be killed directly.

However, there are also many people who have the idea of ​​gathering with their teammates. In just three days, many teams have gathered together, collecting players and playing a few-on-one games at the same time...

The whole world can be described with one random word.

The contestants are not fools. Those 'gluttony' individuals that permeate the whole world have almost been promoted to ghost level after three days.

If these monsters are allowed to evolve, it won't take long for a chaotic battle to turn into a survival battle. When the gluttony starts to kill indiscriminately, the team that survives to the end will be the winner.

In this way, the final winner will have a lot of luck.

Almost everyone is unwilling to gamble their lives on this luck, even Wood, who was holding on to the last idea, is now ready to hunt, but...he can only wait for others find the door.

For other teams, as long as the team members find the host, they can start hunting operations under the guidance of the host.

And Wood's side... Even if the five people got together, their eyes were basically darkened, and they didn't know what to do next.


"What do we do now??"

In the dark forest, two little girls, Anna and Wuming, huddled together and hid behind a bush. Both of them had nervous expressions on their faces.

And not far from them, two figures are constantly colliding. Both of them are men, and one of them is wearing a steel helmet and black armor.The figure is quite thin, but the hand holding the spear is green, and the part of the skin exposed by the helmet is also green, obviously not an ordinary human being.

The other person looks like a human being, a big man who looks about 30 years old, shirtless, strong and strong, with two big hammer wheels.

The speed of these two people is extremely fast, but the man with the gun is quite nimble, while the big man with the hammer is extremely ferocious.

"Kill them!!"

Anna's eyes were extremely cold, and her eyes were full of murderous intent as she watched the two men fighting in the field.


The corner of Wuming's mouth twitched slightly, the murderous nature of this girl must have been too great.

"Anyway, they are all Brother Wood's enemies. Anyone who wants to hurt Brother Wood deserves to die."

Wuming looked at little Anna strangely. Although she hadn't known her for a long time, she could tell that although this girl was two years younger than herself, she was extremely mature in character, and... gave people a feeling that she was used to giving orders.

Only when Wuming told about Wood's experience in her world, Anna's appearance fit her age, and she instantly became Wood's little fan girl.

The most important thing is...

I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of little girls like Anna.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that guy Wood pour into you..."

Wuming was a bit speechless. Normally speaking, even if he knew that everyone he saw was an enemy, there were very few people who quickly entered the state like Anna; just like Wuming, although she killed many Kabane, ordinary people did not. How many times have I killed, I am more or less resistant to killing people.

And Anna...

This cruel girl directly regarded everyone as a damned person, and she was merciless in her actions.

There is only one reason, and that is...

They might hurt Brother Wood!

"Brother Wood is the only person who agrees with us. He gave us survival and life, built a home for us, and made us no longer monsters; he also taught us what selfishness is. He is also the only one who regards us as human beings."

Wuming was shocked, is Wood so great?
And what the hell is being selfish?

What did this guy teach these little girls! !
but selfish...

Wuming's expression became a little complicated. Even after half a year, she still vividly remembered that experience.

It is well known that Wood is afraid of death.

But the people in the Iron City were rescued by this person who was afraid of death several times.

In the eyes of many insiders, the perception of Wood is very complicated.

But in the eyes of the uninitiated, Wood is a hero. The speech in front of the station of King Kong Guo’s defensive battle, his bravery during the war, and the back of resolutely rushing into Kabane at the end are still being praised as a heroic story. .

But in the eyes of insiders, it has completely changed...

The reason why so many people died and so many casualties occurred in Jingang Guo was completely controlled by this person behind the scenes.

And the purpose...

It's just to give the people of the Iron City a place to live.

He said he didn't trust that general, so he used Kabane, completely disregarding Sifang Chuanchangpu's wishes, and pushed him to the position of general; this position was obtained by Wood using tens of thousands of people to become Kabane, and he did not communicate with anyone at all beforehand. people discussed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the biggest villain. After all, he pushed the entire King Kong Guo to the guillotine.

So for those in the know...

I don't know whether to be grateful to Wood for giving them King Kong Guo's family, or to be angry with his actions. Among them, Ikoma is the most entangled one. Whenever Wood is mentioned, Ikoma will gnash his teeth and say countless times that he will arrest this bastard. Come out and beat me up.

For nameless...

She would have risked her life to come here, and that has already said it all.

After all, it is a bit false to say that what Wood did was for the sake of Kotetsujo as a whole, and it was because of her and Ikoma from beginning to end.Because Wood felt that the general might not be able to accept her and Ikoma's two Kabaneri, so he selfishly pushed Sifangchuan Iris up.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a sinister and vicious villain to do this for two people.


But she and Ikoma's best friend, although Ikoma often scolds Wood, Wuming can tell that he misses Wood very much; this time Wood is looking for himself, if he is looking for Ikoma, The guy who abused Wood all day would definitely come here without hesitation.

Wuming sighed somewhat complicatedly, and turned his head to look into the battlefield over there.

I saw that the two people were still fighting in full swing, but their faces were full of fatigue, and there were many scars on their bodies, with blood dripping down.

"It seems that we don't need to do anything." Anna said suddenly.


Wuming nodded, and fear appeared in those big eyes.

After all, that kind of creature is more sensitive to blood than Kabane, and its growth rate...

Scary fast! !

(End of this chapter)

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