I really don't want to cross

Chapter 316 Frog Killer?

Chapter 316 Frog Killer?
"Brother clerk, brother clerk..."

At this moment, a shout came from outside the guild, interrupting Wood's thinking.

Follow the reputation.

I saw a regular customer of Wiz's magic tool store running towards him anxiously, but this 'regular customer' is not the one in the ordinary sense; he goes to the store every day to see beautiful women, but he doesn't know what to do. A frequent visitor to money-buy-things.

"what happened?"

Wood looked at the big man who was out of breath, and asked with some doubts.

Could it be that Wiz has entered something weird?
Thinking of this, Wood himself shook his head and denied it. You must know that the prodigal store manager, every time he buys and stores goods, it is difficult for even Wood to find out.

Not to mention this big man who often ran into the store for a while to look at beautiful women.

This is why Wiz has a good temper. When Wood visits the store, the first thing he does is to push people away. People who don't buy things are not customers, so there is no need to be polite.

"Hurry back and have a look, our new Axel prosecutor named 'Sena' suddenly rushed to your magic item shop with a group of people, saying that he wanted to sue for subverting the state. Manager Wiz."

Wood's face darkened: "What? The crime of subverting the state?"

What did this prodigal bitch do? How did opening a magic item shop have anything to do with the crime of subverting the country?
Could it be that the identity of the cadre of the Viz Demon King's army has been exposed?

"It seems that some kind of evil props of 'suicide attack' were sold. Someone used this prop to attack the noble and important people in the capital. Since I didn't show up from the beginning to the end, I can only rely on those props to track it down, and finally found it here..."


The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, a suicide terrorist attack...

Frog killer,

Must be the frog killer!

Wood, an unscrupulous businessman who sold 'means of crime', suddenly understood and couldn't help laughing a few times.

This really can't be blamed on Wiz.

However, Wood's previous worry dissipated. Long before the sale of this product, he had habitually prepared for the worst.

"Sato Kazuma."

Wood waved to Sato Kazuma, who was staying warm in the guild.


Sato Kazuma rolled his eyes: "Why? Let me tell you... If Akuya stole your money again, then go to that mentally handicapped person to ask for it, and I will definitely not help her pay it back. I am now because of her relationship, but still owe a debt."

"Do you want to make money!"

Wood raised his wallet: "Hey, help me with something, how about paying you 50 yuan afterwards. Although it's not much, it doesn't go through the guild, so you don't need to deduct the debt."

"I do... no matter what I do!!"

Decisively let Wood have some mercy...


"That... Prosecutor, I really don't understand what you are talking about?"

When Wood returned to the store, Wiz was arguing with a dark-haired woman in uniform and glasses.

"Master Wood, you are back now."

When Wiz saw Wood, he rushed to greet her, knowing that she was one of the cadres of the Demon King's Army.If he was caught by the prosecutor and exposed his identity, even if he was wronged, he could only choose to run away.

"She said that we sold extremely evil props here, and she wanted to close down our shop. She also said that I was suspected of participating in the crime of subverting the state."

Wood nodded, then stepped forward and smiled at the black-haired woman, "Excuse me?"

The black-haired woman looked at Wood coldly, and when she saw Wood's immature face, she wrinkled immediately, but she still replied: "Serna, who was recently transferred from Alcanretia to Axel New prosecutor."

"Hello, Prosecutor Sena."

Wood bowed slightly, and said: "I am one of the owners of this store, and I am mainly in charge of sales, so if you have any questions, you can ask me. But before that..."

While speaking, he turned his head to look at the several knights who were pasting the seals in the shop and said, "This 'new' prosecutor, can you ask these knights under your hand to stop their movements first, my staff here Things are very precious."

"Are you the boss too?"

Sena didn't answer Wood's words, but asked back.

"That's right! If you don't believe me, you can ask any local in Axel."

Sena nodded when she heard the words, but then sneered: "Sorry, I can't accept your request, because now I want to arrest you in the name of attacking the royal family with thieves."

Attack the royal family?

The corners of Wood's eyes moved undetectably, no wonder there was such a big fuss, it was really nonsense to attack the royal family with such a broken thing.

But he just smiled immediately: "Is there any basis?"

"This item called 'Terror Attack' is sold by you, right?" Sena didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a palm-sized item.

Wood smiled slightly and said: "It is indeed sold here, but I don't know what 'terrorist attack' is, because the name of this item is 'Frog Killer', and it is the leading magician of the Crimson Demons—Piao You can directly contact the Crimson Demons to confirm the works of Great Mage Saburo."

Frog killer?
Sena frowned, looked at Wood carefully, and couldn't help muttering in her heart, because a brat...serious speech is really a bit against the law.

However, Sena immediately adjusted her emotions, and said coldly: "Then what is its function?"

"Of course, as the name suggests, it is specially used against giant frogs, and it is only effective against giant frogs."

"Fight against giant frogs?"

Sena sneered, and pointed at the frog killer on the shelf: "This kind of magic item, which costs 30 a piece, is only used to fight against frogs. Do you think I will believe such a thing?"

"If you insist on not believing, what can I do?"

Wood spread his hands, and said helplessly: "After all, you are a high-ranking 'new' prosecutor. I am a businessman, and I am what you say?"

"Since the beginning, you have repeatedly emphasized the word 'new', are you questioning my ability to do things?"

Sena said in a dissatisfied tone, obviously a little displeased by Wood's repeated emphasis: "Of course I won't wrong a good person, but this thing is indeed sold by you, and I think, in this novice town There are probably not many people who will buy this thing..."

"Well, please wait!"

Wood directly interrupted Sena's words, and said with a strange face: "I want to ask Mr. Prosecutor, have you ever bought a weapon at a weapon store?"

"of course."

"Does that mean that if you killed a certain nobleman with a weapon bought in a weapon shop, the owner of the weapon shop would still be charged?"

Sena frowned: "Of course you don't need it, but the situation is different now. The props you sell here are obviously not for legitimate purposes, but..."

"What's the difference? Does the weapon store have to divide the weapons into good guys and bad guys?"

Wood sneered: "Prosecutor Sena, what I sell here is only a frog killer that is used to fight against giant frogs, and there is no 'terrorist attack' as you said, so please don't embarrass me, a small businessman. Royal Family When I was attacked, instead of arresting the murderer, I came to arrest a businessman, do you want to use me, a small businessman, to take the blame?"

"And evil props?"

Wood didn't give Sena a chance to speak at all, and said with a sneer, "Hehe, I also sell all kinds of powerful magic scrolls here, did someone use magic scrolls to kill you, and I'm the only one who assists in attacking the prosecutor. ?”

Sena gritted her teeth: "Don't secretly change the concept."

"How did I secretly change the concept?"

"In the past month, there have been many incidents of giant frogs self-destructing and attacking caravans around Axel. Don't they have anything to do with you?" Sena pointed to the shelf and sneered, "Who can useless props that cost 30 yuan?" Will you buy it to kill frogs?"

"Shop manager, quickly bring me two frog killers. I must avenge myself for being swallowed by a giant frog!!" A certain brown-haired boy ran in and shouted anxiously.

Serna: "..."

Wood spread his hands: "I'm sorry, because the giant frog in hibernation woke up from hibernation for some reason, the frog killer is still very popular. Yesterday, a big man who called himself a 'civilian' bought ten frogs with money. Some frog killers said that their poor daughter was eaten by giant frogs, and he wanted to kill all the frogs for revenge."


(End of this chapter)

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