I really don't want to cross

Chapter 314 Don't even bother! !

Chapter 314 Don't even bother! !

"You... back to normal?"

Wood turned his head, looked at Akuya who was carefully pointing at himself behind him, and said angrily: "Hurry up and go back to the water to soak!"

"Hahaha, that's right, the tone is right!"

Akuya beckoned to her teammates behind: "Come here, unlike the red-haired dwarf just now, this black-haired dwarf has a particularly good temper, and he borrows money as soon as he says he wants to borrow money. He's just a little black-bellied and taken advantage of!"


Wood suddenly wanted to try, if he switched to the blood body now, would he kill this mentally handicapped person directly...


Sato Kazuma and the others swallowed their saliva, and they suddenly admired Akuya in their hearts. After seeing the previous scene, they dared to talk to this person like that. Surely the mentally retarded have nothing to fear?
Accompanied by a muffled sound, a big lump on Akuya's head immediately swelled up, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Wood who jumped up and punched Akua, Sato and Shinto couldn't help laughing: This is the typical end of talking without thinking...

Wood ignored them, grabbed the unconscious Akuya by the collar, and dragged him towards the town.

However, when passing by several adventurers, Wood turned his head and said: "Let the Adventurer's Association send the bounty directly to Wiz's magic item shop, I think there are so many people present, there should be no need to check the adventurers on the way." It’s the program of the card.”

The main reason he said that was...

I can't go through this procedure at all now, after all, the headless horseman was not killed by himself with the adventurer card at all.

Once he went to collect the bounty by himself and asked to go through this procedure, Wood didn't know what to do.

"Ah...huh? Yes, I see, my lord!"

Wood nodded and walked all the way to the town.

The three of Sato and Shino looked at each other, hesitated for a while and followed. Although they didn't say anything before, they have been worried about Aqua for the past two days.

Now that they heard that Akuya had experienced such a "perverted" experience, several people wanted to follow up and discuss how to save Akuya.


You can also exchange it.

No doubt this last idea was that of some crusader.

Many adventurers looked at the few people who left, and it took a long time before there were bursts of whispers.

"By the way... do you think that black-haired boy looks familiar just now?"

"Didn't you hear what he just said? Send the bounty to Wiz's magic item shop."

"That's right, it's indeed the new clerk from the poor shopkeeper!!"

"...Why do you suddenly feel that our Novice Town has become so safe? First, there is a god who can easily wipe out the superior demons...the self-proclaimed 'Sleeping God', and now there is a clerk brother who can easily kill the cadres of the Demon King's army."

"Not only that, the owner of Wiz's magic tool shop was once a famous adventurer, the magic sword hero who was recuperating in the Church of Eris recently also recovered from his injuries, and the high priest with blue hair who made the headless horseman scream just now , all of these people can go directly to exterminate the Demon King!"


The adventurers outside the city gate became more and more excited as they chatted, and finally just sat outside the city gate and began to argue about the possibility of crusade against the Demon King.But they didn’t know that among the people they were discussing, except for the Demon Sword Hero who had the goal of defeating the Demon King, the others either never thought about defeating the Demon King, or they couldn’t even think about it, or they were simply members of the Demon King’s army...


"This address……"

Sato Kazuma looked at the magic item shop in front of him, took out a card from his pocket and compared it with the signboard.

"It really is here, the shop opened by that gentle lich with big breasts."

Hearing his words, Darkness was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted: "You mean the Lich we met in the mission of 'Fighting the Zombie Maker' when we just formed a team?"

"That's right!"

Kazuma Sato nodded, and then looked at Huihui strangely: "You seem to be a little absent-minded from the beginning, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little weird."

Huihui shook his head: "I feel that the hair color of that guy has changed a lot. The white-haired pervert I'm familiar with feels like a wise old man, and he is the kind of old man who has half a foot into the coffin. Although there is an inexplicable sense of sacred majesty, but I am too lazy to let people completely ignore these, in short, I feel very easy to get along with."

"...That's all because you're a loli, right?"

The corners of Sato Kazuma's mouth moved slightly: "I think the black-haired ones are more friendly, at least talking to people other than loli, and they will have a very approachable smile, just like the little brother next door. Harmless feeling."

"You actually... said I'm a loli..." Hui Hui looked shocked.

"Anyway, I feel like I can handle everything except the red-haired one!!" Darkness blushed pretty.

Sato Kazuma said: "Don't do it... Your words and deeds obviously make people very troubled."

"Shall we go in now?" Hui Hui looked at the door of the store in front of him and asked.

Kazuma Sato hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded: "Although Akua has been making trouble, it doesn't feel good as a teammate just to throw her here and suffer. And that black-haired guy feels good talking , go and discuss with him, and it would be good to spread Akua's debts equally on us."

Huihui nodded: "I think so too."

"Well, if possible, as a partner, I must bring Akuya out, even if it is exchanged with me." Darkness said.

The corners of Sato Kazuma's mouth twitched, and the emotion that had just arisen was extinguished by Darkness' words...

After making up their minds, the three of them walked into Wiz's prop shop with firm faces.


Wood, who was looking at the adventurer's card at the counter, looked up and saw a few people, then directly lowered his head and continued to observe the adventurer's card.

What an attitude! !
I really can't afford it.

Sato Kazuma glanced at the shelf next to it, and when he saw the number with at least four zeros on the label, he silently looked back... really can't afford it...

"...Woo...Wiz...that bastard packed me a big bag, look how swollen it is..."

"Wait... Akua-sama, don't hold me and cry, your tears fall on me and I feel numb."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I want to eat the most expensive kind of earth dragon barbecue in the guild tavern for dinner, as well as the dessert you bought for me yesterday, and the top-notch fruit wine. ..."

"Yeah... I got it, I got it, let me go first, Master Akua."

Kazuma Sato and others: "..."

This is……

what happened?

Are prisoners treated so well?
Several people looked at each other and walked towards the warehouse, but when they reached the door of the warehouse, several people couldn't help but glance at Wood on the counter, and opened the door and walked in after finding that the other party did not stop him.

"Hey, Kazuma, Megumi, Darkness, why are you here?"


A few people did not reply, because what caught their eyes was...

The scene of Akua holding juice in one hand and banana in the other, soaking in the water with her clothes on.


"Ha ha."

Kazuma Sato said with dead fish eyes: "Goddess of mental retardation, is this what you call daily destruction?"

"Yeah, you don't even know..."

Akuya narrated what happened to her these two days to several people with tears in her eyes.

"That is to say... put it in a cage, let a group of dirty and lowly creatures attack it all afternoon, was it hit by an alligator?" Sato Kazuma said with twitching corners of his mouth.

Huihui continued: "Smear the potion on the cage, so that all kinds of animal-shaped creatures bumped into the cage without stopping all night, and it made you spin around, and your legs went weak from fright?"

Darkness said: "Soaking in water is using you to make holy water to pay off debts?"

"Yeah, otherwise what do you think?"

Akuya tilted her head, and looked at the few people inexplicably.


What the hell is wrong with that misleading statement?
And although the first two items are miserable, they are completely worthless compared to what they imagined.

Sato Kazuma turned around and came to the counter, and smiled obsequiously at Wood: "That...Master Wood, how about we make a deal?"


"After repaying her debt, I will let our honorable goddess and precious teammate continue to stay with you to make holy water, and you will give me 100 million... no, 50, um... 20 is fine. Yes, it's a good deal."

"do not want!"

Without hesitation, Wood added with a black face: "Even if you pay me 100 million in a month, you definitely don't want it."


(End of this chapter)

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