Chapter 376
"You live there under the city walls, don't you?"

The slums are not big, so you will inevitably see them a few times when you live here. Although Felut did not recognize Wood at the first time, he recognized Baz and Aina who were hugged by Wood. After all, it is one of the few slums with children her age.

"You come here to do..."

Felut continued to ask, but Lord Roma next to her suddenly stood in front of her with a mace in his hand, looking at the weak figure with a serious face: "Felut, stand back, that brat is very serious!" Danger."

"This is really interesting."

Parker on Emilia's shoulders gradually floated up, staring at Wood intently, with a half-smile expression on his face: "I've lived for so long, this is the first time I've seen someone like you Woolen cloth."

Emilia looked at Parker a little strangely. She knew Parker's character well...

At this moment, Parker was vigilant, more vigilant than ever before. Is this thirteen or fourteen-year-old kid really so scary?

Thinking of this, Emilia couldn't help but carefully looked at Wood a few times, and finally her eyes fell on the two children who were hugged by Wood, and her pretty brows frowned slightly.

Wood didn't care about the eyes of everyone present, or his attention was not on these people at all, but fell into thinking.

I don't understand.

I can't figure it out anyway!
Wood gently put the two children on the ground, and this scene caused a strange look in Natsuki Subaru's eyes.

What happened to those two kids?
But then his attention was diverted, because the scary kid was already walking towards him.

"Hey, you don't want to kill me, do you?"

Seeing Wood's murderous gaze, Nayue Subaru's current mood can be described as lying down.

"Enough is enough for you, we don't know each other at all, why do you always want to kill me?"

"Feel sorry!"

Wood shook his head slightly, moved his feet, and instantly appeared in front of Subaru Natsuki.

"Let's do it all over again..."

A cold voice mixed with helplessness came to Nayue Subaru's ears, and the familiar shadow of death enveloped him again, completely denying him the chance to beg for mercy and ask questions, but the last sentence of this stinky brat made Nayue Subaru a little concerned .

Are you going to die again?
This idea flashed through Natsuki Subaru's mind.

And at this moment...

"Is that really the case?"

A voice came over suddenly, and then Natsuki Subaru felt a chill on his neck, a not-so-big hand was resting on the side of his neck, and the owner of the hand looked towards the door with ecstasy on his face.


Natsuki Subaru swallowed hard, and while bending over to avoid the palm, he backed away, and then followed Wood's gaze.

only see...

Beside the door, Emilia was squatting beside the two little ghosts, bursts of milky white light blooming from the palms of her hands.

"Do you know what's going on with the two of them?"

Before the words finished, Wood had already appeared beside Emilia, looking nervously at the two children whose breathing gradually stabilized, the whole person no longer had the feeling of wanting to destroy everything before, and the murderous intent that permeated the surroundings was also at the same time. Time disappeared without a trace.


Natsuki Subaru and Lord Roma both breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't know what happened, the crisis seemed to be temporarily resolved.

"What did you feed them both?"

Emilia turned her head to look at Wood, her brows frowned slightly: "If they weren't protected by a strong energy, they might all be dead now."

what did you eat?
Hearing these four words, Wood was stunned and didn't listen to Emilia's next words at all.

Is it...

The problem lies with the two little ones?
In that case, their death would be inevitable if left undisturbed.

But this way...

The 'origin' where everything is safe and sound is somewhat unclear. Why does everything develop according to the 'origin', but there is an opportunity of 'inevitable death' in the two little ones?

"Strictly speaking, it should be two days ago... that is, the night of NO.12. What did you feed them?"

Emilia seemed to be sure of something, and asked Wood again.

"Just plain vegetable scones."

Wood carefully recalled two days ago, that day was as usual, the three of them stayed at home and never went out.He who has been staying with the two little ghosts all the time, can be sure that the two little ghosts have never eaten anything suspicious.

"Only scones?"

Emilia frowned: "Think about it carefully, have the two of them eaten a kind of blue fruit that is about the size of an eyeball?"

"A blue, eyeball-sized fruit?"

Wood shook his head, but his expression changed immediately: "The fruit you mentioned...the two of them picked some back last night. Buzz said that he saw someone in a tavern eat that fruit as an appetizer."


Emilia became even more confused when she heard the words, and gave Wood a strange look: "Are you sure?"


Wood nodded affirmatively.

Leaving aside the original point of being safe and sound, and the first, second, third, and fourth "death resets", the time to eat fruit was indeed yesterday.

Wood clearly remembered that on the day he ate fruit, he went to the commercial street to sell vegetables, and when he bought cakes, he heard that Emilia would arrive in the capital today. After returning home, Aina reminded him to water the fields early tomorrow morning and so on.

Then the next morning was the starting point of everything. The ground dragon meat was sold out, and the boss said that it would arrive tomorrow. After that, there were four consecutive death resets.

Wood will never remember this wrong.

Emilia frowned and thought for a long time. Parker, who was floating in the air on the other side, breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "Give these two children a drink and you will know if it is true. If it is indeed a snake eye fruit , then Emilia, your treatment plus alcohol mediation should temporarily save them from danger."


Before it could finish speaking, Master Roma at the counter threw a bottle of wine over.

"Thank you."

Wood nodded to Master Roma, and then carefully handed the bottle of wine to Emilia. This scene made everyone in the field look a little weird. After all, this seemingly harmless child, It was still looking murderous just now.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can connect them together.

Wood looked nervously at the two children who had been fed a sip of wine by Emilia alone, and found that a blush appeared on the faces of the two children after swallowing the wine, and the sound of breathing became much smoother.

While this made Wood happy, he couldn't help being a little bit dumbfounded.

These four resets...

Except for the first time, in the remaining three times, it seems that I pushed the two children to a dead end.

He thought about all the possibilities, but he never thought that the problem was caused by the two children themselves, because he can say with certainty...the two children at the same time in the original point had absolutely no physical problems, and everything started from the first stage. Started with a reset.

After being frozen by Parker, the two children began to die at the same time continuously, and because of the fact that the origin was fine, he never thought that there was something wrong with the two children's body.

And listen to what Emilia means...

The 'opportunity' for the two little deaths was two days ago, obviously not a special case of the fourth reset.


(End of this chapter)

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