Chapter 344 Useless


The corner of Fuxue's mouth twitched, who can tell me... what happened to this bastard who suddenly relaxed physically and mentally, as if he had reached the realm of 'no desires, no desires'?

"Brother Wood?"

"Jenos, I suddenly feel that the first half of my life has been in vain."

Wood glanced at Janos, and the calmness on his face was even greater: "This kind of touch, as well as this spiritual shock, are the softest feelings of a man. The feeling of deja vu, the emotion of returning to the original point of the dream, as if everything It’s like experiencing it in a dream, so familiar...and so wonderful.”


"Is it really heaven?"


An incomparably cold laughter came: "I'm really sorry, this is hell!!"


Wood froze for a moment, and then the calm on his face was broken, because his whole body had been dragged up by some unknown force, tilting his head to see Fuxue's gloomy face getting farther and farther away, Wood couldn't help swallowing Mouth spit.


Murderous intentions hidden in the gentle village, this sentence is absolutely correct.

"That... misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding..."

Before Wood could finish speaking, Fubuki waved his right hand as if chasing flies, and Wood slapped towards a wall with a whole 'swish', but remembering what Genos said earlier, Fubuki withdrew most of his strength.

But with the remaining strength, Wood, who was in the succubus state, didn't even have time to switch his body. In the blink of an eye, he was directly embedded into the wall...

"Sure enough, Brother Wood in this state is really weak."

Genos looked at Wood passing by him and nodded, took out a pen and drew Wood embedded in the wall in a large font on the notepad, and wrote next to it: It has been proved by experiments that Brother Wood's Not all forms can enhance strength.


With a muffled sound, Wood, who slid down from the wall, hit the ground.

"Broken... hiss... the bone is definitely broken..."

Genos heard that a golden ray radiated from those mechanical eyes, scanned Wood's body and said, "Don't worry, Brother Wood, Fubuki from Hell is very measured, it's just a slight strain, the bones are not intact. Big problem."

During the speech, his hands were not idle, and he wrote in his notebook:
The body ability is extremely weak, equivalent to most C-level heroes, and its physical strength and own strength are only about twice that of normal humans.

Ordinary humans can easily reach Brother Wood's current state after certain training.

Conclusion: only gorgeous appearance, no research value!
After finishing writing, Genos closed the notebook directly, too lazy to pay attention to Wood behind him.

"Fix the walls by night."

Saitama lost interest after taking a look at it. In his eyes, the strange changes in Wood were not as attractive as the manga in his hand.

" really hurt me like this."

The corner of Wood's mouth twitched slightly, and he fought back the pain and got up from the ground. Since Janos said it was just a small strain, it was absolutely fine, and he didn't need to switch his body to heal himself.

You know, there is a beautiful woman I know in front of me, and it's not Akuya's mentally handicapped woman who can make people ignore her gender; it's not that perverted Darkness; Guilty middle school girl.

This is a normal woman, different from Axel's strange women who might endanger his life.

This is an extremely rare, normal and familiar woman.

It's no wonder that Wood is like this... Although he has experienced so many worlds, the women he knows are extremely limited. After all, Wood has never had a good impression of women.

So the women he can remember... are all the innocent little girls like the cursed sons... but for those cursed sons, Wood has always treated them as younger sisters or daughters, even in the state of succubus. What other thoughts will arise.

And once the cursed son was left behind, Wood sadly found that... the female friends he knew, such as Wuming, Yiqirihe, Omaha... Basically, they are already married.

suddenly found out...

It's really a tragedy to live by yourself.

Wood felt extremely desperate for the first half of his life, because apart from the cursed son, the women he knew could be counted on one hand...

"It's so weak?"

Fuxue looked at Wood's misery and pain, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes: "It really is a spectacle but not a use."


Wood stared, this is absolutely unbearable.

"You'll know if it's useful or not if you try it!"


Chuuxue sneered, raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

Wood only felt his body tighten, as if being held by an invisible big hand, but this time he did not choose to sit still, the black spots in his eyes lit up, and a strange fluctuation emerged out of thin air.

drop by drop...

Genos turned his head all of a sudden, the pair of mechanical eyes fell on Wood, and whispered to himself: "Strange, the data has not changed, why did it cause a reaction?"

"Seductive gaze~!"

The black spots in Wood's eyes slowly rotated, looking extremely strange.


Fuxue's face changed slightly, and she only felt her brain tremble, as if a wall suddenly appeared between her brain and the ability to control her thoughts, cutting off her ability to think from it.

how is this possible! ?
This discovery caused a flash of shock in Fuxue's eyes. This was something she had never experienced before. It was different from her sister's violent destruction with the same thought ability; It feels like all the ability to think is sealed.

Is it really useful?
Wood's eyes lit up slightly, and the ability to read can also be said to be spiritual power. It is normal for Wood, who is extremely good at controlling the soul, to restrain him.However, in terms of his current soul strength, being able to do this kind of thing can be said to be both in Wood's expectation and somewhat beyond Wood's expectation.

Although his soul is extremely strong, it is overall. The soul shown by Wood is just a part of the succubus.

"What a joke!!"

There was a look of anger on Fubuki's face. It would be fine if it was in other aspects, but only with superpowers... She absolutely does not allow anyone other than her sister to be stronger than herself! !
A head of black hair fluttered up, and the invisible power of thought exploded.


In the dark, there seemed to be a crackling sound, which made Wood's face white.


The pain in his soul was directly ignored by Wood, because... Seeing Fuyuki floating up in the room with a black face, he couldn't help swallowing, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry. Middle use...ahhh~~~~"

Before the words fell, Wood slapped the wall again.

But this time, the wall collapsed overwhelmed, and Wood fell into the toilet behind the wall.


Qiyu sat up immediately: "If you want to throw it away, just throw it downstairs from the balcony, so how can you let me go to the toilet!!"

"Don't worry, teacher."

Genos took out a large iron box from under the bed: "A few days ago, after fighting that ninja who overreached and wanted to challenge you, I asked Dr. Cusno to build me a mechanical arm for repair. Whether it’s filling potholes in the streets or repairing walls, it’s going to be easier.”

"Is your focus wrong?"

Wood, who had recovered his human appearance, patted the dust on his body and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing that the situation was not good at that moment... Wood hastily switched bodies, after all, the body of the succubus is too fragile.

And if he hadn't switched his body in time, it wouldn't just be as simple as the wall of the toilet collapsing...

"I will put this account on your Fuxue team."

Wood glared at Chuuxue angrily: "As an uninvited guest, don't you think you are a bit too much?"


Chuuxue dissipated her ability to read, and said with a sneer, "For a man like you who admits that you are useless, nothing can be done too much. I just woke you up out of mercy."

"..." Wood's mouth twitched.

These words,

Can't refute.


(End of this chapter)

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