I really don't want to cross

Chapter 413 Archbishop ~ Subaru Natsuki! !

Chapter 413 Archbishop ~ Subaru Natsuki! !

"Well... generally speaking, it should be to treat myself who is about to die, and then I ran to various places, and ended up beating people for various reasons... Unknowingly, it became what it is now. "



Natsuki Subaru and Beatrice looked at each other.

"Haven't you ever practiced?" Nayue Subaru's mouth twitched slightly: "The male protagonists in those novels, animations and games all have to practice, fight monsters and upgrade? Don't tell me that you have never practiced before. ..."

"Cultivation... I haven't really done this before, but I have been fighting monsters and upgrading for a while."


Nayue Subaru rolled his eyes, clearly expressing his disbelief. It's not that he doesn't believe that Wood hasn't practiced, but that he doesn't believe... the bullshit monster-killing upgrade, does this bastard really think he's playing a game?

"Then you didn't take the initiative to think about becoming stronger in the past?"

Beatrice's whole person is a bit bad. If it's really what Wood said, her 400 years of hard work are not worth it, right?

"There was a period of time." There was a smile on Wood's face, and the immature faces of Academy City could not help appearing in his mind: "During that period, there were many things I wanted to do, so there was a period of time." Time gave birth to the idea of ​​risking your life to become stronger, but... Later, I did it without becoming stronger; no, strictly speaking, I also became stronger, although it was not from my will."

"..." Natsuki Subaru.

This guy... is simply a model among nerds, and there is no lower limit to his attitude towards life! !
"Aren't you good at magic?"

Natsuki Subaru suddenly remembered his experience when he came to this world and died at the hands of Wood for the second time. That time he and those Witch Cultists died at the hands of Wood in the state in front of him. There is no way to forget.

"Well, but I can't teach you."

Wood curled his lips, he was really too lazy to explain to Nayuki Subaru about adventurer cards, using the rules of the world, etc., and directly gave the simplest and most direct explanation: "I am the god in charge of sleep among the 800 million gods, so I There is no way for you humans to learn the magic you use."

800 million gods?
Beatrice frowned, why didn't she know that there are 800 million gods in this world?

Unlike Beatrice, Natsuki Subaru couldn't help being stunned, and after a while he said with an expression of displeasure: "You still say you didn't come from the same world as me?"

"Is this the focus?"

Wood shook his head: "You can understand it as a parallel world. In the world you live in, the 800 million gods are just a legend, but in the world I have been to... 800 million gods really exist. It's exactly the same as your world."

Nayue Subaru nodded in understanding, and then looked at Wood with a strange look on his face: "Since you are a god, can I be safe by praying to you?"

"You really think that gods are omnipotent...huh?"

Just as Wood was about to look down on Subaru Natsuki, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said, "What did you just say?"


Nayue Subaru was taken aback by Wood, hesitated for a moment and said, "Since you are a god, shall I worship you..."


Wood's eyes lit up: "Just worship me, you come to be my believer in this world, you come to establish a religion that believes in me, so that you can become an archbishop, and if you become an archbishop, you should gain some power... um ,perhaps."

"Become your disciple?"

Nayuki Subaru blinked and looked Wood up and down: "It's not impossible, but... believe in a guy like you, my biological instinct is resisting."

"Well, it's just a formality. You just need to become the archbishop and help me spread the religion. As long as other people believe in me, it doesn't matter whether you believe in me or not."

Wood squeezed his chin: "As long as I use the method of descending from the gods to leave a mark on you, in the words of this world, I will give you protection. At that time, with your identity as the archbishop as the medium, other people's beliefs will pass through you Come and pass it on to me, that is to say... the more believers you develop, the stronger this mark will be."

Nayue Subaru's eyes lit up: "What power will that give me?"

"I don't know, anyway, my last archbishop..." Wood twitched his mouth slightly, thinking of the fanatical lolicon mature woman from the 'Lolita Protector's Cult', he shook his head hurriedly and said: "She got the title of the high priest. Power, proficient in all kinds of magic to expel undead creatures, healing, and even resurrection, I don't know how she got it."

Wood is really not sure about this.

After learning about the sect that was secretly established, he also inquired about the identities of those members of the sect, and found that most of these people were ordinary people who were not qualified to be adventurers, but after believing in him, they somehow became qualified .

Among them, the fanatical lolicon high priest learned the magic of the high priest without changing his job, so he was recognized as a blessing from the gods at that time. Normal to normal.

Although Wood himself has done nothing...

If Subaru Natsuki becomes the archbishop, the only difference between him and the perverted woman is the issue of faith. As long as he is blessed by himself, he should be able to achieve the same effect as the high priest Linda.

"make a deal!!"

Natsuki Subaru nodded vigorously.

The corners of Beatrice's mouth twitched as she watched from the side. She didn't know why... Suddenly, she felt like she was witnessing the birth of another Witch Cult. These two gangsters gathered together, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed very bad.

Seeing that Nayue Subaru agreed, Wood couldn't help but feel a little happy. Although Nayue Subaru's strength is poor, but his familiar personality makes it easy to get along with others, and he is undoubtedly the best candidate for a preacher; Nayue Subaru, he doesn't have to establish any god religion by himself.

Thinking of this, Wood stood up, pushed the door open and walked out regardless of the reactions of the other two.

About 10 minutes later, Natsuki Subaru saw Wood walking in with a bunch of small wooden statues the size of a palm.

"You can build the temple when you have money. Before that, use these first. I will make a huge stone statue for you later."

"Isn't it?" Nayue Subaru's face darkened: "I don't have the money to build a temple for you. Since you are a god, you can build one yourself."


Wood gave Nayue Subaru an angry look: "Which god have you ever seen build a temple by yourself..." Wood paused, his face twitched slightly... Although it was given to Yato, his first temple was really a I built it myself...

The temples scattered all over the world of One Punch were also built with their own money, but in that kind of doomsday world, there are very few people who believe in gods.

"Ah, that's right!"

Nayue Subaru had no doubts, nodded and said: "If you can really gain the ability at that time, I will definitely build you a beautiful temple!"

Next, Wood tried the "God Drop" that Yato had demonstrated to him once. This ability already existed in his mind when he became a god, but he never used it.

Unlike Yato, who descended on Yiqi Rihe's body and controlled Yi Qi Rihe's body like a ghost's upper body, what Wood did was to leave his own mark on the door in Natsuki Subaru's body. As for this mark What will develop into...

It all depends on how many followers Natsuki Subaru can develop for himself.

"Is that all right?"

Natsuki Subaru clenched his fist, but didn't feel any changes in his body.

Wood smiled and didn't explain.

But Beatrice on one side stood up and walked around Nayue Subaru. Nayue Subaru couldn't feel it, but as a great elf who was extremely sensitive to all energy fluctuations, she could clearly detect , the door in Nayue Subaru's body is gradually changing.

Although it is still very weak, his body is indeed changing, and there is also an inexplicable connection with Wood.

"By the way, since it is to promote divine religion, it must have a purpose. What is the foundation of our religion?"

"Protect Luo...cough cough cough..."

As soon as Wood smoothed his mouth, he almost blurted out the purpose he had heard the most.

The influence... must be the influence of believers...

Wood coughed dryly: "Defend world peace!"


Nayuki Subaru was silent for a while, then turned around and waved his hands: "Let me think about it myself, you are more suitable for destroying the world than saving the world."


(End of this chapter)

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