I really don't want to cross

Chapter 290 It should be normal not to take a shower or change clothes for a week... right?

Chapter 290 It should be normal not to take a bath or change clothes for a week... right?
"Be careful, it's coming!!"

At this moment, the archer in charge of scouting in the team suddenly spoke.

Did it really come?

The corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help twitching. Although everything went according to plan, it's too weird. A doll alone can attract demons...

Bang Bang Bang Bang!
A series of muffled sounds approached from far away, and Houst's tall figure gradually appeared in the sight of everyone, his face was full of excitement and anticipation!
Sure enough, it was an underage female demon, right?

To be so excited because of a doll.

"Everyone is ready."

Rex raised his hand slightly: "According to the previous plan, I, Terry, and Sophie are responsible for blocking the demons, and the archers will assist outside, and the rest will depend on you, the little girl of the Crimson Demons."


Youyou nodded vigorously, and clenched the small backpack slung in front of her. Inside were the magic props that she and Huihui bought with all their assets. Whether this team can win or not depends on these.

While everyone was talking, Hust had already come to the front.


The wild running gradually turned into a trot, and finally stopped a few meters away from the doll. After seeing the black cat doll clearly, Houst's face suddenly became gloomy: "Doll?"


Amidst the shouts, Rex and Terry with big swords, and Sophie with a spear rushed out from the slope.

At the same time, three arrows shot out from the archer's hiding place.

"Ambush me again and again..."

Hust didn't evade, the black energy surged from his body, and the originally peaceful face had become extremely ferocious: "You humans, do you really think we are demons easy to bully?"


There were three crisp sounds in succession, and the three galloping arrows had just reached Houst's side before they were smashed into pieces by amazing magic power.

"This is what you asked for!!"

Hoster let out a roar, and a punch full of magic directly collided with the big sword in the hand of Rex who rushed first. Strictly speaking, it should be that Rex's big sword slashed on the fist wrapped in magic power. The big sword didn't even defeat the magic power on the surface of the fist.

This power...

Rex's expression changed, his hands felt numb, the great sword was almost thrown out of his hand, and then his body backed up again and again.

"Go to hell, demon."

On the other side, Sophie, who was holding a spear, shot out from the other side, and the spear went straight to Hoster's head like a poisonous snake.


"Earth Shaker!"

With a wave of Hust's hand, the high-level magic came at his fingertips. Even if his strength was weakened by half by the woman who repaired the city wall yesterday, Hust, who is a high-level demon, is not something these newcomer adventurers can deal with.


According to Hurst's will, he started to flip, and directly buried the bodies of the three people around him below the shoulders into the ground, just when Hurst was about to chase.

Yoyo suddenly stood up, holding a strange magic stone tightly in her left hand, and holding up her magic wand in her right hand.


As soon as the magic wand was lit, the light on the magic stone in Yoyo's left hand that was used to enhance the power of magic quickly diminished, and finally turned into powder directly.

On the top of Hust's head, a thick golden streak appeared out of thin air, and it fell straight towards Hust.

boom! !

Amidst the thunder, Hust couldn't help but let out screams, but the demon's magic resistance was extremely high. Although this blow was painful, it wouldn't cause Hust a serious injury.

"It's so annoying! Damn it, you obviously don't want to use too much magic power...!"

Host, who was in the center of the lightning, raised his hands high.

Seeing this, Yoyo's expression changed, and she hurriedly took out the scroll of 'Magic·Canceler' that she bought at a high price from her satchel, but she didn't throw it out like this. Although Magic Canceler can erase advanced magic, the timing must be grasped Well, it will not take effect until the magic is completed and activated.

"Kammic flames of hell, burn fiercely—Inferno (hellfire)!"

Yoyo's expression froze, and she decided to activate the scroll.


"First line!!"

A lazy voice came, and a golden translucent barrier appeared out of thin air, lying in front of Host.

The sudden change made Yoyo startled, and she forgot to activate the scroll in her hand, because the voice was so familiar.

woohoo hoo...

The crimson flame roared out like a mad dragon, and the 'hellfire', the most lethal fire magic, burned the moisture in the air almost instantly.

Looking at the incoming hellfire, Yoyo's pretty face turned pale all of a sudden, after the interruption just now, it's too late to activate 'Magic Erase' now.

But what happened next left everyone in the arena stunned.

I saw that the astonishingly powerful hellfire collided with the golden translucent barrier in an instant, and just when they thought they would pass through directly, golden light shone from the barrier.

The huge flame group collapsed violently, turned into countless small fire groups, and finally gradually disappeared into the air.

"This is impossible!!"

Host stared, although in order to save the remaining magic power, he did not inject much magic power.But no matter what, it was an advanced magic, and it didn't cause any disturbance to the golden barrier.

"This is……"

"It was blocked so easily?"

The few adventurers who were buried in the soil just realized that, together with Yoyo and Hoster, they couldn't help but look towards the slope.


During the speech, the atmosphere shook violently.

The pressure in the entire area increased sharply, causing a look of horror to appear on Houst's face.

The golden divine power soared into the sky, and even the brilliance of the sun could not cover up the blooming golden light.

The sand, dust and gravel on the plain spread out in all directions as if they had been hit by something.

"...Using this kind of magic on a little girl is too bullying!"

Amidst the golden divine light, a figure dressed in black thief light clothing came down the slope little by little.

Gray hair, vicissitudes of life eyes clearly imprinted in Hust's eyes.

A heart-wrenching feeling, as if encountering a natural enemy, hit Houst's mind like a raging sea wave, making his body tremble involuntarily.

But at the same time, it also recognized the person in front of it.

"It's you!"

"Mr. Wood?"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously, and the surrounding adventurers all looked confused.

Mr. Wood knew this demon?

And what was that golden barrier just now?
Youyou looked at Wood blankly, and suddenly felt that the person in front of her was a little strange. In her impression...Mr. Wood is a newcomer adventurer. Although his talent is extremely amazing, he is extremely lazy and outrageously lazy.

For example, I didn't wash my face, hair, or bath for more than a week, and I never even changed my clothes. I wore the black thief's light clothes when I ate and slept. taste……

Wood frowned.


Suddenly feel very uncomfortable?


(End of this chapter)

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