I really don't want to cross

Chapter 360 Ready to leave

Chapter 360 Ready to leave
At the same time, Wood, who was in City B, didn't know that because of Xiao Xia Shi's meddling, he was being targeted by a few immortal things.

If he knew, he would definitely find a chance to kill a few old bastards. After all, he wanted to become a member of the Heroes Association so as not to fight the weirdos. In the end, these old bastards wanted him to go to the front line to fight the weirdos.

It is absolutely impossible for Wood to agree to this point, and he has never had any righteousness in his heart.

For example, if the teacher asks the students what kind of person they want to be when they grow up, Wood will definitely answer to be an ordinary citizen.

Because someone will definitely say: I will be a scientist when I grow up and make contributions to the general public... I will be a hero when I grow up and protect the safety of the people...etc.

The sky is falling and there is a tall one standing on it.

When the human side can't stand up to the weirdo, Wood will never hesitate to slaughter a city as a vote to stand on the side of the weirdo.

As the saying goes...

Dog lives matter! !
Just like now...

"I said you are enough."

Fuxue looked at Wood who immediately hid in the corner when he heard any movement, his pretty face was full of weirdness.

Why is such a bastard who hid immediately when he heard the sound of mice crawling, so strong?It is too unreasonable! !

"Don't you have the dignity that a strong man should have?"

Wood, who has recovered his human body, gave Fuxue a blank look: "Dignity is useless. Haven't you heard a famous saying? It's about saving face and suffering."

"..." Fuxue.

In fact, she also admires Wood, because this guy can always be cowardly and confident... This is something that people with a little shame can't do.

at this time.

The cell phone in Wood's pocket rang suddenly, and after looking at the phone number, he found that it was Nizso calling.

"Little boss, you are really amazing."

As soon as the phone was picked up, Nizisuo's excited voice came over: "If you hadn't asked us to evacuate to Q City in advance, this time it would have been really miserable."

Hearing Nizisuo's angry voice, Wood could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In order to avoid bringing the weird organization that was chasing and killing him to Xiao Wu's side, he had never dared to take the initiative to contact Wu Xiao and Nizisuo, and now he felt a little worried when he heard Nizisuo's voice.

"Brother Wood?"

"Give me, give me, let me tell."

"Tina, why don't you go to bed during the day and grab the phone?"

"Why do you sleep in broad daylight?"


The excited voice of Wu Xiao's voice also came.

"Brother Wood, are you okay?"

"Well, it's all right. Has there been an attack by a weirdo on your side?" Wood asked.

"Yes, but..."

A few little girls came to the phone, and you told Wood what happened in Q City word by word. After listening, Wood couldn't help but sigh that his vision was right, and there really wasn't a single one whose expression resembled Mr. Saitama's. It's easy to mess with.

Like City B, City Q was also attacked by weirdos, but all the weirdos were dealt with by the 'Police Dog' in a short period of time, including even digital ghost-level disasters. In action... City Q is the city with the least loss.

But at the same time, the uneasiness in Wood's heart became more and more intense. Originally, he thought that the combat power sent by the weird organization was concentrated in City B and City Z. He did not expect that the attack range of the weird organization actually covered all cities, or even every city. There is at least one ghost-level weirdo in the capital.

Its background makes Wood shudder just thinking about it.

"Brother Wood, you don't need to worry about us. The Heroes Association has sent A-level heroes to protect our place, and the police dog man has been staying in the central square near our office building for almost 24 hours, so there is no danger on our side."

Wood nodded secretly when he heard the words. In fact, he hoped that those S-ranks could personally protect a few little girls, but those S-ranks were not what he could mobilize.

But since the target of those weirdos is me, there should be nothing wrong with the little girls.

Although the large-scale action of the weirdoes is terrifying, it also reveals a message that the Weirdmen's Association may not be ready to confront the Heroes' Association head-on.

Because this action can be said to have caught the Heroes' Association by surprise, and at the same time weird people appeared everywhere, causing the Heroes' Association to fall into a panic; but when the Heroes' Association was about to organize a resistance, all the weirdos just quit as soon as they saw it. Instead of doing more damage, the evacuation of major cities began.

It can be seen from this that the Monster Association does not want to fight the Heroes Association or is not yet capable of confronting the Heroes Association, but Wood is more inclined to the former, otherwise they will not catch the son of the Heroes Association patron.

Wood is not clueless about the practice of the Weird Association.

After all, weirdos are weirdos, and their nature makes them used to acting alone, and weirdos who are alone are often easily defeated; this kind of nature cannot be erased with orders or force, but if the Heroes Association attacks the door, it will It's completely different.

Holding the chess piece of the patron's son of the Heroes' Association, the Heroes' Association can only choose to take the initiative to attack.

Because once the son of Nalikin dies, it will not only be as simple as losing a patron, but everything the Heroes Association has worked hard for in three years will suffer a great loss, whether it is the approval rate of the public...or the patron...

Nobody invests money in an organization that can't protect their families, and people who give large sponsorships to the Heroes Association are doing it to protect themselves and their relatives, like Wood.

If you can't even do this, what right do you have to take my money.

It can be said that the Weird Association's move of only arresting the sponsor's child and letting go of the sponsor is completely vicious.

"Brother Wood, according to the information we have received, the Heroes Association will find out the address of the Monster Association within three days, and then attack the Monster Association three days later to rescue the sponsor's son."

Xia Shi also saw through this point, so she said that there is no danger on her side, although there are reasons to reassure Wood, but there is more basis for it.

"So, Brother Wood, you have to be careful. Since the weirdo association hopes that the matter of the sponsor's son being kidnapped will gradually simmer, then you will definitely not let go of your goal."

As for why we have to wait for this matter to ferment, the reason is very simple.

public opinion!

For these two words, Wood also likes these two words very much.

Because most people are egoists, when they find that the Association of Heroes cannot protect themselves, many people in the human race may fall to the side of the weirdos, and may even take actions such as parades to express their position to the Association of Weirds, and at the same time to express their stance to the Association of Heroes. Association pressure.

It can be said……

Even if the Heroes Association wins in the end, it will suffer heavy losses.

Because human beings have developed dissatisfaction, distrust, and even hatred towards them.It can be said that it is difficult to save, so Wood said that the move of the Weird Association is really vicious, and it is completely to destroy the Heroes Association.

But these...

Wood didn't care about it at all, although he also thought about how to save the reputation of the Heroes' Association if the Heroes' Association won in the end.

But that was on the premise that the Heroes Association won, and Wood would not bet his precious life on them.

and so……

"Wait for me in Q City, I will send you guys back to Academy City to stay for a while, and then I will go to other worlds."


Xia Shi and the others were startled.

Go back to Academy City?

Wood glanced at the countdown in his mind, and when he felt something was wrong, he had already activated active time travel.

Although he can also avoid the limelight in Academy City, he can't stay there for long at all, so after sending a few little girls there, Wood will directly travel to the next world to avoid the limelight.

Since the general attack was launched three days later, the incident should be resolved when he comes back in a week.

At that time, we will choose which side wins, but Wood thinks...

The final victory should be the Heroes' Association, because the Heroes' Association has a B-level bald head who is cheating!
The plan when I started the book was to use the Hungry Wolf chapter as the last chapter... As a result, when I started the book, the Hungry Wolf chapter was more than half finished, and I wrote almost a million words... The Hungry Wolf chapter is still the tip of the iceberg, and the data is too large. I can't write at all...

Sure enough, I have to add a few more worlds... At least I can't finish the book until the end of the hungry wolf chapter, it's hard...

(End of this chapter)

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