I really don't want to cross

Chapter 323 Wood suffers from insomnia...

Chapter 323 Wood suffers from insomnia...

A desert spreads out horizontally, reflecting the golden light under the moonlight.

This is the fringe area of ​​Elode Kingdom, as long as you pass through this desert, you will enter the border of Belzegu.

And just above this desert, a caravan belonging to the kingdom was rushing overnight in an attempt to get out of this bandit-ridden area as soon as possible.

The people in charge of the guards were all soldiers of the Kingdom, but the carriage contained [-] million Eris' high-grade ingredients, so it's better to be careful.Although they felt that in their own country, no bandit gang would dare to touch the kingdom's transport team.

Wood's original plan was to buy [-] million high-end ingredients, but after thinking about it, he simply bought all the money left after excluding the working capital.

Anyway, no matter how much money he makes, after he leaves, he will probably lose all of it to Wiz, so it's better to use it to upgrade him.

After all, once you leave this world, there is no way to upgrade, so Wood needs to save enough skill points in this limited time.

Closer to home.

The caravan traveled overnight, but they didn't avoid the eyes and ears of the bandits, or... since they set off, they have been targeted by a special gang of bandits, but they haven't done anything yet.

On a certain mound not far from the caravan, dozens of figures were gathering there.

"Why don't you do it yet?"

From the outline, a tall Chinese man who was about two meters tall said with some impatience, "Anyway, it's a robbery, why don't we do it now, why do we have to wait until they get to Belzegu?"

"How do I know, anyway, the mysterious person who hired us said that we should get the transaction fee before we start. Although we don't know what the transaction is, but we can not only harvest these goods, but also earn another transaction fee. not to mention……"

A dwarf next to him curled his lips and looked at a certain figure behind him: "If you want to get an extra [-] million bounty, just do it. The employer even sent a little boy to supervise us."

And the person he was looking at was a young man with a slightly thin figure who looked about 20 years old, but the appearance of this young man was extremely outstanding; his fair and handsome face, with slightly raised eyebrows, gave people a very strange look And an evil feeling.

The young man said nothing, but smiled awkwardly.

"However, are we going to go into the city to rob?"

"How is it possible? The employer said that he would let the buyer come out to meet him. We just need to listen to that little boy's orders."

"Tch, I really don't understand what the employer is thinking. He actually put a sissy in our team. Do you want the brothers to use him to vent when they are lonely?"

"That's a good proposal."


Hearing the ridicule of these people around him, the young man still had that timid smile on his face, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

These fragile human beings like babies can now be arrogant.

Anyway, the purpose of Rockcraft, who summoned himself to this world, was to blame these bandits for robbing the national transportation team. After the mission was completed, these bandits were useless.

At that time, as long as I deliver this batch of ingredients to the Demon King Army, I will have a long period of free time to enjoy everything in this world.

He never dreamed that his role as an infantryman in the demon army would be summoned to this world. Although it is a bit dangerous to come to this world, human beings who are as fragile as babies in this world will not do anything to him threaten.

However, it's better to be careful. I heard that the lord of the area I'm in... the head of the seven great demons, the clone of the Duke of Hell who sees through everything in the world is also in this world.

If you meet that adult, you will probably be taken back to hell, right?
It may also be ignored.

There was a wry smile on the young man's face. After all, his own family can be regarded as the bottom race among the demons, let alone...

Shaking his head, the young man didn't think about these things anymore.

Now that you are here, you only need to think about how to enjoy it.

He looked up at the caravan in the distance, and licked his lips. There are some good female magicians in the caravan.


at the same time.

Wood in the villa is experiencing an incredible thing, that is...


It can probably be called an affair.

Wood looked at the plump woman who was smiling sweetly and walking towards him step by step with panting and erotic movements, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly.

Hmm... what is this development?
On the beautiful face of this strange woman, there is a moving expression, and at the same time reveals a hint of shyness, which looks extremely attractive.

However, Wood secretly became vigilant, and his divine power secretly condensed.

Because he actually faintly felt that there was a flame burning in his heart. This is an extremely incredible thing in Wood's view. You must know that his restraint has been amazingly strong after passing through. At this age, most monks probably don't have his concentration. powerful.

Now I actually experience this primitive and dangerous impulse of desire again.

"Guest, what do you need to do to prepare?"

The weak voice made Wood narrow his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed indiscernibly.

kill her!

There is an extremely dangerous ability in this woman, which directly elicits the most primitive impulse from his soul, and it is very dangerous for him to continue like this.


Wood was stunned, as if he had thought of something vaguely, but he was a little confused, as if something he knew clearly was blocked by something to prevent him from remembering.

The woman approached step by step, and at the moment when Wood was about to switch to the blood body to give him a one-hit kill, the woman fell down extremely abruptly.

There was a muffled sound in Wood's ear at the right time, which made him open his eyes involuntarily.

No, it's a succubus.

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched, remembering what Akuya said tonight, and turned his head to look towards the window.

"So... is that why the dead otaku went to bed early?"

At the window, a little girl with two horns was lying there, and her posture was extremely weird, her two white thighs were hanging by the window, her face was pressed tightly against the floor, and she was making a series of snoring sounds... …

"It seems that the succubus has a very strong control over the soul. It can actually make me dream for a moment."

Wood pondered for a moment, and suddenly understood.

This succubus was obviously found by Sato Kazuma, but it ran into his room in a daze...

And he used his ability on...he was barely a sleepy god.

The scene in the dream seems to be extremely long, but the flow of time between the dream and reality is completely different, and the outside world for a few years in the dream may be just a moment.

The succubus was obviously affected by Wood's divine power the moment he cast his ability on him, and fell asleep first...

Wood hesitated for a moment, got out of bed, grabbed the succubus by the neck, and threw it directly along the second floor window.Then he locked the windows amidst the cry of "Hey Yo", and lay back on the bed.

But I don't know why... Wood actually suffered from insomnia.


(End of this chapter)

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