I really don't want to cross

Chapter 357 You Are Not Qualified

Chapter 357 You Are Not Qualified
The muffled sound sounded almost at the same time, making Chuuxue feel awe-inspiring.

Looking down, she saw a long and deep ditch on the ground where she was standing before, and the surrounding ground collapsed.

This scene made Fubuki's face turn pale. If Wood hadn't reminded her, if this blow hit her who was defenseless, she would definitely be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

And what caused all this was only a long whip with thorns about two centimeters thick.

"Yo, did you escape?"

Jiao Didi's voice came suddenly, and the owner of the long whip let out a sharp laugh: "But, is it really okay to just abandon your partner like this?"

Before the words fell, the long whip was raised again, drawing a few dark afterimages in the air, and lashing towards the people in the Chuuxue group who were still in a state of confusion.

"Be careful!!"

Chuuxue restrained herself and was shocked, she grasped the void with one hand, and her mind power condensed into an invisible big hand, and dragged it towards the long whip.

But at the moment of contact, Fubuki's face sank.

Good weight!

The strength of this long whip is a bit terrifying, and she and Wood are in midair, and she has to distract herself to support herself, and the strength of her mind ability has also been weakened to a certain extent under double-minded use.

The long whip collided with the mind ability, forming an impact vortex in the air. As the long whip swung again, there was a dull cracking sound, and Wood clearly heard a muffled grunt from Chuuxue's mouth beside him.

The figures of the two of them flickered, but they quickly stabilized and gradually fell towards the ground.

And in this short period of time, the long whip with thorns had struck everyone in the Fuxue group with incomparable accuracy, but the force was obviously not as strong as the initial blow.

"It's really hard work for you. You sent me slaves all the way." The owner of the long whip smiled charmingly, and looked at Wood who had landed behind and said.


Fubuki frowned, and instantly understood why the four heroes who were obviously unconscious at the beginning would suddenly stand up and attack Wood. The appearance of her subordinates crawling up like walking dead confirmed her guess.

But at the same time, she also saw clearly the owner of the long whip, which was a humanoid monster, because except for the typical Shaking Queen's dress, he was almost the same as an ordinary person.With a heart-shaped birthmark etched on her forehead, her fiery figure looked alluring in revealing outfits.

"It seems that the reason why those miscellaneous fish attacked us was entirely because of your manipulation."

During the speech, Chuuxue's pretty face became extremely cold, and there was a strong murderous intent in his voice: "That is to say, as long as I kill you, can I release their control?"

"Kill me? Threatening to kill me, a ghost-level weirdo...Nu S? Hahahaha..."

The woman laughed out loud as if she had heard a huge joke.

Amidst the laughter, the long whip came galloping like a poisonous snake, with a fierce howl.

"This kind of trick can only deal with some miscellaneous fish."

Fubuki glanced at the long whip disdainfully, and the ability of thinking directly formed an invisible barrier.

Amidst the explosion, gunpowder smoke rose in the void.

Nu S frowned, and flicked the wrist holding the long whip in an extremely slight arc, but just this flick made the long whip turn into whip shadows as if it had become conscious, attacking Fuxue from all directions.

bang bang bang...

A series of muffled sounds came out, and the impact formed a whirlwind that swirled and wreaked havoc around Fuixue.

But it couldn't do any harm to Fubuki.

"Didn't I tell you it's useless!!"

Fuxue raised her head, suddenly a gust of wind blew up around her, causing her black hair to dance wildly: "Give up your resistance obediently, release the hypnosis of my subordinates, and I can spare your life!"

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Nu S clicked his tongue a few times, and put on a frightened look: "This really makes me shudder, but... I won't die, I haven't met such a cute toy as you for a long time. Come on! My slaves, if you want to get my love, fight for me to the death!!"

Fuxue's face darkened slightly, because at some point those people from Fuxue's group had surrounded her and Wood behind her, and following Nuo S's order, everyone rushed towards her.


