Chapter 431 Return Countdown

For the next few days, Wood and Beatrice stayed in the forbidden library, and did not take a step out of the forbidden library.

And Natsuki Subaru is uncharacteristically, he hasn't opened the door of the forbidden library room these days.

Without his presence, the entire forbidden library gives people a feeling of 'isolation'.

Regarding the fact that Natsuki Subaru did not come to the door, judging from Wood's guess...

This guy must be having a date with Emilia every day that only he understands the meaning.

"That's Betty's!"

Beatrice said a word without raising her head, making Wood's paws stretched towards the dessert stiff.

this girl...

Do you feel more sensitive?
"Tsk tsk, you are too stingy!"

Wood curled his lips, his hands dropped quickly in mid-air, grabbed a piece of dessert and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing and mumbled: "I'm leaving tomorrow, so give me these desserts as a farewell gift. "

Although it is not what Wood expected, the system often jumps out without warning when it is about to be forgotten by Wood.

Starting early this morning, the countdown to the comeback has already begun.

Although Wood can choose to stay here for a certain period of time, he is not prepared to do so, because no matter how long he stays, he will return to the week after he left, so it is better to return directly.

Anyway, if everything goes well, I should have achieved my purpose of coming to this world when I go back now, perfectly avoiding the confrontation between the Hero Association and the Monster Association.

As for which side has won.

I still need to go back and confirm...

Although Wood doesn't think Saitama-sensei will lose to anyone, he is a little worried about Genos.

Although the strength of my junior brother is not weak.

But... He often loses the chain at critical moments. After a full-scale war between the hero and the weirdo, Genos is so nosy, it can be said that he will definitely participate. If he is careless in that kind of battle, he will definitely be beaten to pieces by the weirdo iron!

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

A look of complexity flashed across Beatrice's pretty face, and the hand that turned the pages couldn't help tightening, crumpling the pages.


Wood put his hands behind his head, sighed and said: "It's time to go back and confirm some things. Although I trust my teacher, I still have some worries." After speaking, Wood smiled: "What? Don't you really miss me?"

"Hmph, Subaru Natsuki is enough for an idiot, do you want to be one too?"

Beatrice said coldly, and then continued emphatically: "It's too late for Betty to be happy when you leave."

"It's so sad."

Wood smiled: "I really miss you."

Hearing this, Beatrice froze for a moment.

"It's been a long time since I get along with people so easily." Wood leaned back on the chair and said with a wry smile: "Maybe this kind of life is just a daily routine for you, but it's been a long time for me. The life I have been pursuing for a long time, although..."

The wry smile on Wood's face was even worse: "After I really got it, I realized...the life I've been pursuing is actually not what I want in my heart."

Not everyday!

Beatrice glanced at Wood, and for some reason suddenly had the urge to say these four words aloud.

For her, this short period of time compared to 400 years is insignificant...

It's not a boring routine.

However, Beatrice resisted the urge.

No matter how special this period of time is, Wood is...after all, just a passer-by for her.

Just like those who have been here for 400 years.

At this moment, the door of the forbidden library was pushed open, and Subaru Natsuki's proud face came into the sight of Wood and Beatrice.

It's no wonder that he is proud of himself. After the World of Warcraft forest incident, the maid sister took good care of him, and Emilia went to Alam Village with him every day to teach the villagers radio gymnastics; Desperate Yanfu.

"Yo, scumbag otaku and ultra-young rotten girl, do you miss me, the one and only gorgeous handyman and the archbishop of the Sleeping God Sect, Subaru-sama Natsuki!!"

"If you came to Betty just to make this disgusting self-introduction, then Betty will let you enjoy the feeling of the curse attack." Beatrice looked up, watching this slam into the sky very unhappy, hitting Asshole who cuts off his own conversation.

"Oh, my archbishop."

Wood greeted me enthusiastically, and said with a smile: "Lately, it seems that you have really worked hard. There are many people who believe in me in Alam Village."

Although I don't know how Nayue Subaru did it, but there are so many believers in such a short period of time in a small village of [-] households. It is true that Wood is a little surprised by Nayue Subaru's ability.

However, to Wood's surprise, Natsuki Subaru did not show off his achievements triumphantly as he imagined, but looked at Wood with a strange face: "Don't you know?"

"Huh?" Wood was taken aback.

"That's right, you've been living here all this time, I don't know it's normal." Nayue Subaru pouted, and changed the subject: "Although I have been working hard to develop believers, those believers are not just me. The merits of people, you will know when you go to Alam Village."

Wood smiled when he heard the words: "If it's about the temple, I already know this. I felt the faith from the temple a few days ago, and I did a good job."

"Do you feel it?"

Nayue Subaru froze for a moment, then smiled wryly, "I didn't do that."

Wood was really surprised this time. He always thought that Natsuki Subaru built a dilapidated small temple in the village, so he didn't pay attention to it. Now Natsuki Subaru actually said that he didn't build it?
"After the incident in the World of Warcraft Forest, Roswaal and Ram mysteriously studied the ability you blessed every day."

Seeing that Wood already knew the existence of the temple, Natsuki Subaru was not keeping a secret, and continued: "Then a day later, Roswaal hired a large number of construction workers, and even cast magic to speed up the construction speed, and the 'Sleeping God The temple' is built."


Hearing this, Wood and Beatrice looked at each other, and both saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

How could that guy who can't afford it early suddenly be so kind to help him (Wood) build a temple?

This doubt flashed in the minds of both of them at the same time.

Wood pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up, but he suddenly remembered what Roswaal had been pursuing all along!

"Did you tell Roswaal about the ability of the high priest? Like things like resurrecting the dead?"

"I said it, what's the matter?" Natsuki Subaru looked at Wood inexplicably.

"That's no wonder."

The corner of Wood's mouth curled slightly. Roswaal was interested in the high priest's resurrection skills, which was only good for Wood, not bad.

"Ah, that's right!"

Natsuki Subaru suddenly remembered his purpose of coming here, and said: "Emilia said that a bard came to Alam Village, and she asked me to ask if you want to go."

"A bard?"

Wood repeated these four words, it seems that Liliana has arrived.

Thinking of this, Wood shook his head: "It still counts..." Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Beatrice on the side.

"go with!"

Beatrice turned her head and glanced at Wood beside her: "Anyway, I'm idle, so Betty is going to listen to how today's bards tell stories."

"Uh, then I'll go too."


(End of this chapter)

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