I really don't want to cross

Chapter 299: Killing People...

Chapter 299: Killing People...

"My lord, are you really early today?"

As soon as Wood walked into the Adventurer's Guild, several waitresses joked.

Although Wood has suddenly become a god, in the eyes of those who often see Wood in the Adventurer's Guild, they don't really feel it. It's just a joke to be called a god... After all, the god of lolicon is really too much. Wonderful.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly, and he decisively ignored the waiter. Today, because Hui Hui made an appointment to go on a mission with those cheating teammates, the morning class ended at nine o'clock.

His original plan was to pick up a task, finish it early and go to the magic shop to continue planning how to package the goods, but the conversation of the adventurers at the table next to him caught Wood's attention.

"This cabbage is awesome. I ate one just now. The experience gained is higher than that of hunting monsters. It's just too expensive."

"Otherwise, do you think the guild is a fool? Buy such easy-to-catch cabbages for a reward of [-] cabbages."

It was only then that Wood remembered that the task of catching cabbage had indeed been announced the day before yesterday, but he was about to go to bed at the time, so he ignored it.

Does it have experience value?
Thinking of this, Wood found a table and sat down, and called the waiter next to him: "The cabbage that gained experience is..."

"It's food."

The waitress smiled slightly and explained: "Some high-end ingredients can gain rich experience points. Unless the royal family and those big nobles want to hone their skills, otherwise few people will do tasks. Those who are noble By eating high-grade ingredients to achieve the purpose of leveling up."

"Cabbage is the most friendly ingredient among the high-end ingredients, but the experience value is relatively low, and it is only effective for newcomer adventurers below level 25."

Wood's eyes lit up slightly: "How much is a copy?"

"A plate of twenty-five thousand erises."


The corner of Wood's mouth moved slightly.

It's so close to the people, eating a plate of cabbage is more expensive than killing a giant frog.

But Wood also understands that the "most friendly" that the waitress said is probably in comparison with other high-end ingredients; and level [-] is considered to be a graduate from a novice adventurer, so it can be said that this cabbage can only be eaten by a novice adventurer.

Other high-grade ingredients are the real luxury.

Wood looked at the size of the plates on the adventurer's table next to him, and said, "I want ten plates."

The stomach bag of the body of the sleeping god is not completely limitless like the body of the gluttony. Although it does not need to eat, it will still feel full if it eats too much.

The waitress responded, turned around and went to the back kitchen.

In the tavern run by the guild, there were several adventurers who were full of cooks. Wood waited for less than 2 minutes, and all the cabbages he ordered were served.

The food made by the chefs of the Adventurer's Guild tastes good, but for Sleeping God Wood, who doesn't need to eat, it doesn't matter whether it tastes good or not.

After eating the game, Wood watched the adventurer card increase by nearly one-tenth of the experience value, and couldn't help being a little surprised on his face.

His level has reached level 19. If counted by killing white wolves, even killing twenty white wolves may not have as much experience as this plate of cabbage. No wonder high-grade ingredients are so expensive.

Although there are a lot of experience points, after eating six dishes, Wood felt full, but he still insisted on eating another one.

With the seven cabbages and the accumulated experience, Wood's level successfully reached level [-].

Looking at the remaining three plates of cabbage, Wood hesitated and asked the waiter to pack them for himself.

after all……

There is also a boss who is drinking sugar water and is working hard to make scrolls. It would be better to bring her some food.

Originally, Wood didn't really care about whether the store wanted to make a lot of money, but he just wanted to learn magic while doing some things that a businessman should do, but now thinking about it...

It is still necessary to make money.

Not only these high-level ingredients, if you want to learn all the advanced magic, you may also need to use the skill potions in the Crimson Demon Clan that cost tens of millions and sell for nearly [-] million.


Jingle Bell--!
After opening the store door, there was a gust of wind and bells, and it didn't take long for Wiz to come out from the warehouse behind: "Welcome light..." When he saw the 1.6-meter wood with a lunch box in one hand and a bag in the other, Wiz was stunned for a moment. Immediately, her beautiful face flushed red.

"Wu...Mr. Wood, what did you do yesterday? That strong drink...ah...that's me..."

"It's only sold once. If you don't tell me, who will know if I don't tell you?"

Wood curled his lips, and said indifferently: "It is only a businessman who can pack cheap goods and sell them at a high price, not to mention that a businessman is a profession that tries to extract money from customers. As long as someone buys it, selling anything is fine." legal."


"Besides, with your beauty, Boss Wiz, those men are lucky to be able to drink the water from which you wash your feet." Wood praised Wiz appropriately.

After being praised by Wood, Wiz's somewhat angry face immediately turned cloudy, and said embarrassingly: "It's not as good as you said."

Wood smiled secretly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "How is the magic scroll doing?"

"More than 200 have been made."

So fast?
Wood looked at Wiz in surprise, and then frowned slightly: "Does making a magic scroll consume mana? Why do you feel that you are much weaker?"

"No... No! After you left yesterday, I went to the public cemetery to save those undead as usual, but I ran into a team of four..."

Wiz shook his head, a look of fear flashed across his pretty face: "There was a high priest with water-blue long hair in that team, and he lost a Sacred Turn Undead for no reason, that's why I became So weak."


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly. This mentally retarded goddess is really merciless towards undead creatures. It seems that the superior demon was also maimed by her...

"Fortunately, the partner of the high priest lady stopped her, and did not continue to attack me after asking why, otherwise I might have died at the hands of that powerful lady yesterday."

Wiz shook his head slightly: "But I don't need to go to the public cemetery anymore, the high priest said that she will do the work of purifying the dead in the future."

Wood nodded, and didn't continue to dwell on this topic. Instead, he walked into the store's warehouse, wanting to see the finished scrolls made by Wiz, but...

When he saw the large extra box in the middle of the warehouse, Wood took a step back, and turned to the bar counter with an extremely stiff neck. Wiz, who was unpacking the bento box, said, "Hmm... what is the extra big box inside?"


Wiz blinked, proudly said: "This is super powerful..."

"I said... what is that?"

Wiz looked at Wood's darkening face, and suddenly remembered the warning Wood had given when he left yesterday, and he felt tense, and hurriedly explained: "No...Master Wood, I didn't spend all the money...Supplier Tell me that this is an extremely popular product, and only the last box was sold to me at a low price. One hundred bottles of potion only cost 1000 million Eris, which is very profitable...really..."

Under Wood's gloomy gaze, Wiz's voice became smaller and smaller...

"...What about the effect?"


(End of this chapter)

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