I really don't want to cross

Chapter 266 Battle Circle

Chapter 266 Battle Circle

Amidst the rising smoke and dust, Simu Ke fled crazily with a dagger in his hand, and behind him a gluttonous individual with a height of more than 20 meters followed closely behind.

"Honey, are you okay?"

On the other side, Ohama's body was full of light, his face was flushed red, his eyes were wide open, and after hearing Simuke's words, he scolded angrily: "Hurry up, holding back a big move is definitely the same as having a baby!" It’s just as strenuous, but a poof is shit.”



Wuming and Anna's mouths twitched, and then they walked away from Omaha tacitly. They were really afraid that Omaha would hold back something...

Simuke was being chased and fled, and the gluttonous individual chasing him behind saw Simuke's eyeballs red, but judging from the blood splattered from the buttocks of the gluttonous individual, it is not true that the gluttonous individual would be so angry So incomprehensible.

After such a chase and escape, Omaha's big move was finally ready.

"Stop off!!"

Hearing the roar, Anna cooperated and lifted up the wooden sign engraved with the word two.

With the cooperation in the past few days, the tacit understanding between them has been extremely deep. Seeing Anna holding up the sign, Simu Ke rolled to the side on the spot.

The light in O'Hara's eyes soared, and he raised the big knife above his head, and slashed down suddenly!

A low and solemn shout echoed over the area.

A terrifying blade light was like a torrent coming out of the gate, criss-crossing for dozens of meters.All the obstacles along the way are divided into two by this sword light.

The torrent of the knife light cut a wide and straight ditch, and the huge gluttonous individual in the torrent turned into stumped limbs almost in the blink of an eye.

Although I have seen this move several times in the past few days, it still shocked Anna and Wuming.

In addition to the extremely long preparation time for this move, its power is simply extremely tyrannical.

You must know that the strength of gluttony is absolutely comparable to that of a middle-level ghost or even a high-level ghost, but he has no resistance to this move.

However, the side effects are also great.

After Omaha made the cut, if Wuming hadn't supported him in time, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

This knife will consume all of Omaha's magic power, and it will take at least half a day to fully recover. It can be said... this is specially used to deal with gluttony, and it is not practical in actual combat. Once it is cut crookedly, she will basically be slaughtered up.

"Anna, go dig Wood out." Wuming said.

Anna nodded when she heard the words, turned around and ran to a small dirt bag behind her and started digging...

After digging about two meters deep, Wood's purple head came out with a bitter look on his face.

this day...

When is the head.

Nearly three days have passed since the fusion gluttony, and gluttony from all over the world is coming to Wood.

I met at least two or three gluttonous individuals a day, and it was okay at first; but after three days, almost all gluttonous individuals have grown to the level of middle to high-level ghosts, and they have become more and more difficult to deal with.

It would be better if you come across one, just deal with it like today.

But if two of them attack together, Anna and Wuming will also try to contain them. After all, their fighting ability can be said to be not weak now.

However, although they can sense where Wood is, they cannot locate it precisely.

So every time the gluttony comes, Anna will make a big hole on the ground and bury Wood alive in it.

"It's not all good, though."

Wood pouted, even if he couldn't detect other contestants, he could still feel that contestants were being devoured constantly from the connection with the gluttonous individual.

And those contestants who survived also ran away desperately, and were driven in the direction of Wood by the gluttonous individuals, forming an ever-shrinking final circle.

of course……

Wood hoped that all these contestants would be killed by the gluttonous individual so that he could leave this ghost world as soon as possible.

"What's going on with your Saitama-sensei?"

Wuming glared at Wood, and said angrily: "When is this, why is your teacher still wandering around?"

"How would I know……"

Wood smiled wryly, turned around and grabbed a lot of food from the car, and stuffed it into his mouth no matter what it was. Anyway, the physique of gluttony is very good, and eating dirt can't damage the stomach...

And no matter how much I eat, I still don't feel full, and the hunger has never stopped.

we can even say……

If his mouth is idle for more than two hours, he will feel as if he is about to starve to death. When he sees a gluttonous individual, he wants to take a bite.

But no matter how much he ate, his gluttonous body still didn't make any progress. The food he stored was basically cereals, which didn't have the effect of perfecting genes at all.

A few people looked at Wood who didn't even chew, but just swallowed it with weird faces. The way this guy eats is even more terrifying than the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

Wood didn't eat much either. After all, food was limited and he couldn't consume it alone.

After relieving his hunger, he continued: "But there are only two possibilities, either you met an opponent you were interested in, or you saw something edible."

Meet an interested opponent?

something to eat?
A few people were a little bit dumbfounded, the current battlefield is obviously becoming more and more dangerous, is it really okay for that Saitama to be so promiscuous?

However, everyone is looking forward to meeting with Saitama more and more.

Just how strong is a person who can do whatever he wants in this kind of battlefield...


at the same time.

Battles are taking place all over the world, between contestants and gluttonous individuals, and between contestants.

After days of development, the number of contestants has been whittled down to less than 50 people.

Most of the teams have been crippled and driven along by insane gluttony.

And for some reason, these gluttons can accurately know the location of each creature, even if they want to hide, they can't hide.

But don't fight...

Find a direction to escape, and you will continue to encounter gluttony soon.

If you change again, you will still encounter them. It can almost be said that no matter which direction you run, you cannot avoid colliding with the gluttonous individual.

Only in the direction of Wood is it possible to miss the gluttony individual, because the previous gluttony individuals are all targeting Wood, and they are not interested in hunting the contestants caught in the middle.

And as the decisive battle circle formed by overeating continues to shrink, the phenomenon of autophagy between overeating also becomes more frequent.

The gluttony in the outermost circle can almost be said to be hills, and they all carry an extremely terrifying aura.They surrounded the battlefield, the decisive battle circle was reduced, and the autophagy became stronger when gluttony met. This has almost become a rule.

The contestants were not fools, so they naturally saw this, so many teams that met each other had a temporary truce. If they didn't want to eliminate these ghosts, there was no way for them to fight with each other.

But the death of each gluttony individual will strengthen the strength of other gluttony.

This has almost become an endless loop.

In the end, the current situation was created, and the remaining more than 50 people gathered in a range of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Pfft, it’s time to refill the fanfic again. I’ve been refilling all kinds of fanfic and manga for a day, and my head hurts from reading it...

Let’s start with an update today, and make it up in the third update tomorrow. We still have a bit of credibility, and we will definitely make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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