Fubuki's expression changed. Although she appeared relaxed, she was actually not relaxed. The whip was so powerful that she couldn't be distracted just by dealing with it.

Now these controlled people rushed forward, if she was distracted from dealing with so many people, she would not be able to concentrate on fighting the ghost in front of her.

"Don't look, quickly transform and help me control everyone!"

As soon as this remark came out, Nau S on the opposite side was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this was said to the little boy behind Fuuxue who had been protected by him all the time.

But she also paid attention to that man before, but then she didn't care.Because if it wasn't for Fuxue just now, that little boy would have died at the beginning of the battle, just a good-looking trash, even though she was ready to take him as one of her slaves.

And the fact was just as he expected, when his slave rushed to within half a meter of Chuuxue, that little boy still didn't move.

"Hahahaha, obediently be my toy!!"

This made Nu S couldn't help being overjoyed. This woman is obviously using superpowers. Presumably it is the elder sister of the pair of superpower sisters who controls her. ' Take control together.

At that time, I can also become a member of the dragon-level cadres.

"You're still in a daze..."

Seeing that Wood didn't move, Chuuxue hurriedly shouted, but just halfway through speaking, Wood behind her suddenly moved.

But instead of switching bodies as she expected, she just took a step forward in such an ordinary way, but this ordinary step... caused the dust around the soles of the feet to rise up one after another, an invisible and strange feeling. The breath rippling all around.

It also made all the slaves controlled by Nuo S pause, as if they were suddenly petrified.


This scene made Nu S's pupils shrink, and she vaguely felt that the invisible threads in her mind were violently torn apart by an invisible energy, which even caused her brain to feel dizzy. feel.

"It seems that these two meetings have made you have a certain prejudice against me..."

Wood walked up to the shocked Fuxue, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't think I'm nothing but handsome, do you?"

Fubuki came back to his senses, gave Wood a weird look, and then nodded.

"Isn't this nonsense, of course I think so."


Wood's hand on Chuuxue's shoulder froze, this girl...wasn't too shameless.

"However... I still underestimated your face. To be able to take it for granted that you are 'besides being handsome', in a way, you can also be called strong." Fuxue added in a flat tone. With a knife.


The corners of Wood's eyes twitched, and he suddenly had the urge to turn around and back.

"What the hell did you do?"

Nuo S withdrew his long whip and looked at Wood warily.

She can be sure that the charming man in front of her didn't make any unnecessary movements, but just walked out from behind in an ordinary way.But it was this ordinary action that easily broke the ability she obtained after turning into a eccentric.

Wood raised his head and glanced at the woman on the opposite side, the dark spots in the pupils slowly rotated, making Nu S, who had been staring at Wood, look suffocated, his eyes gradually became confused, and he felt as if his soul I was sucked in by those eyes.

"Your Majesty!"

The two words lightly made Nu S's body tremble, and his legs gradually bent down as Wood ordered, and he knelt down involuntarily.

Fuxue couldn't help being shocked when she saw this scene, and didn't understand what Wood had done.

On the opposite side, Nu S was still kneeling down, but a struggle gradually appeared in those eyes, and the struggle became more and more intense, until finally that pretty face became ferocious.

Just when his knees were less than ten centimeters from the ground, Nu S screamed, stood up suddenly, and took a few steps back due to inertia.

"what did you do to me!!"

When he looked up again, Nuo S looked at Wood with horror in his eyes.


Wood blinked his sour eyes.

Even if he mobilized all his strength, he still couldn't control the ghost-level monster. You must know that he used the charm when the other party was defenseless.

Having said that,

Wood's face remained calm, but instead showed a touch of sarcasm, and asked, "What did you do?"

Wood raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and with the crisp sound, those people around him who were being manipulated fell limply, causing Nuo S's expression to change, and at this moment, Wood's voice came in a timely manner: "I just do something similar to yours."

"Playing with the soul in front of me, you are far from qualified."


(End of this chapter)

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