I really don't want to cross

Chapter 302 Meeting Wisdom Again...Akuya

Chapter 302 Meeting Wisdom Again...Akuya
"Have you heard? The headless horseman, the cadre of the Demon King's army, has occupied an ancient city on the hill outside our town."

"That's right, although I heard faintly that the Headless Horseman is coming to our town not long ago, I didn't expect to settle in such a nearby place!"


As soon as he walked into the Adventurer's Guild, there were bursts of noisy conversations, and an uneasy atmosphere permeated the entire guild.

Wood frowned slightly.

Headless Horseman?
"Ah ah ah ah..."

And just as Wood was thinking, a soprano voice suddenly came from the tavern. The voice was so loud that it stopped the discussions of the entire guild.

Wood's face changed slightly.


Because as soon as he entered the adventurer's guild, he was attracted by those comments, so Wood forgot to check the guild carefully.

Subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but just took a step...


Wood's eyes moved down slowly, and looked at the blue long-haired girl hugging his thigh. When he looked, the girl raised her head at the right time, and her big watery eyes began to shine.

Why does this happen?

If I remember correctly...

The reason why Huihui saw Wood's 'perverted' bad taste this morning was entirely because she and her teammates made an appointment to pick up the task on time at eight o'clock.Therefore, in order to avoid unexpected encounters, Wood didn't come directly to the Adventurer's Guild to eat cabbage after Huihui left, but slept at home until ten o'clock.

In fact, Wood is afraid of being entangled by Akuya, not because of her mental retardation, but because this guy has a halo of bad luck. Wood is so lucky to meet her...

There is always a bad feeling.

"Cough cough..."

A certain goddess may also feel that the actions she made in a moment of excitement are a bit indecent. After coughing, she stood up and patted the dust in an 'elegant' way, and then looked at Wood with a 'gentle' face: " Pious letter..."

"I have no money!!"

Wood replied three words without waiting for him to finish speaking.

"..." Akuya.

"I was still wondering why Akuya rushed out suddenly. I didn't expect it to be you. It's been a long time."

On the other side, Sato Kazuma also came over and smiled at Wood. He was still very impressed with Wood. After all, in this kind of different world, he and Akuya could borrow [-] at once, and he had never been duped. Not much.

At least for Akuya's recent loan, the person who asked for the loan would come to see him with a knife every time... and then the remuneration agreed to be divided before the mission would be arranged by a certain goddess to repay the interest.

Sato Kazuma sometimes really can't understand why this guy doesn't understand all kinds of other things in this world, but is so familiar with how to spend money, and can owe so many loans in such a short period of time...

"Kazuma, who is this?"

Beside Sato Kazuma, a blond girl in pure white knight armor, with noble and cold temperament asked.

"A pervert, I advise you not to get to know him."

As always, her tone was indifferent, because Hui Hui felt that this tone was very forceful, and it could show that she didn't care about any strong people.


The three people in the field were all taken aback, and they all looked at Huihui in unison.

"Aren't you still discussing Protestantism just now? Akuya also said that there is absolutely no god who is so disgusting, shameless, shameless, likes dolls, smells in the room, has no lower limit..."

Akuya was taken aback: "I said so, but why do I feel that there are many adjectives?"

Obviously, this is someone who added his own private opinion to others' words...

"But he and that Protestant..."

Sato Kazuma thought about it, but before he finished speaking, he froze, remembering Aqua's soliloquy when they first met.

"That is to say..."

Darkness also reflected: "He is that pervert... No, my lord?"

do not know why……

Wood always felt that when talking about perverts, this guy's eyes were obviously brightened, and with Wood's ear strength, he could clearly hear things like:

"Would it be too big for me here... If it was smaller, he is so perverted, he will definitely... I have long heard that the Protestant god is a pervert who will become lustful when he sees Lolita, and he is also extremely lazy. Trash who wants to live as easy as possible..."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly. In just a few days, how far his reputation has fallen, although it is true that he is extremely lazy...

"Haha, you are just like me."

Akuya's eyes lit up: "For the sake of being a god, you should just lend me some money."


Wood shook his head directly. It was definitely a wrong choice to borrow this money last time, otherwise he wouldn't be so entangled by her.

"How can this be..."

Akuya burst into tears with a 'wow': "Because of that bullshit demon king army cadre, the weak monsters nearby are all hiding, and the few remaining orders are super-difficult tasks, not us at all. Newcomer adventurers can pick it up, if you don't lend me money... I will really starve to death... woo woo woo..."

Wood looked at a certain goddess who was wiping snot all over her body, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.


After this period of brick-moving career, has Akua's remaining bit of goddess dignity been fed to the dog?

"Hehe, how dare I, a disgusting, shameless, shameless, unlimited..."little" god, be compared with Lord Akuya, don't you think so?" Wood looked at Aku with a sneer Ya, her right hand directly covered her head and gradually tightened.

"Hey... it hurts..."

Wood's claw even used his divine power, and Akua, who was still disgusting Wood with his snot just now, burst into tears.

"Lolita is amazing... hiss..."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, and the strength in his hand increased sharply: "I am the god of sleep, the one who manages sleep!!"


Leaving aside how Akuya reacted, the remaining three all looked 'shocked'.

Isn't he the god of lolicon?

"Ahhhhh... let go... Lord Sleeping God, I was really wrong... I told you if you don't let go, I will complain to you when I go back to the heaven... Help me... I killed someone, this pervert bullied a weak girl, Ah, don't tear my clothes off..."

From the initial begging to the threat, Akuya has completely turned into slander in the end...

Wood took away his palm silently, because he felt that his reputation was bad enough, plus the reputation of bullying mentally handicapped children was not very good.

Akuya smiled triumphantly, and did not tidy up her messy hair like a chicken coop, and said coquettishly: "Hey, Mr. Sleeping God, you are just lending me some money, you just have the heart to watch such a beautiful goddess like me starve to death in front of you!" What about this world? And he still dies with a good-for-nothing cocoon like Kazuma."

"..." Sato Kazuma's face darkened.

Why would you involve me?
And if it wasn't for you, I would definitely be doing better! !

"You have to know that this good-for-nothing cocoon man is one of the two perverts recognized by Axel as ghost beast and true. To die with him is to insult the prestige of us gods, don't you feel ashamed?"

"..." Sato Kazuma.

Wood would never ask who another recognized pervert is, so he said directly: "You are ashamed enough, please don't call me and you together as 'we', and... I and I Your system is different."


(End of this chapter)

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