I really don't want to cross

Chapter 368 Take You Away...

Chapter 368 Take You Away...

"I want to eat ground dragon cake..."

Wood paused while dressing, and slowly opened the curtains on both sides. Looking at the sweet sleeping appearance of Aina and Buzz, a smile appeared on his face.

"never mind."

A gentle voice echoed in the room, and Wood left the house again.

At the corner of the street, the two wolf-headed men were still chatting there.

"There's a nice Asian tavern opened in the northwest corner of Front Street, do you want to go together tonight?"

"Oh? It's only for demihumans?"

"Of course!"


The same people, the same words, as if everything in my memory was just a dream.

But Wood knows...

That was no dream.

"I want twenty salamander cakes."


The bold boss looked Wood up and down, and laughed loudly: "Why didn't you ask for dragon cakes today, even though you didn't have any, hahahaha!"

Wood smiled slightly and didn't speak.

The bold boss seemed to see that Wood was not in a good mood, smiled slightly apologetically, and handed over the salamander cake that Wood wanted.

After buying the Salamander Cake, Wood didn't stay on the commercial street, but went back home directly.

"It's scones again, you guys are really a waste of money."

Wood sighed when he heard the words, put the salamander cake on the stone table, looked at the two little ones and said, "Do you believe me?"


The sudden question made both of them startled.

"Did you not wake up, what were you talking about in your sleep this morning? You idiot...have...what...what..."

Buzz's voice became smaller and smaller, because he found that there was a serious look on Wood's face that he had never seen before, which gave him a completely different temperament from the past, not the old slum uncle. The feeling of waiting to die.

It's a feeling that can't be described specifically, but it seems to be alive.

This made both of them unbearably nervous.

Aina hurriedly ran to Wood's side, hugged Wood's arm tightly with both hands, as if she was afraid that he would leave just then, and then nodded firmly and without hesitation.

"So... so what if I believe it?"

Buzz turned his head to look aside, and muttered softly, "Isn't this nonsense?"


A gentle smile appeared on Wood's face, and he rubbed Aina's head: "Don't go watering the vegetable garden today, pack up your things, and I'll take you out of here."


Buzz was taken aback.

Aina also froze for a moment, but then nodded without hesitation.

"It will be very dangerous here, so I want to take you to live in another place. I dare not say anything else..." Wood looked at Buzz and continued: "But I can guarantee that as long as I am in one day, I can let you live to live a normal life, which will continue even when I am gone."

Buzz still hesitated when he heard the words, but finally nodded and didn't say much.

In such a quiet atmosphere, the three of them ate breakfast on the stone table. Wood took advantage of the second child's carelessness and used magic to freeze the remaining cakes, so as to ensure that they would not spoil. Just warm it up.

Two hours later, Wood was carrying two large packages, standing outside the courtyard, looking at the hut in front of him, which gave him a hard-won peaceful life for half a month, and sighed slightly.

Buzz looked at Wood's appearance and curled his lips: "Ah, I'm finally leaving this ghostly place, but where are we going next, idiot, have you ever thought about it?"

"Take a step and see." Wood laughed.


Baz rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I shouldn't have believed what you say, you idiot."

Wood picked up the package in his hand: "Where to go has not been decided, but before that, we have to find someone."

After a few hours of thinking after the reset, Wood gradually understood why nothing happened in the "origin", but the first "death reset" caused Er Xiao to die.

If he guessed correctly, the giant beast that froze the slums last night should be the palm-sized cat named 'Parker' who followed Emilia, and it was the only one...

Only in this way can Wood be frozen without even having time to react.

This is precisely what Wood has forgotten.

Natsuki Subaru did not meet Emilia, so according to the original development... Emilia's death is unavoidable; in the same way, it is also unavoidable for Parker to break away from the contract and recover his body.

And why is Er Xiao of 'Origin' okay?
According to Wood's speculation...

It's not that Emilia from "Origin" didn't die, but that Natsuki Subaru died in front of Emilia, so the world entered the first "death reset", and naturally there was no so-called "Parker Rampage" event occur.

In other words, as long as you make good use of the second 'death reset', you can definitely avoid Erxiao's death.

But before refreshing the save point...

Nayuki Subaru must be alive, if he dies, he will only end up in an infinite loop.

So before leaving, Wood will take Lai Yueang away from here, because Parker, who is running away, is definitely not enough to freeze a slum. The hidden power in the capital will inevitably start a big battle with Parker.

Leaving Natsuki Subaru here, the chance of death can be said to be extremely high.


In front of the fountain, the teenager in casual clothes looked at the familiar scene in front of him, with deep confusion in his eyes.

Natsuki Subaru has been standing here for a long time, he is thinking...

Everything I have experienced is real, or it is just a dream.

What happened in the cold night?
Or...he had already guessed what happened at that time, but he couldn't believe it.

Also, who is that mysterious kid who looks like he is only fourteen or fifteen years old?


Want to kill me again?
Countless doubts filled Natsuki Subaru's mind, making him stand here blankly, watching the pedestrians coming and going, not knowing what he should do now.

But at this moment, a teenager carrying two packages and two children appeared in his field of vision, walking towards him step by step.


Nayuki Subaru subconsciously stepped back, with a look of fear on his face.

Isn't it a dream?

"follow me."

Wood was not surprised by Natsuki Subaru's reaction. After all, he had killed him once, but this time he was going to rescue the tragic hero: "If you don't want to die, follow me."

This sentence brought Nayue Subaru back to his senses, and at the same time, he couldn't help but turn pale: "Who are you...why are you..." He didn't say the next words, because he felt that at the end A biting cold breath enveloped his body.

The scene in front of him has completely changed. The pedestrians on the street have disappeared at some point, replaced by... endless human corpses and various monster remains.

However, it all came and went quickly.

In a blink of an eye, everything returned to normal, the boy was still standing there, with a gentle smile on his face, he said to the children beside him: "This is brother Natsuki Subaru, and he will walk with us for a while until the next day. cities."


What the hell is going on here?
What kind of bullshit is this different world, it's too scary, right?
"If you don't want to die, don't talk nonsense."

"..." Natsuki Subaru.

I want to go home! !

(End of this chapter)

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